Chapter 494 Pink Light Pillar
"The protective cover is getting thinner and thinner, hurry up, hurry up." Holding the music score of the funeral song in his hand, Lu Wu's eyes were full of anxiety and impatience.In the sky, with the entanglement of the snake-shaped gray fog, the music shield originally thickened by Galaxy 123 began to weaken and thin again. Time is running out.

However, there is obviously not much time left, the protective cover may disappear completely at any time, and the gray fog will rush in at any time.The Lunch Girl and the Sunshine Boy couldn't learn the funeral song quickly.

As the music score of the funeral song was passed among several people, as they gradually understood the funeral song, the forgotten memories began to roll in their minds. The forgotten Dawn Band and Galaxy 123 group were all missed by them. Woke up.

They also thought of the funeral song played by the two bands, and they also remembered that they sacrificed themselves to create such a protective shield just to protect the planet.

However, at this moment, facing this protective shield that might collapse at any time, the lunch girl and the sunshine boy learned the funeral song very slowly.Even if the lyrics have been memorized, even if the forgotten memory has been restored, they still cannot play the funeral song completely.

Maybe it's because of the deep nostalgia for this world in my heart, maybe it's the deep fear of being forgotten in my heart, maybe it's because I don't want to just disappear like this.Whatever the reason, Lunch Girl and Sunshine Boy had a hard time learning this funeral song, and the learning progress was too slow.

Time waits for no one.The gray mist outside the planet will not wait for the lunch girls to fully learn this funeral song to continue to strengthen the protective cover of this music. The fog became more and more rampant and began to erode.

So, when the Lunch Girl and Sunshine Boy finally learned the funeral song with difficulty and were able to play it completely.With a loud bang, the planet fell into absolute darkness.

Wrapping the music star, the seven-color fluorescent light illuminated the protective cover of the music star and finally shattered under the erosion of the gray mist.After the music shield was shattered, a thick gray fog swept across the music star world in an instant, covering all areas on the ground.

"Ah~" A shrill scream sounded suddenly, and with the first scream sounded, successive screams sounded from the periphery of the crowd.

The gray mist has invaded, and as the surrounding humans came into contact with the gray mist, accompanied by screams, these humans were instantly blackened by the gray mist.

The original skin seemed to be covered with dust and turned gray. After that, the water quickly passed away, the skin was dry and chapped, and the cheeks were sunken. Finally, these human beings who came into contact with the gray mist quickly collapsed under the erosion of the mist, and directly turned into a pile of dry Dust scattered on the ground.

In just five or six seconds after the gray fog broke through the protective shield of music and invaded the music star, the last [-] humans in the music city square were instantly reduced by half.

The 5000 people turned into dust in the gray mist like the death of the voiceless people. The death of the 5000 people only took five or six seconds.These gray fogs are more vicious than any virus, more deadly than any poison.

"Hurry up, let's start quickly, or the music star will be finished." Seeing a large number of human beings collapse and die in the gray mist, Lu Wu's heart is full of regret and eagerness, if they can master it faster, start playing sooner If so, these people might not die.

It wasn't just Lu Wu who looked at the sacrifice of human beings with great anxiety, but the other three people around her also felt the same as her.Facing the gray fog that continued to invade rapidly, the lunch girl and the sunshine boy raised their instruments at the same time, intending to play the funeral song they had just mastered.

Even if the music protective shield created by the predecessors at the cost of sacrifice is destroyed, they must use their own strength to prop up a new protective shield, even if the result is to be forever forgotten like the predecessors.

However, just as the lunch girl and the sunshine boy were getting ready to play their instruments, the rapidly approaching gray fog changed suddenly.In the dense gray mist, the thick gray fog pythons rushed straight out, and instantly accelerated to rush to the lunch girl and the others, and opened their mouths to bite them.

Death is close at hand. If the lunch girl and the others play the funeral song, although the last musicians on the earth will disappear like this, it is enough to continue to resist the gray fog for a while.However, if the Lunch Girls die in Shekou, the music star will be completely destroyed in seconds.

Boom, a dazzling pink light shot into the sky.Just when the huge python composed of gray mist rapidly enlarged in the eyes of the lunch girl, and was about to bite the lunch girl, a pink beam of light suddenly shot out from the ground, and the thick beam of light directly covered the entire square.

In the pink beam of light, all human beings are safe and sound, and everyone feels at ease and peaceful in this pink beam of light.However, on the contrary, the gray fog disintegrated instantly after encountering the pink beam of light, and all the gray fog that entered the range of the beam of light was blown away by the pink beam of light.

Not only that, as the pink beam of light shot up into the sky, the beam of light shot straight out from a distance, shooting out the music star, shooting into the darkness of the sky from a distance, and rampaging in Yurmgunter's body.

"Ah~ the hateful world crystal, the hateful ring of circles." The explosion of the pink beam of light brought great pain to Yurmgunt.However, with Ulmgunt's angry howl, a denser fog surrounded, gradually resisted the pink beam of light rushing upwards, and finally offset the pink beam of light.

The thick gray mist dissipated partly, and the pink beam of light also gradually converged and fell back slowly after the initial impact.After all, he didn't stab Yurmgunt right through in one go.

As the pink beam of light gradually converges, one after another rings are connected to each other, forming a pattern like a star map. In such a mysterious pattern, a figure appears faintly in the pink beam of light.

It was a figure unknown to all the humans present, with pink double ponytails combed by a white bow tie, and long pink hair floating behind him automatically without wind, wearing a white dress, full of lace The dress also floated gently.

With the appearance of such a girl, the pattern like a star map shrank slightly and connected to her back, forming a pair of transparent and mysterious pink wings.

"Where are Xiaoqian and Yiyi? That sheet of that so." The pink beam of light disappeared completely, leaving only this girl floating there in the sky of music stars.

The pink girl looked down at the lunch girl and asked softly about the missing people. Before the lunch girl could answer, she noticed the music score in Lu Wu's hand, and the girl sighed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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