Chapter 714 Competition Preparation
"What are you going to do?" Knowing what Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were doing, Ulrik didn't have the patience to continue listening to Kerami's analysis.So, after Kurami's attention returned, Ulrik asked decisively.

"Divide the troops. Although the three of them are separated, they are mainly divided into two parts: defense and attack. Therefore, we are also separated. Some people stay to protect our own magic spar pillar, and the other part is to destroy their magic spar pillar. "

Facing Ulrik's question, Kurami answered directly without any hesitation.When analyzing the strength and strengths and weaknesses of both sides in detail, Kurami already had a plan to deal with it.

"Divide the troops? Won't they be defeated one by one?" Hearing Kurami's answer, Ulrik frowned, with a hint of doubt on his face.Dividing the troops would give the Red Country a chance to disperse and defeat them.

"It depends on how we divide. Whether it is the attacking team or the defensive team, they must have the strength to hold the opponent temporarily. Compared with the defensive team, the attacking team needs to have the configuration to deal with two people at the same time. So, that’s all we can do.”

Smiling and nodding, Kurami stretched out his index finger and tapped the surrounding teammates, and divided the nine people into two groups simply and directly.Seeing Kurami's grouping, Ulrik thought for a while and agreed to his proposal.

With the completion of the respective arrangements of the Red Country and the Orange Country, the passenger ship from the island to the land also entered the waterway of the water town at this time, and then followed the curved waterway to the forest area. The small pier set up stopped.

After the two passenger ships docked, both the Red Country and the Orange Country got off the ships one after another.Intense sparks bloomed in the eyes of the two sides. In this tense atmosphere, the referee team in the forest area greeted them.


"Miscalculated, it seems that it is impossible to make a quick decision in a short time. I didn't expect such an arrangement." Standing beside a transparent magic crystal pillar, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out and tapped the magic crystal lightly. Shizhu sighed while feeling the hardness feedback from his fingers.

"That's right, the positions of the strongholds of both sides are actually completely hidden. If we want to destroy the magic spar pillar, we must first find out the opponent's. The situation seems to be even more unfavorable to us."

Then he put the heavy shield in his hand on the soil covered with weeds, while Maddy looked at the surrounding environment vigilantly, he agreed with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's exclamation.

"Not necessarily, although the number of opponents is relatively large. Under normal circumstances, it is easier to find the target than us. However, I am afraid they dare not disperse at will. If they accidentally meet us on the way to find the magic crystal , They are also very headache."

Waving the knight spear in her right hand, Kailinna expressed her opinions while doing warm-up exercises to prepare for the possible battle that might occur afterward.Thinking of the way the two met when they were searching for targets in the forest, Kailinna even showed a funny expression on her face.

"When you say this, it seems to be the case. Could it be that this additional hidden rule of the stronghold is beneficial to us? The opponent's number cannot be dispersed, and it is easy for us to defeat them one by one. But if they are not dispersed, everyone gathers together to find On the contrary, it is not as efficient as our side.

Contrary to them, there are only three people on our side, and their strength is above the standard. Even if we encounter a large army of the other side when we are acting separately, it is relatively easy to retreat if there is only one person. "

With her right hand resting on her heavy shield, Maddy couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she heard Kailina's words, and looked at her a few times in surprise.I didn't expect Kailinna to be able to analyze it so clearly.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? Don't think that I'm an elf and I don't know the twists and turns of human beings. Besides, I'm not the kind of elf who spends all day claustrophobic in the forest.

In Minecraft, we've been involved in race wars involving entire continents.As a member of the elves, I have also fought against humans, and I have also cooperated with humans against orcs and undead.So, don't take me so simply. "

Noticing the look in McGrady's eyes, Kailinna stopped waving the gun in her hand, with a trace of displeasure on her face, and she complained unhappily.

Although even in the original world, he was considered a stubborn elf by humans many times, and he almost got used to it after many times, but he still felt unhappy in his heart.

"Sorry, in my world, the elves left a deep impression on me. No logging, no eating meat, no hunting. Thinking of the situation at that time, even now, I still can't accept it."

Faced with Kailinna's emotions, McGrady bowed her head very straightforwardly and apologized.After apologizing, he also explained his understanding of elves.Obviously, the worlds of Tracy and Karina are very different.At least, in terms of the habits of the elves, there is a huge difference.

Although Karina also likes to be vegetarian, she doesn't like to eat meat.But at least, as an elf, Kailinna will not ask others to follow the elves' habits like her.Moreover, for Kailinna, logging and hunting are not unacceptable things, as long as they do not exceed the limit of nature, she will not object.

And those elves in McGrady's world are probably closer to the habits of Druids and the like.Advocating nature and not allowing others to cause damage to nature.It can be seen from Tracy's description that logging is not allowed and hunting is not allowed.

"Okay, you two, let alone the differences in the habits of races in different worlds. Even in the same world, even the same race will have different habits and preferences.

The original worlds of the two of you are different, whether it's elves or humans, I'm afraid it's also different.So skip this topic for now.Now, let's continue to talk about this game. "

Noticing that Kailinna and Maddie started chatting about their own world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shook his head helplessly, and had no choice but to interrupt their conversation.

Now that they have arrived at their own magic crystal stone pillar, I am afraid that the country of Orange has almost arrived at their temporary residence.This crucial match that will determine the outcome may officially begin at any time, so there is simply no free time for the two of them to argue about the similarities and differences between the two worlds.

"Is there anything else that needs to be explained for this competition? I thought we had already made all the preparations." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Kailinna and McGrady looked at each other and smiled, and directly skipped the topic of their respective worlds. Begin to refocus your attention on the current game.

(End of this chapter)

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