Chapter 713 The only way to win
"I have already understood the specific situation. It seems that we should properly allocate our respective tasks for this competition. Try to end it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very disadvantageous for us to face such a large number of people."

Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who fell into deep thought after receiving Teacher Helena's answer, also recovered from deep thinking after hearing the suggestions from Mai Di and Kai Linna.With a smile on his face that has seen the future, he said to the two teammates with a smile.

"Assign tasks? Have you made a plan? Three people versus nine people, it's still in this kind of team competition with no restrictions. Even if we have a slight advantage in high-end strength, this number is enough to threaten us .”

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Kailinna and McGrady looked at each other, and then they turned their heads to look at Zhuang Xiaoyuan at the same time, and asked.

"Actually, it's not a plan at all. After all, there are only three of us. If we want to win this kind of competition, we can only do this. One for defense, one for attracting attention, and one for sneak attack..."

Shaking her head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't say any great plans in the face of Kailina and McGrady's inquiries, but just said the only way for them to win in this kind of competition.


"If one person leaves the defensive magic spar pillar, one person should attack us head-on to attract attention, while the other will hide and attack the magic spar pillar we guard at a critical moment."

Almost at the same time as Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were discussing, on another passenger ship, the heroes and summoners from the Orange Kingdom were also discussing about the second match.

"Obviously they have such a huge disadvantage in terms of numbers, are you sure they will act separately? Kurami." With a thoughtful look on his face, after hearing Kurami's analysis, Ulrik squinted his eyes, He opened his mouth to confirm.

"Unless they give up the second victory. Otherwise, they have to act separately. This is their only chance to defeat us. After all, even a hero-level warrior cannot face the siege of multiple warrior-level warriors.

We also have heroic warriors on our side, if it's just a simple confrontation, as long as we entangle two of them.The remaining person is absolutely unable to resist the seven warriors on our side.

As long as our people defeat one of them, the remaining two of them will face the siege of two opponents of the same level plus multiple warriors. It's us.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a failure, they will never confront us head-on.And if they want to avoid the frontal victory, there are only two methods they can use.One is to lure our people away and attack the magic spar pillar, and the other is to separate us and attack them individually. "

His gaze swept over the heroes and summoners sitting around, and Kurami's eyes shone with wisdom.He clearly analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of both sides in the second match, and also predicted the actions that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others had to take.


"McGrady, who is good at defense, left to protect the magic spar pillar, and Kailinna, who is good at speed, made a frontal assault to contain the attacking troops of the Orange Country. If possible, it would be better to divert some of their defensive troops. And I went around from the side. , carry out a sneak attack on their magic spar pillar. This is our only way to win."

Staring carefully at Kailinna and Mai Di in front of her eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan arranged the understanding that each needs to complete.The very simple and direct action plan is to simply use two people to attract the target, and the other person to carry out a sneak attack.

"Isn't this too simple? And if this desperate approach fails, there will be no chance to do it again. I think it's better to find a way to introduce them into the forest, separate them one by one, and destroy them one by one."

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's task arrangement, Mai Di frowned and raised objections.

"Well, if possible, the method of luring them out and defeating them one by one is indeed more effective than the direct sneak attack. But, as I said just now, that is already our only way to win."

He nodded his head to express his agreement with McGrady's approach, but then shook his head to deny her opinion.It's not that Zhuang Xiaoyuan has never thought about the method of dispersing the opponents and defeating them one by one, but this method is no longer available at this time.

"Because of the exposure of strength, the Kingdom of Orange has already become vigilant against us, so it won't be separated by us so easily. Moreover, compared to chasing us all the time, it will directly crush and advance and destroy our magic crystal." Stone pillars are more efficient, right?"

Hearing that Maddy's opinion was rejected, after thinking about it carefully, Kailinna thought of the reason why Zhuang Xiaoyuan rejected this opinion.

I'm afraid the fact is indeed the case. They themselves have a certain advantage, and they can win if they go head-on. It's impossible for those people in the Orange Kingdom to be fooled and fooled, scattered and defeated one by one by them.

"That's right, for us, if we want to win this match, the only way we can use it is to break the opponent's magic crystal pillar before the opponent presses us head-on.

I am afraid that the other party has already predicted the actions we will take.However, even if the other party finds out, we can only do this.Because it's the only way.For the victory of the game. "

Nodding in affirmation, while speaking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned her head to look in the direction of the passenger ship that Orange Country was on the other side of the ship.And almost at the same time as Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked over, Kurami from the Orange Country also looked up, and their eyes met for a moment.


"After knowing their strength, it is basically impossible to separate us and break them one by one. Therefore, they will definitely adopt the first method, and choose one person to directly attack our magic spar pillar. Then, since we know the opponent's Action plan, what should we do, wait for them to fall into the trap?"

After listening to Kurami's explanation, Ulrik nodded in agreement. Ulrik still believed in Kurami's prediction.However, after knowing the opponent's actions, you need to carefully consider your own action plan.

"If we all stood by the magic crystal pillar, they would not dare to come. Moreover, what we need is victory, not a draw. Therefore, our purpose is not to protect our side's magic crystal pillar, but to destroy the opponent's .”

After meeting Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes for a while, Kurami looked away from the boat, stroked his beating heart with his right hand, gradually disappeared the fighting spirit quietly burning in his eyes, and with a slightly fanatical expression on his face, he replied with a smile: .

(End of this chapter)

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