Chapter 491 The Last Journey
"Boom." Accompanied by a violent explosion, the music enchantment reinforced by the music of Dongmenqian and others shattered under the stare of the huge snake head that came out of the mist.

Because of the shattering of the music enchantment, the incidental impact also caused Dongmenqian and the others who reinforced the enchantment to be blown away, scattered and fell to the ground in the center of the square. All suffered a little scratches to a lesser extent.

Fortunately, the impact at the end was not strong, and they were not performing on some high stage, otherwise it might not be as simple as scratches.

"how is this possible?!"


"Our musical enchantment!"

"Why is this?!"

The few people who were blown away struggled to get up from the ground. Their bodies were only slightly scratched, but their hearts were hit very hard, and they all had incredible expressions on their faces.

The music enchantment they regarded as their greatest reliance was actually broken, and it wasn't broken by the enemy's fierce attack, but it was broken directly by such a light stare.

The commotion began to spread from the crowd, not only Dongmenqian and the others couldn't believe that the music enchantment was broken so easily.The surrounding crowd was even more unbelievable. The originally strong defense was destroyed by the opponent's understatement. So how strong is the opponent?

Moreover, looking at the huge snake head above his head, it is no longer a snake. With such a huge head, all the human beings put together are not enough to fit between his teeth.What kind of monster is that?It turns out that we have been doing right with this horrible monster.Deep fear and despair emanate from the bottom of the human heart.

"Yes, that's right, that's it. Fear, despair. All fear and despair are so delicious." The bright red eyes stared at the humans on this small planet, feeling the freshness emanating from these humans Yurmgunter showed a trace of undetectable satisfaction in the despair.

"Is this the shadow that Sister Lianxin has been worrying about? It's really terrifying and terrifying." Struggling to get up from the ground, Dongmenqian reached out and patted her body with her eyes fixed on the huge snake head above her head. dust, but there was no trace of fear and despair on his face.

"Where is the World Crystal? Where is the Ring of Enlightenment? If you are afraid, if you are desperate, hand them over. If you give them to me, I might be able to keep this planet alive."

The frightening and desperate voice reverberated in the music star again. Without the protection of the music enchantment, Yurmgunter's voice was transmitted to everyone's ears more clearly, arousing deeper fear in the hearts of human beings.

"Just die of this heart, monster. Even if the planet is destroyed, even if we can't get through today, even if there is temporary fear and despair in our hearts. Our beliefs, our will, and the hope in our hearts will not It will go out."

Looking away from the huge snake head above her head, the nameless fear emerging from the bottom of her heart made Dongmenqian's body tremble slightly.However, she still looked firmly at the people around her, and the words she said aloud still contained absolute will.

"Stubborn, since that's the case, you should come into my body with this planet, with the world crystal, and with the circle of principles, and merge with me."

The huge snake head in the universe opened its bloody mouth, and the three-tiered teeth gleamed sharply. With a voice full of despair and fear, Yurmgunt devoured towards the music star.

"Xiao Wang, Xiao Meng, Xiao Xiang, let's start our last journey."

Noticing the huge and deep snake kiss on the top of her head that was devouring the entire planet, Dongmenqian's trembling body stabilized due to fear, a very ethereal and relaxed smile appeared on her face, and she looked at it with a hint of guilt and apology in her eyes. To my three friends.

"Close your eyes, this is our own decision." With a free and easy smile, Beitang Meng picked up the guitar in his arms.There is no fear on the face, and some are only as relaxed as if they are going on a spring outing.

"I'm looking forward to this final journey. This will also be the most brilliant moment in my life. It's good to be able to leave like this." The serious Xiguan Xiang also raised the bass in his hand, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, following Pressing the strings of the bass with his fingers, Xiguan Xiang looked up at the giant snake above his head.His eyes were full of determination and anticipation.

"Whether it's heaven or hell, whether it's a mountain of knives or a sea of ​​fire, I will always be with you. We have always come here together like this, haven't we?" The iceberg melted, and a bright smile appeared on his indifferent face. Looking at Dongmenqian, Nangongwang's eyes showed deep nostalgia and warmth.

"Well, although I'm very sorry Madoka, after all, it's the score I stole. But let's let this score complete our last brilliance." Smiling and looking at the friends around her, Dongmenqian's eyes were full of dark Strong warmth and will to win.

"Let's get started." After the last words fell, Nangong Wang beat the drum set in front of him.Accompanied by the crisp and soothing rhythm, the sound of piano, guitar, and bass are integrated into it.

This is a very quiet piece of music, which is actually not suitable for playing with these instruments of the Suguang Band, but when the Suguang Band started to play this piece of music, it did not make people feel a sense of disobedience.Their mastery of music and musical instruments has reached a certain peak.

"Sleep, sleep, please don't hesitate anymore. Sleep, sleep, forget all the sorrow." Accompanied by the rhythm of the music at the beginning, Dongmenqian played while facing the bloody maw coming straight from the sky While playing the piano, she sang this piece of music that was originally thrown away by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Don't cry, don't be afraid, let me take you home. When the singing sounds, sleep, sleep, sleep~~" With his right hand gently playing on the guitar, Beitang Meng took Dongmen Qian The singing voice sang the lyrics of the second paragraph.

"Let go of all the origins and grievances and resentment." Beitangmeng's singing fell, and Xiguan Xiang continued to sing the lyrics of Beitangmeng.

"You will forget the pain, you will forget the uneasiness." Nangong Wang's slightly cold voice continued to the fourth paragraph as he beat the rhythm of the music on the drum set with his hands soothingly.

"Let black and white and right and wrong blow away with the wind." After Nangong Wang, Beitang Meng and Xiguan Xiang began to sing together.

"To meet your inevitability." After Beitang Meng and Xiguan Xiang sang together, Dongmenqian and Nangongwang also sang together.

"Let the past sink into the sea of ​​samsara, you will forget the hurt, you will forget the haze. After listening to this song, then leave quietly, sleep and don't wake up again. Sleep, sleep..." Finally, with The four sing together the last part of the first half of the song.Rich musical energy erupted from them.

(End of this chapter)

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