Chapter 497 The Music of the Soul

"What to do, I can't stop it at all. Could it be that we have reached the final desperate situation?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan has released all the rings of rules to resist, but because of the weakness of the rules themselves, they can't isolate these noises outside.

Looking at the howling humans below, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought of the unique rules of this world, and wanted to strengthen the ring of rules through music, or use the ring of rules to strengthen the music to cover these noises.

However, these noises are too powerful, even if Zhuang Xiaoyuan has the power of rules, the singing voice sung by these powers will be covered by these noises, let alone the lunch girl and sunshine boy below.

Is there really no other way? Is it really possible to just watch human beings being wiped out in the noise, the planet collapse in the noise, and finally the rule circle disappears with the collapse of the planet, and the energy of the world will also be destroyed by you. Will the absorption of Erm Gunter make him stronger and destroy more worlds?

"Sing, sing, you can do it." Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan clenched her fists tightly, recalling all the power she possessed, thinking of any way to break the predicament at this time, but she couldn't think of any way, and her heart was filled with When you are upset.A crisp voice sounded from the bottom of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart.

"Singing? It's useless, I've tried it, and I can't break through the influence of these noises." Hearing the voice in his heart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied with a wry smile.After answering, he showed a surprised expression. Who was the voice just now?
"Ordinary singing is useless, but there is a song that will definitely be useful." As the crisp voice sounded again, a character card automatically flew out of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, floating in front of her.

With the appearance of the card, a girl in blue and white clothes walked out of the card amidst the faint golden light, the audio wing behind her was flickering lightly, holding a blue microphone in her hand, looking at it with a smile. Zhuang Xiaoyuan said.

"You are... Luo Tianyi?!" Looking at the girl who appeared in front of his eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes grew even more surprised.This was the first time she saw that the characters in her card actually had their own consciousness and walked out of it.

"Sing, sing the song from the bottom of your heart, and use my resonance to let you feel the movement of your own heart." Luo Tianyi who appeared in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't look like a real figure, but a somewhat translucent illusion Body.

After appearing from the card, she didn't say much to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, she just smiled and said a word, and at the same time opened her hands to her.Then Luo Tianyi opened his arms and embraced Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

A golden radiance emanated from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's chest, and with the radiance of the golden radiance, musical notes emerged from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart to form a golden score in front of him.

At the same time as the score appeared in front of him, such a song also appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind.This song does not need to be learned at all, although the lyrics are completely unfamiliar, the melody is only a bit familiar, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan has never sung this song.

But when this song appeared in his mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a strong sense of familiarity, as if he was born to sing this song.

When Luo Tianyi, who was embracing Zhuang Xiaoyuan, completely merged into her body and turned into a character card in her body again.Zhuang Xiaoyuan also sang the song in his heart.This song is not sung with the mouth but with the heart.

"I can't forget the promise we made with each other. Close your eyes lightly and confirm again. Dispel the darkness that has gathered and move forward." As the golden notes in front of the score collapsed and disappeared, a crisp and melodious melody was released, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart also A song full of emotion sounded.

"When will I be able to see the lost future here again?"

"Tear apart the overflowing uneasy shadows one by one, and walk in this world."

With Zhuang Xiaoyuan singing, the music overwhelmed Yurmgunter's noise for the first time.As Zhuang Xiaoyuan sang this piece of music in his heart line by line, the sound of the heart movement became louder and louder, and the music began to spread to the surroundings.

The music spread to the entire square, and all the human beings who were suffering from the noise in the square regained their peace.The music spread to the entire planet, and the ground on the planet that was damaged by the noise began to gradually repair.After that, the music continued to spread, to the surroundings, to the universe, to the world.

When the music spreads out of the music stars, to those loud speakers and stereos that make noise.These audio lamas composed of gray fog collapsed instantly and turned into the initial gray fog and were finally cleared by music.

When the music spread to Urmgunter's body, Urmgunter wailed in pain, and for the first time felt the fear of death and unwillingness to fail that Loki had ever felt.

When the music diffused through the whole universe through Yurmgunter's body, the only voiceless people in the universe collapsed and disappeared instantly.All the desperate humans regained hope, and all the painful humans looked peaceful.The disaster is disappearing, the despair is disappearing, after the singing, the world is full of hope and happiness.

"The endlessly engraved time ends at this moment, and with the eternal thoughts, let's open the closed door."

"The awakened heart starts to gallop, in order to describe the future, even if it is stagnant on the winding road, the sky is still full of beautiful blue, waiting for me all the time, so I am not afraid, no matter what happens, I will never be depressed."

The song of the heart movement continued, and Urmgunter's pain continued. When the song was halfway through, Urmgunter finally couldn't bear the pain erupting from his body, and opened his huge mouth to swallow it. The music star spit it out.

After spitting out the music star, I felt the power of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart movement, and after Zhuang Xiaoyuan left his body and reconnected to the rules of the world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's power of rules became stronger, and the power of singing also strengthened again.

Facing such a strong Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Urmgunter didn't dare to provoke her anymore. After spitting out the music star that caused him pain, Urmgunter endured the pain of the music outside his body, turned around and wanted to run away. Want to leave this world.

However, the moment he turned around, the golden music score in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan stretched out a series of golden shackles directly connected to Yurmgunter's body. Facing the shackles of the golden shackles, it was useless for Urmgunter to break free , and even the fog disappears has no effect.

Unable to break free from the shackles of the golden chains, Jurmgunter's eyes were red, with anger and fear in his eyes, he turned around and rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan, even if he failed, I will die with you.With all his desperate strength, his huge body rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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