Chapter 492 The Last Song
When the four members of the Suguang Band began to sing the "Funeral Song" from Dongmenqian, the rich musical energy began to slowly emerge from them.

The music energy gradually spread, and soon wrapped the surrounding square area.And as Dongmenqian and the others sang, as streams of strong music energy flowed out of them, their bodies gradually became illusory and transparent.

When the first half of "Funeral Song" ended, with the last slight, quiet two lines of "sleep", the surrounding music energy left by the music barrier that was originally broken by Yurmgunter's stare I also began to integrate into the musical energy summoned by their music.

In the slightly quiet singing of the funeral song, large streams of music energy fused together and spread rapidly.In just a few seconds, it spread to the entire planet, enveloping the music star again.

As the music energy envelops the music star, it seems that the original music enchantment of the music star has been restored, and the colorful energy light shines again on the periphery of the music star.However, compared to the original music enchantment, this time the enchantment is stronger and more shining.

As the energy of the music envelops the music star, amidst the quiet and soothing singing of Dongmenqian and the others, all the voiceless people on the music star fell to the ground staggeringly as if they had been hit by a lullaby, and fell asleep. Never wake up.

A soundless tribe fell down, and pieces of dust flowed out of them. In the breeze, all the soundless tribes who fell and fell asleep gradually disappeared in the dust.With this quiet music, the originally huge number of silent people became smaller and smaller.

Outside the universe, when the energy of music envelops the music star, forming a stronger protective shield than the music enchantment.Urmgunter's bloody mouth has also come over.

Regardless of the silent people created by himself on the music star, and the music shield formed in the funeral songs of Dongmenqian and the others, Yulm Gunter swallowed the entire music star in one gulp. middle.

As the music star was swallowed by Yurmgunter, the entire sky in the music star darkened, and the world fell into complete darkness.In the deep darkness, only music energy exudes colorful fluorescence to illuminate the human beings on the planet.

"Zizizi" sounded like the sound of acid corroding something. After swallowing the music star, the gray mist filled in Jurmgunter's body densely covered the entire periphery of the music star, and began to erode this protective barrier crazily. The last layer of music shield for the music star.

"I would like to burn this soul for the last song. I would like to bear this sin and all the wounds. I would like to let time bury this story. I would like to be forgotten together (but leave a skin). Sleep, sleep. Go to sleep, go to sleep."

When they were swallowed by Urmgunter, and the gray mist enveloped the entire planet, the performance of the Dawn Band had reached the last moment. At this time, their bodies were very transparent, and they could even be seen from this side. Clearly see the ground behind them.

As the last lyric came to an end in the chorus of the four people, the transparent four people were almost left with a little golden outline. Starting from the feet, the golden flame began to burn, and gradually burned towards the top of their heads.

"Yiyi, Ni Ni, Shan Shan, I'll leave it to you guys. We must hold on until they come out." As the final music ended, golden flames burned through Dongmenqian and the others' chests, and soon It burned up to the neck and burned towards the head.

However, facing this moment that was about to disappear, the faces of the four of them showed no trace of regret or sadness, but only serenity and a trace of expectation.With such a glimmer of expectation, Dongmenqian and the others looked at the three girls from the Galaxy 123 group beside them, showing one last smile on their faces.

In the last smile full of hope, anticipation and dawn, a golden flame burned past, and the band Dawn disappeared forever in this world.

With the disappearance of the Aurora band, there is sadness all around.Many people couldn't help but see crystal clear tears in their eyes.

"Hey, what's going on, why am I crying?" However, a few seconds later, Lu Wu felt a trace of doubt in her eyes as she touched the tears streaming down her face.

"I always feel so sad, I really want to cry. But it's so strange, why do I feel sad?" Tears were also streaming down his face, and Qin Tian of Sunshine Boys also showed a trace of doubt on his face.

"Why, I feel empty in my heart. It's like I've forgotten something important." Among the surrounding crowd, a soldier holding a rifle who was wounded in the leg frowned and tried hard to remember something, but how could he? Compared with what I forgot.

"I also have this feeling, as if things that should be remembered but cannot be forgotten have been artificially erased. Why can't I remember." Among the crowd, a middle-aged man wearing home clothes but holding a submachine gun Woman scratching her hair with an annoyed expression.

"I'm crying? It's strange, why can't I stop?"

"I always feel so sad."

"Why am I so uncomfortable?"

"I seemed to hear something just now, but I didn't seem to have it."

With the disappearance of the Suguang Band, all kinds of doubts sounded from the surrounding crowd.Everyone felt deep sadness and reluctance, but no one remembered why they had such sad emotions, as if an important person disappeared, but they couldn't remember who that person was.

"Is this "Funeral Song"? It's not death, but a real disappearance. No one will remember you, and everyone will forget you. It's really a sad song."

Looking at the bewildered crowd around him, and listening to the doubtful voices that gradually sounded, Yiyi showed a complex smile mixed with sadness and fearlessness and looked at the two teammates around him.

"Yeah, death is not terrible, because sometimes even if a person dies, he will still live in the hearts and memories of others. What is terrible is being forgotten, but no one remembers you when you are alive. This is more terrible than death. It's sad."

With the same complicated smile on her face, Ni Ni shook her head lightly, but she didn't show the slightest fear, as if the sadness and horror she said were fake.

"Only we remember them, because we have also learned this song." Sighing lightly, Shan Shan took out the folded music score from her pocket and read it again, her face also had the same smile. With a trace of sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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