Chapter 591 Fate Chance
Kester and Ellie walked while chatting, and soon came to the canteen, bought drinks according to the records in the note, and walked shoulder to shoulder towards the classroom.

However, just when they had just walked halfway, a loud alarm sounded suddenly. Compared with the alarm that sounded last month, this time the alarm sound was more urgent, and another monster siege began.

Hearing the alarm sounding in their ears, Ellie and Kester glanced at each other, quickened their pace, and ran towards the classroom together. Although they were still college students, they were not required to participate in the war against Warcraft under normal circumstances.

But they are still very concerned about the situation of the war, because the battlefield is near the city wall not far from here.The Brave Summoning Academy of the Red Country was established in the frontline city against monsters.


"Principal of the academy, contact the front line and found the trace of the fortress-level monster. It has been confirmed that the fortress-level monster is the fire-type monster lava camel. It drove a large number of middle and low-level monsters straight towards the direction of the academy."

Just as Kester and Ellie hurried towards their classrooms, in the dean's office at the top of the college, the dean's assistant had a look of anxiety on his face, and hurriedly reported to the dean.

"The lava camel? When will the border guards and the Royal Pioneers arrive here? What about the third-year graduates? Haven't you returned from the simulation training yet?" On the wrinkled face, two snow-white eyebrows were tightly knit together. Chang stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out at the walls of the academy city.

In the distance, a huge fiery red shadow has faintly broken into his line of sight. It is a powerful monster that cannot be resisted by mortals and can only be resisted by summoned brave men.

"Dean, the border guards have already started fighting with the lava camel, but now they barely slow down the lava camel's progress, and they can't stop it at all.

The Royal Pioneer has just set off from the Imperial City, and it will take at least three hours to arrive here.The third-year graduates have already begun to recall, but it will take about half an hour for them to return to the academy. "

The assistant was clearly prepared for the dean's question. As soon as the dean's question fell, she spoke out the information she had learned very skillfully.The words have also fully expressed their own meaning.

The academy is in danger. The Royal Pioneers and graduates will not be able to return for the time being, but the border guards cannot delay the progress of the lava camel for long.Now they can only think of other ways to save themselves. If there is no way, the academy will probably be destroyed by this lava camel within half an hour.

"Phew, let the second-year students go to the summoning room to summon the hero. The battle for the crown is about to start, and I plan to let them start summoning today. I hope it's still too late."

Staring at the approaching crimson figure in the distance, the academy let out a long breath, turned around and gave instructions to the assistant.

This is already the only way. Even if the second-year students can successfully summon the brave, but just after being summoned, they have to face the fortress-level monsters. This year's brave is destined to suffer heavy losses.

I'm afraid that in this year's battle for the crown, the Red Kingdom will come to the bottom again.It's a pity for this year's summoners, among whom there are several geniuses that the head of the school is optimistic about.

However, compared to the safety of the academy itself, the outcome of the battle for the crown is nothing. After all, the Red Kingdom has been defeated for several years. Victory is also hopeless.

"Yes, I will notify right away." Hearing the dean's order, the assistant's face looked a little heavy. It is not so easy to make a decision to give up a battle for the crown. After all, victory in the battle for the crown means a whole year for the kingdom. It's safe.well……


"Attention second-year students, please pay attention to second-year students. All second-year students are requested to go to the summoning room to summon the hero. Repeat, all second-year students are requested to go to the summoning room to summon the hero."

The voice of the dean’s assistant spread to the whole school through the magic broadcast in the college. All the teachers and students who were active in the college heard the voice on the broadcast. As the party calling the broadcast, the students in the second grade class naturally Also heard.

"The call of the brave? Yeah, the real call of the brave is finally about to begin."

"It's time for you to see how powerful I am."

"Hey, this is the moment to change fate."

"Heh heh heh, fate is already in my hands, it's finally about to start."

"Juvenile Master Yaoguang, I must draw out a braver stronger than him."

"Just you, you don't look in the mirror. Lord Ilya's brilliance is the strongest, and my goal is to sign a contract with him so that he can reappear."

"It's you who should look in the mirror, right? The orthodox heir of the Kilfeather family hasn't spoken yet, so what are you?"

"Ha, even if he is an heir, it depends on his qualifications. Do you think he can be summoned?"


"Why are you arguing? If you have time to speak ill of others here, it's better to go to the summoning room to prepare. Besides, whoever said that Kester can't summon Yaoguang, maybe he will be summoned after a while."

Annoyed, she glared at those insinuating and sarcastic people in the classroom, and Ellie glanced at Kester beside her with some worry. Kester must be very sad when someone said such things to her face.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Smiled at the worried Ellie, a soft smile bloomed on Kester's face, and instantly took away all the brilliance around him. He accidentally noticed the students here. When seeing Kester's smile, he couldn't help but fell into a daze.

Although there was a smile on his face and he said he was fine, Kester's hands were tightly clenched.The neatly trimmed nails pierced deeply into the palm of his hand. Fortunately, the nails were not long, otherwise they would definitely pierce the skin on the palm.

Although the character is timid and cowardly, he dare not refuse or refute.But personality does not represent thoughts. Personality is indeed timid, but Kester also yearns for strength and change in his heart.

He also hoped that he could summon Yaoguang, the Sword Saint summoned by his ancestors, who once made great military exploits for the motherland.He longs for the summoning of the brave to change his life and character.

He longs to become strong, courageous, no longer afraid, and brave enough to say no to others.He didn't want to be a coward, he didn't want to be laughed at, and he didn't want to shame his family, his ancestors, and his mother.

(End of this chapter)

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