Chapter 493 Scared But Fearless
Apart from the "Zizizi" music star, the song of the Suguang Band has ended, but the gray fog covering the music star has not disappeared, but has become more intense.

At this time, the music star has been completely swallowed into Urmgunter's belly, and the surroundings of the music star are filled with this kind of gray mist, as if Urmgunter is composed of these mist. Nothing but fog is fog.

In Yurmgunter's belly full of mist, the thick mist surrounded the music star, and gray pythons began to condense around it.With the coiling of the python, the musical star has lost the follow-up filling of music energy, and this reinforced music shield is being corroded at a very fast speed.

If it goes on like this, the music shield will be corroded soon, and the moment the music shield disappears, it is time for the music star to be completely swallowed.

Because, without the protection of the music shield, humans, rocks, and steel, nothing can stop the erosion of the gray fog.By that time, it will be time for music stars to truly perish.

"It seems that the words of Miss Qian and the others are not enough." Looking away from the thinner and thinner music protective cover corroded by the gray mist above her head, Yiyi sighed slightly and stretched out her right hand towards Shan Shan. .

"Captain, I'm very scared, I'm afraid of being forgotten by everyone. Obviously, I finally became an idol and brought everyone happy music. Even after retiring a few years ago, there are still people who remember us. To be liked by everyone, to be remembered by everyone So, I am very happy. Therefore, I am afraid of being forgotten by everyone."

Passing the sheet music in her hand to Yiyi's, Shan Shan's tone trembled a little, and her eyes showed deep reluctance.She misses this world very much and likes everyone who loves her, so she is not willing to leave, and does not want to be forgotten like this.

"If you are afraid, if you don't want to be forgotten by everyone, will you still sing this song? If you don't want to sing, I can just come with Ni Ni. If you can stay until the end, you will remember us, I think, That is also a kind of happiness."

Reaching out to take the sheet music in Shan Shan's hand, Yiyi looked at her with both eyes. There was no blame or persecution in her eyes, the only thing there was relief and firmness.

"No, captain. I'm not trying to shrink back, I'm just expressing my feelings. I'm afraid of being forgotten by everyone, but I'm more afraid of being left alone in the end. I'm more afraid of what I can do, but It hurts others because I didn't do it. So, if it ends up like that, I'd rather be forgotten by everyone."

She spoke words of fear, but Shan Shan's eyes indeed had a hint of fear of disappearing and being forgotten.But in her eyes more is firm belief and fearless will.

"Actually, I am also very scared. If people in this world forget that there was a combination of Galaxy 123, it should be a very sad thing. Just imagining this, I already feel my own Heartache, feeling the sadness that our group has been forgotten."

Listening to Shan Shan's words, Ni Ni, who had been silent all this time, also expressed her fear.While talking, she also covered her heart, as if she really felt her heartache, a trace of pain flickered in her eyes.

"Hehe, it seems that we are all the same. Maybe, when singing this song, sister Xiaoqian and the others felt the same way. But even with this kind of fear, this kind of sadness, there are still some things that must be done .”

"And, you see, have you seen everyone's expressions, have you seen everyone's tears? Even if they have forgotten Miss Xiaoqian and the Dawn Band, they are still sad and crying. Maybe the memory will not stay , but the emotion was remembered. I think it is enough to have such tears that can be shed for us."

Hearing Ni Ni and Shan Shan's words, Yiyi paused when he turned to leave. With a smile on his face, he turned to his two teammates and pointed to the sad people around him.Regardless of whether it was forgotten in the end, at least at this moment, the tears that everyone left for you are real.

After saying this, Yiyi turned around again and walked towards the combination of Lunch Girl and Sunshine Boy.Arriving in front of the two groups, Yiyi handed them the sheet music under their somewhat bewildered eyes:
"Lu Wu, Lu Can, Qin Tian, ​​Yang Guang. I'll leave this sheet music to you. If they still don't come back after us, it's up to you later. But the final decision is up to you. See you later." .”

Handing the score to Lu Wu's hands, Yiyi smiled at them and then turned back to Ni Ni and Shan Shan. Noticing the thin music shield above her head that seemed to be broken at any moment, Yiyi turned to Ni Ni Shan Shan said with a relaxed smile: "It seems that the limit is almost reached, let's start."

"Hey, I hope the last song can reach everyone's hearts. I hope this performance can become our peak performance." Sighing softly, when Ni Ni raised her head, Ni Ni's face was full of tears. With a slight smile on his face, he put his hands on his zither.

"Well, I hope that everyone will not forget me. I hope that some people can remember our Galaxy 123 group. I hope everyone can remember that there used to be a band like us." Making her last wish, Shan Shan raised her hand The hole flute.

"I hope that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou can succeed. I hope that the voiceless people will disappear forever in this world." Following Yiyi's words, the pipa, zither, and hole Xiao version of "Funeral Song" began to sound.

As this ancient version of the funeral song began to reverberate among the music stars, the bodies of Yiyi, Ni Ni, and Shan Shan gradually became illusory and transparent, and the last remaining silent people on the planet were all in It completely disappeared in the second funeral song.

In addition to the music star, the music shield that had been corroded also began to recover quickly and thicken under the music of the funeral song.

After hearing the funeral song played by the three members of Galaxy 123, the forgotten memories began to recover.The surrounding humans all thought of the previously forgotten Dawn Band, and also remembered this quiet piece of music.

However, after a few minutes, along with the three members of the Galaxy 123 group, the golden flames burning in the final accompaniment of the funeral song gradually disappeared.The originally revived memory fell into a blank again. This time, the surrounding humans were even more sad, and their tears were more difficult to stop. This time, they forgot not only the Suguang Band, but also Yiyi, Ni Ni and Shan Shan from the Galaxy 123 group. .

"Sister Xiaoqian...Sister Yiyi..." Looking at the music score in her hand, Lu Wu's tears flowed down drop by drop, and she couldn't stop it no matter what.She had already forgotten them too, but looking at the sheet music in her hand, she vaguely remembered those names.

(End of this chapter)

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