Chapter 712
"The second match between the Red Country and the Orange Country has been confirmed. The competition event is the team attack and defense in the forest area. Please go to the forest area by yourself. The referee team over there has already started preparations for the game after receiving our news. "

After receiving the magic props for the project lottery from Kester, the referee quickly operated on the magic props to send out the project.Then he looked up at the representatives of the two countries who were waiting for the result, and announced with a serious face.

With the determination of the second game's events, the Red Country and the Orange Country also left respectively, and began to move towards the forest area where the second game will be held.During the period of going to the competition area, it became a very good opportunity for the two countries to conduct internal exchanges.

"Team offensive and defensive battles, Orange Country really chose team competitions, but I don't seem to have heard much about offensive and defensive battles. What kind of competition is that?" Just after sitting on the passenger ship from the island to the land, Kailin Na couldn't wait to ask about the second match.

"I've never heard of this kind of event. Could it be some unpopular event? Attack and defense, literally, should be a game event related to attack and defense."

Hearing Kailina's inquiry, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face showed a doubtful expression, and he turned to look at Teacher Helena, who was sitting at the bow of the boat and knew the most about the battle for the crown.

Before, when he was in the country of red, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't patronize playing and shopping.In her spare time, she also had a good understanding of the so-called crown battle, and roughly scanned the competition items of the crown battle.

However, according to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's memory, she has never seen any records of this kind of team offensive and defensive battle in relevant materials.

So, what is the so-called team offensive and defensive warfare?Why is there no such competition in the teaching textbooks of the Red Kingdom?This requires a good question to the leader teacher of the Red Country, Teacher Helena.

"I didn't expect Orange Country to choose this kind of event. But for them, it is indeed a very beneficial event. This kind of competition is very beneficial to the side with a large number of people. Especially when the strength gap is not big enough in the case of."

From the moment she heard about the competition, Teacher Helena had a sad expression on her face.At this time, after hearing Kailinna and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's inquiry, she shook her head helplessly and sighed.

"So, what kind of competition is it? Can Teacher Helena explain in detail?" Noticing the sad look on Teacher Helena's face, McGrady's summoner Ellie frowned, with a puzzled expression on her face asked.

Not only did Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the three summoned heroes not know about the so-called team battle, but even the three summoners who had studied in the academy for almost three years had never heard of it.

"Team offensive and defensive battles are one of the oldest competitions ever. It is also the only remaining confrontational competition that may cause a large number of casualties in the battle for the crown.

Ever since countries realized the importance of the brave and felt the sense of security with the brave against Warcraft, this kind of game that may cause death and injury has gradually been canceled from the competition for the crown.

However, after some games with heavy casualties were banned one after another, several games were still retained.This kind of offensive and defensive battle is one of them. Although there is a possibility of causing casualties, compared to those bloody games, the offensive and defensive battle is relatively harmonious. "

Having said that, Teacher Helena paused for a moment, and looked up at the students and the heroes they summoned.After confirming that there was no emotional change on their faces because of her words, Teacher Helena licked her lips and continued:
"The game mode of this offensive and defensive battle is very simple. The so-called offense and defense are actually attacking the core of the opponent's defense and defending the core of one's own defense.

This is a naked head-to-head game, which is different from the previous sea racing and dodge ball battles.This kind of offensive and defensive battle has no restrictions on the strength of both sides.

Moreover, because it is a team battle, it is a multiplayer competition.Even if the jury wants to intervene before someone has an accident, it may not be in time.Therefore, when this kind of competition is fierce, it is easy to lose combat power. "

"So that's it. It's really a simple and direct offensive and defensive battle. Then, what is the so-called core? How strong is the attack power needed to break it."

Although what Teacher Helena said was very vague, the main focus was on the danger of this game mode, but the specific rules and forms of the game were briefly mentioned.But after hearing Teacher Helena's explanation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan grasped the key to this kind of competition in the first place.

"According to the past situation, the thing that is guarded by both sides as the core should be just a discarded magic spar pillar. This kind of magic spar pillar basically has no magic power, and it can't be used anywhere.

However, this abandoned magic crystal pillar has a strong ability to withstand physical attacks. If you attack with normal hero-level strength, you need at least five to six full-strength attacks to break the magic crystal pillar.

In addition, this magic spar pillar is completely immune to magic attacks.All magic attacks not only cannot cause damage to this magic spar pillar, but will also be absorbed by the magic spar pillar, strengthening the defense of the magic spar pillar itself in a short time. "

The introduction just now did not intentionally omit the competition information, Teacher Helena just wanted to emphasize the danger of this competition, so that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were prepared.So, after Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked her own question, Teacher Helena answered her question very seriously.

"Does the hero level require five or six hits? In this case, the defensive person has a lot of error tolerance. It doesn't matter if you get hit once or twice, as long as you don't get broken."

Hearing Teacher Helena's reply to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, Mai Di showed a pensive look on his face, squinted his eyes and began to plan a defense plan according to his position.

"It's more than just five or six blows. If it is really that kind of magic crystal pillar, we can also strengthen it by ourselves. It is immune to magic, and can even absorb magic to strengthen itself, so if we take the initiative to release magic on our magic crystal pillar If so, wouldn’t it be a means of reinforcement?”

As soon as McGrady finished speaking, Karina also raised a certain possibility that she thought of.As for her suggestion, Teacher Helena nodded affirmatively.

In the past, there were indeed people who used this method to strengthen their own magic spar pillars in this kind of competition.However, the strengthening of the magic spar pillar is not unlimited.And this enhancement also has a time limit.Therefore, the team that thought of this method at the time lost to a powerful opponent in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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