Chapter 499 I've Been Waiting For You

"What about you. Will you come back? Will you return to the original Zhuang Xiaoyuan?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words about world peace and freedom to perform music.Le Youyou's face didn't show any joy and excitement, but she became more worried about Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Don't worry, I will come back. I also believe that we can meet again. However, there will probably be a period of separation. When we meet again, I will definitely meet you with my true face of."

With a comforting smile on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took a deep look at Le Youyou, as if he wanted to keep her in his heart.Only then did he turn around and look at the crack in the collapse of time and space under the confinement of the ruled circle.

"Come on, let's restore this world to its original state." The pink light began to bloom from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, and a pink world card slowly emerged in her palm.

With the appearance of the pink world card in this chapter, a rich pink light burst out suddenly, spreading towards the end of this universe and this world.The power of Yuanli in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body began to be consumed rapidly, and the originally collapsed space was quickly repaired under the light of pink light.

"Huh?! Sister Xiaoqian and the others? So that's the case. Is that the effect of that funeral song? Your luck is really good." The power of Yuanli was quickly consumed and injected into the pink world card, and the strong The light of the pink world diffused from the world card, quickly repairing the rupture in this world.

When the pink light of the world reached the border of the world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan unexpectedly saw Dongmenqian and the others who had disappeared during the performance of the funeral song outside the world.

The musical effect of the funeral song is to exert the ultimate musical power by erasing one's own existence.And erasing existence also means not being able to survive in this world.Therefore, when Dongmenqian and the others played the funeral song, they were also directly excluded from the world because their existence was erased.

However, this effect of erasing existence and expelling the world does not mean death.Although theoretically speaking, they did 'die' in this world.But in fact they have never experienced the concept of death at all.

So, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan noticed them floating outside the world, it also meant their luck.Smiling and shaking her head, when the pink light of the world repaired the collapse of the world and began to gradually recycle them, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also pulled them back to this world and gave them their existence again.

The world has been completely restored, and the light of the pink world that diffused has begun to recover quickly.Soon they all belonged to the world card in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand.When all the pink light disappeared into the world card, the world card also disappeared into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.

Feeling that there was much more Yuanli power in the body than expected, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a trace of unexpected satisfaction on his face.It's okay, although there is not much Yuanli power left, but compared to the previous world, this time there is a lot more Yuanli power.

"Sister Xiaoqian... Sister Yiyi... Woohoo, I thought I would never see you again." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan recovered the light of the world, she was feeling the consumption of Yuanli power in her body.

The seven Dongmenqian and the others who were pulled back by Zhuang Xiaoyuan before also reappeared on the music star in the pink light.Seeing the reappearance of these people, Lunch Girl and Sunshine Boy couldn't bear it anymore, they just surrounded them crying.

I thought I would never see him again, but I didn't expect to be able to recover in the end.It was indeed a big surprise for the lunch girl and sunshine boy who were under a lot of pressure.

It’s not just the surprise of these two groups. With the return of Dawn and Galaxy 123, all the forgotten memories of human beings have been restored. When it comes to the changes before and after, they don’t know how much Dawn and the others have done for them. sacrifice, so everyone is emotional, excited and moved.

"Xiaoyuan~" Everyone was immersed in their own emotions, and they were particularly surprised by the return of the Suguang Band, only Le Youyou kept watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan.When all the pink rays of light gathered, she was also the first to notice Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gradually illusory body, and couldn't help calling out Zhuang Xiaoyuan's name loudly.

"Hehe, it's time to say goodbye, Yoyo, you must wait for me to come back." There was no reluctance to say goodbye on his face, only a happy smile.Not sad because of parting with Le Youyou, just happy to protect the world where Le Youyou is.

"Xiaoyuan, I will definitely wait for you to come back. I have been waiting for you, always." With deep reluctance in her eyes, Le Youyou really didn't want to part with Zhuang Xiaoyuan. This was the best relationship she had ever had in her life. a friend.Also, the friend with the deepest affection and the best understanding with each other.

"Well, I believe that we will meet again soon." Nodding, the smile on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face seemed to be full of strength.

Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's smile at this time, Le Youyou's reluctance was dispelled a lot, and she became more and more convinced of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's return in her heart. She believed in Zhuang Xiaoyuan, believed in what she said, and believed that she would be back soon. .

"Yuyou, if you feel bored and lonely by yourself, go to the place we went to just now. There, I left a gift for you. When you go there, many friends will welcome you .Wait for me to come back with them. I believe that you will become good friends."

The body that existed in this world became more and more illusory, and pink rings began to appear around Zhuang Xiaoyuan.As more and more layers of the ring gradually connected to the sky, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also began to gradually fly high towards the sky along the ring.

"Well, I'm waiting for you to come back, Xiaoyuan." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's figure gradually speeding up and flying towards the sky, Le Youyou stood on the ground and waved her hands vigorously, as if she wanted Zhuang Xiaoyuan to be able to see herself all the time, even if she was far away She could only see a small black dot, and she also hoped that Zhuang Xiaoyuan could see her saying goodbye.

"Goodbye, Yoyo." An ethereal voice sounded in Leyouyou's ears, and with this sound that seemed to float from the distant sky, the rings connecting the sky disappeared layer by layer from below, and they quickly chased to the other side. side of the sky.When all the rings disappeared, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice just ended completely.

"Well, goodbye, Madoka." Looking at the sky where there were no people or rings at all, Le Youyou still stood there straight, staying quietly for a long, long time.Until, Meng Lianxin appeared beside her and told her that there was a strange door underground.

 So, the Galaxy Diva roll ended here.Next is Sanxian Yaohu Chapter - a fairy tale world tour about people, demons and ghosts.Although it is a fairy tale, it will probably be different from the fairy tale novels on the Internet.Personally, I feel that it will be closer to the world of Paladin.

(End of this chapter)

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