Chapter 590 Summoning Academy
The Red Country Hero Summoning Academy is an academy with a long history, established at the forefront of resisting monsters. This academy has cultivated countless summoners who have summoned powerful heroes.

These summoners who have summoned countless powerful heroes have contributed all their strength to the strength of the Red Country, established countless feats, and brought endless glory to the Red Country.

However, this glory did not last after all, as the most glorious and powerful summoner at the time, Ilya Kilfeather, gradually aged and passed away.The glory of the Red Kingdom was covered with dust.

In the second year after Ilya Kilfeather passed away, the Red Country suffered a serious defeat in the annual crown battle. In the final finals, the crystal was taken away by other countries. Crown, so that the border of the Red Country was invaded by monsters and suffered heavy losses.

After that, the performance of the Red Country became worse year after year. I don’t know whether it was the passing of Ilya Kilfeather that hit the confidence of the people of the Red Country, or the invasion of monsters at the border that dispersed the national strength of the Red Country. .

Since the year of defeat, the country of red has never won the crystal crown again, and its performance has been getting worse year by year. In recent years, the country of red has been at the bottom of the list and has been ridiculed by other big countries .

As the Red Kingdom lost again and again in the battle for the crown, the family of the former Great Summoner Ilya Kilfeather began to gradually decline. The originally huge family shrank rapidly, and now there are only orphans and widows left. Mother's two people.

The original aristocratic family has now fallen into the mortal world and has become one of the countless civilians living in the civilian area.

However, because of the glory of the original ancestors, the Kilfeather family actually lived worse than ordinary civilians, because the commoners respected their families and dared not hire them, while the nobles despised them who had become commoners.

Growing up in such an environment, as the last heir of the Kilfeather family, Kester Kilfeather was even more inferior to his heroic ancestor.Now, in the Brave Summoning Academy, even the new students know that Kester is the shame of Kilfeather, because Kester Kilfeather is a coward.

"Kester, buy me a drink. I want lemon juice, iced." As the get out of class bell rang, the professor on the podium began to pack up his things and leave. In the classroom, before the professor left, a tall The handsome young man stood up, came to Kester's desk and put a coin on his desk.

"Hey, but I'll wait..." Seeing the hand that suddenly appeared on his desk, Kester was still slightly taken aback, frowned, and carefully looked up at the hand that suddenly appeared on his desk. The person in front of him wanted to refuse.

"Well, what? Do you want to refuse?" A sneer appeared on his handsome face. Standing in front of the table, Igor looked down at the handsome Kester who said he was a boy but looked more like a girl. , gearing up to show a threatening gesture.

Shrinking his neck slightly, with a trace of fear in his eyes, Kester carefully reached out and picked up the coins on the table, and accepted Eagle's order with action.

"Kester, bring me a can of lemonade too."

"Me too, I want milk."

"Kester, ice tea, thank you."

"Kester, thank you for your hard work, bring me a can of coffee."

As if a certain switch had been turned on, as Iger successfully ordered Kester to run errands, the students around him also spoke up. Although not everyone was so rude, no one would really stand up. Come out and help Kester refuse.

In the end, faced with so many requests, Kester could only make a cheat sheet to record all the requests, then put away the coins handed over by the students and left the classroom.

In fact, he also has his own affairs, but in the face of everyone's request, he dare not refuse.Moreover, it is not once or twice that someone instigates him to do errands in the middle of the day.

Although it is more troublesome, compared to being bullied by the seniors, being beaten is much better, isn't it? At least many students speak in a more polite tone.

Watching Cathert go out to buy a drink under his instruction, Igor had a smug smile on his face.With a hint of ostentatious pride on his face, Igor turned his head to look at the girl he had a crush on, but what he saw was the empty seat, hey, where is Ellie?

"Let me tell you, do you intend to continue like this forever? Do you know what rejection is?" On the way to the commissary, a slightly angry female voice came from behind Kester.

Hearing this voice, Kester knew who was behind him. He sighed secretly in his heart. Kester turned around and looked at the girl behind him. This girl could be regarded as his only one in the whole academy. People who are not afraid.

"Ellie, I'm sorry." Looking at the sweet-looking but heroic girl in front of him, Kester couldn't say anything else, so he could only bow his head and apologize.He also knows that he lacks masculinity, and it is not a good thing to be ordered around by others like this, but he just doesn't know how to refuse.

"Hmph, what do you and I have to apologize for? You should apologize to the ancestors who were humiliated by you. If you see you like this, the Great Summoner Ilya might jump out and teach you a lesson. pause."

Faced with Kester's apology, Ellie glared at him angrily.However, noticing the pitiful expression on Kester's face, which was prettier than her own, like that of a small animal, Ellie couldn't help turning her head away with a little blush.

This kind of expression and face is too foul, no wonder Kester will occupy the first place in the school's hidden list of the most wanted to date, not only the first place in the list of girls, but also the first place in the list of boys.This face is really male and female.

"Is there anything Ellie wants to drink? I invite you." As his only friend in school, Kester also knew that Ellie was just hard-spoken and soft-hearted, so he just laughed off Ellie's words, Turning around and continuing to walk towards the canteen, he said.

"Please, do you have this kind of spare money? Let me invite you." Shaking her head helplessly, she was a little speechless about Kester's character, Ellie said as she followed.

If it was a girl, Kester might be more popular with such a face and personality, but Kester is a real boy.Boys have the faces and characters of girls, so it's no wonder they are bullied by those boys.

(End of this chapter)

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