Chapter 760 Seven Gods Continent
The Continent of the Seven Gods, this is the name that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others call the continent under their feet in the world they are in now.This is an easy-to-understand name, and it can be heard from the naming of the continent that this is a continent guarded by gods.

And guarding this continent are the Valkyries located in seven different cities.

The Valkyrie of Water of Ice City, the Valkyrie of Earth of Cracked Earth City, the Valkyrie of Fire of Blazing City, the Valkyrie of Thunder of Thunder City, the Valkyrie of Wind of Windwing City, and the Valkyrie of Darkness of Shadow City The Valkyrie and the Valkyrie of Light in the City of Light.

The seven Valkyries belong to different cities, govern different races, and protect the continuation of these races.With the existence of these Valkyries, people living in the city can enjoy a peaceful life in peace.

Because this continent was not originally a safe continent.In the beginning, the continent was full of various miasmas and monsters, and all races lived in disasters that could be extinct at any time.

Until the seven artifacts that fell from the sky created seven powerful Valkyries, bringing hope to these extinct races.The Valkyries wiped out the powerful monsters, cleaned up the pervasive miasma, and created a beautiful living environment for people.

Under the unique brilliance of the Valkyrie, neither the boundless miasma nor the dangerous and ferocious monsters can approach this city protected by the Valkyrie.

However, the Valkyrie is not a real god, and the Valkyrie is just an ordinary person chosen by the artifact.Although it has a longer lifespan than ordinary people, this lifespan still has an end after all.

Especially the Valkyries of humans. Humans are originally short-lived creatures. Even with the protection of artifacts, the lifespan of Valkyries is very short compared to other races.

As a result, the Valkyries who protect mankind have changed from generation to generation.When the lifespan of the current generation of Valkyries is short, they will immediately look for new humans to inherit their status and abilities as Valkyrie, and continue to protect the continuation of human beings.

In this way, human beings have continued to this day under the protection of generation after generation of Valkyries.However, this kind of inheritance is still accompanied by certain risks after all.Maybe at some point there will be no one to inherit the Valkyrie.

And that's coming soon.The year before last, the Valkyrie of the previous generation passed away, but no new girl who could succeed the Valkyrie was found.The Valkyrie who guards mankind finally has a fault.

The fault of the Valkyrie made the humans living in the city flustered. Without the protection of the Valkyrie, without the brilliance of the Valkyrie, the miasma would cover the area again, and monsters would also invade.

This is not the most serious thing. Under the teaching of Valkyrie, human beings have already mastered certain combat abilities.If it is only a part of the invasion of Warcraft, as long as they work together, they can still resist.And miasma will not have much effect on people with strong physique.

However, without the brilliance of the Valkyrie, the originally fertile land began to become barren, and the originally clear river also began to decay.Human land cannot continue to grow enough food, and human water sources have gradually become scarce.This is a real disaster for human beings who need to live.

At the beginning of the loss of the Valkyrie, the priests of Xuanguang City specially arranged for all the girls in the city to undergo the trial of the divine weapon together. Maybe a new Valkyrie could appear, but the final result undoubtedly failed.

At that time, the place where the artifact trial was held was the place where Zhuang Xiaoyuan had obtained the golden crown just now. In the end, all that was left there was the crown that was the symbol of the Valkyrie.

As time passed, a month passed, and the humans in the city began to show disappointment.As the two months passed, the disappointment gradually started to get deeper.

When four or five months passed and no new Valkyries appeared, and the crops in the fields began to wither in large areas, human beings fell into real despair.Food is the most important thing for the people. If there is no food to satisfy their hunger, everything is vain.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan entered this world and arrived at Xuanguang City, where humans gathered, it was already a whole year after humans lost their Valkyrie.With no income and no hope for a year, all human beings have fallen into despair.

Therefore, what Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others saw at that time was such a lifeless city, and such a completely hopeless human being who was left with nothing but numbness and despair.

"So that's it. I almost understand the cause and effect of the matter. So, I am now the Valkyrie of this city, and there are six other people who have this kind of thing like me, right?"

Sitting in the temple in the center of Xuanguang City, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally understood clearly from the mouth of the old priest why the city was lifeless.I also know why all human beings become so excited after picking up the golden crown.

Similarly, apart from the question about the city, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also learned another important thing from the priest's words.That is this kind of Valkyrie artifact that has an aura similar to the world crystal. Apart from the one in my hand at this time, there are six other pieces.

"That's right, the artifact of the Valkyrie, no one is allowed to touch it except the Valkyrie recognized by the artifact. This is why this artifact will always be kept outside. Now, you are already the Valkyrie of our Rotating Light City Yes, it is the hope of all mankind."

His eyes were fixed on Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a look of hope, the old priest of Xuanguang City didn't notice that Zhuang Xiaoyuan cared about the other six artifacts in his words.At this moment, he just waited for the decision of the new Valkyrie with trepidation.

He didn't care about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's unknown origin at all, and didn't question Zhuang Xiaoyuan's traveler's lies that were obviously full of mistakes.There is only such a human city in the whole continent, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan is not from this city.

For the old man who is the priest of Xuanguang City, these are just trivial matters.As long as the Valkyrie, who has been recognized as an artifact, can agree to guard the city, then everything will be fine.All doubts, all problems are nothing compared to the continuation of human beings themselves.

"Okay, I get it. Since I'm allowed to appear here, then I'll be your Valkyrie for a while. But, don't expect too much from me." Receiving the hopeful eyes of the old priest, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally nodded and agreed.

While agreeing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also began to inject his divine power into the golden crown on his head.With the infusion of divine power, the golden crown emitted a radiant light, and gradually formed an invisible barrier centered on Zhuang Xiaoyuan, covering the entire city.

When the barrier was completed, the whole city began to reveal a strong vitality, the originally withered trees began to sprout new shoots, and the rotten river water was purified and became clear again.At this moment, the originally dead city seemed to wake up from a deep sleep and come back to life.

(End of this chapter)

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