Chapter 498
However, when Urmgunter turned around and rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the regular rings broke away from the music star and flew towards Urmgunter, directly adding another restraint besides the golden shackles. As the ring contracted, Yurmgunter's body also began to shrink rapidly, and the energy of despair and fear in his body began to be rapidly purified.

"Damn Ring of Perfection, this is not the end, it won't end like this. As long as despair exists, we will continue to be reborn. Next time, I must taste your despair. Ah~" made a final cry Cursed, Yurmgunter became smaller and smaller under the shackles of the rule circle, and finally was completely purified and disappeared.

And at the same time when Yurmgunter disappeared, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also sang the last verse of this heart movement - "Connecto": "No matter what happens, never be depressed, and always wait for tomorrow."

"Connecto", which is the movement of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart, is over. Zhuang Xiaoyuan has listened to this song countless times, but she has never learned it specially. Get over it.

Unexpectedly, the theme song "コネクト" by Magical Girl Madoka Madoka Magica will be the movement of my heart, this classic masterpiece that was once very popular and cured countless people.

Earlier, when Luo Tianyi mentioned the movement of the heart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought that judging from the image of her circle of principles being infinitely close to that of Lumuyuan, her movement of heart would be the character song of Lumuyuan. Unexpectedly It will be this one.

"Boom, boom, crack." Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan finished the movement of the heart, eliminated Yurmgunter, and secretly complained that although his image was the same as Yuanshen, but his heart was different, the world experienced violent turmoil. The space began to collapse, and the world seemed to be in the countdown to destruction.

"The world is collapsing?! Tsk, that bastard. He broke in completely regardless of the capacity of this world itself. From the very beginning, he planned to completely destroy this world. After leaving, did he go to other worlds?"

Seeing the shattering of the space rapidly extending towards this side, watching the countless planets coming along the way being destroyed in the collapse of the space, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes showed traces of anger, and he gritted his teeth and stared at the space rift that was approaching in front of him .

"You hopeless collections, don't let me touch you again. Otherwise, I will definitely wipe you all out." Eyes filled with anger, he gritted his teeth and said fiercely, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stretched out towards the rapidly approaching space crack right hand.

Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movements, the regular ring that returned to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body after eliminating Yurmgunt flew out again and directly engulfed the cracked space.With the shackles of the regular ring, the cracked space finally gradually stabilized and no longer continued to extend.

However, although the cracks in the space are temporarily covered by the regular rings, these cracked spaces cannot be restored. When Zhuang Xiaoyuan leaves this world and loses the shackles of the regular rings, the world will eventually be destroyed, especially in the world crystal. Now that it has returned to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands.

"Xiaoyuan, are you Xiaoyuan? Are you alright?" Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan bound the crack of the space with a regular ring, and began to hesitate to think about whether to consume his own power to restore the world, a joyful shout came from below. the sound of.

Hearing Le Youyou's voice, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but looked down. When Zhuang Xiaoyuan was fighting against Yurmgunter, Le Youyou followed Meng Lianxin up from the underground cave. He stared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was completely different from before.

It's no wonder that she is so worried, unlike Zhuang Xiaoyuan who has experienced the apocalypse, seen all kinds of worlds, and all kinds of strange abilities.Le Youyou is an aborigine in this world. Except for some special powers that can be exerted by music, there is no supernatural power in this world.

Therefore, she was full of worries about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's completely different form from before.She didn't know that at this time Zhuang Xiaoyuan had recovered a part of the power of the ring of Yuanli, so he showed the shape of the ring of Yuanli.From her point of view, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was actually occupied by the previous pink crystal.

"I'm fine, it's over, whether it's the voiceless people or the darkness behind the voiceless people. The world has finally returned to peace. Everyone can sing freely and perform their own music freely."

Seeing Le Youyou appearing on the ground, and noticing the worried eyes she looked at him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help showing a comfortable smile on his face.She has already made a decision about the future of this world.

Originally, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was still a little hesitant to use his own strength to stabilize the world that was beginning to collapse due to Yurmgunter's forced squeeze in.

Although this part of the power recovered this time comes from the world crystal of this world, it is also its own power.A little more power of Yuanli will make Zhuang Xiaoyuan's future journey much easier.

However, seeing Le Youyou at this time, I noticed Le Youyou's unreserved trust in herself and her worry about the changes in her body at this time.Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't leave this place alone no matter what.

Recalling the journey with Le Youyou, and how we trained together, held concerts together, and visited the starry sky together.Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew that she had nostalgia for this world.

Now that you have nostalgia for this world, you can't let this world be destroyed like this.Moreover, those desperate existences may be waiting for the destruction of this world in a certain corner.

In fact, for Zhuang Xiaoyuan, it doesn't matter whether the world will be destroyed or not.She has no sense of belonging to this world, after all, this world is not her world.Moreover, after experiencing the baptism of the last days, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already passed the stage of the Second Virgin Mary who sacrificed herself for the sake of all mankind.

For Zhuang Xiaoyuan at this time, the most important thing is only her family and friends.Strangers, save if you can, and evacuate if you can't.Go with it, no problem.If your own safety is involved, I'll let you die.

But now, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has made a decision that goes against her own interests.She intends to use up the power she finally recovered to save this world that is about to be crushed by the collapse of space.

Not for the people of this world, not for their own justice, just for fun, just for the sake of building a friendship with themselves, worrying about themselves, caring about themselves, being happy for themselves, and being sad for themselves.

For a friend, what is this little power?As long as this journey continues, his strength will eventually recover.But if the friends you finally made are gone, you may never see them again.

(End of this chapter)

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