Chapter 761 Martial God Ceremony
When she got the golden crown, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already understood the usage method and specific effects of the crown through the above world rules.

Before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know why the regular power of this crown had the ability to protect and purify.Now, through the priest's explanation, he learned about the existence of the Valkyrie, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally clearly understood the significance of this artifact to the city.

However, even if you know the importance of this artifact to humans in the city.It is completely impossible for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to give up this artifact directly. After all, this artifact is related to the trace of the World Crystal in this world.

Therefore, since he wanted to obtain this kind of artifact, he couldn't bear to give up these human beings directly and let them go to doomed destruction.Then, temporarily becoming the Valkyrie of this city is a good choice.

As long as one can get the world crystal, modify the rules of this world, make this kind of shelter in the city a permanent existence, and even directly wipe out the monsters and miasma in this world, it is just a simple matter.

Moreover, besides this one, there are six other artifacts in his hand.If you want to get the artifact in the hands of the other six Valkyrie, becoming the Valkyrie of this city is definitely a more advantageous thing.In this world, there is such an event as the Martial Arts Festival.

"Great, really great. Our Xuanguang City finally has the protection of the Valkyrie again. With the protection of the Valkyrie, life will definitely get better and better."

Witnessing with his own eyes the radiant brilliance spreading from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body to cover the entire city, the old priest burst into tears for a moment.Perhaps, for him, he can die without regret if he can see the hope of the continuation of mankind in his lifetime.

"Next, let's continue talking about the other Valkyries. Does the priest know anything about the Valkyries in the other six cities? What abilities do they have? What are the new Valkyries like? People? And, what about our relationship with each other?"

After completing the arrangement of the barrier, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped the continuous output of magic power and turned to look at the old priest beside him.Except that this kind of barrier needs to consume a part of divine power when it is opened, it basically does not consume much energy in a normal state.

As long as Zhuang Xiaoyuan and this golden crown called the Condensed Throne are here, this barrier will last forever.Of course, like those Valkyries who are no longer around, if Zhuang Xiaoyuan leaves this world directly, this barrier will completely disappear within a few days.

The barrier of protection has enveloped the entire city, and all kinds of abnormalities in the city have gradually disappeared with the appearance of the barrier, and the original tranquility has been restored.Desperate humans also regained their spirits after the city's recovery, and returned to work with a happy smile.

Although it will take some time to harvest new food, I am still hungry.However, these humans are still happy.Because of the birth of the new Valkyrie, all human hearts are filled with hope for the future.

When humans began to return to work and cities gradually recovered.Zhuang Xiaoyuan was still in the temple, asking the old priest about the other Valkyries.And the knowledge that this continent itself has not fully understood.

As a priest serving the Valkyrie, this old man possessed a very wide range of insights and knowledge.Many questions that Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted to know could be answered from him.

And when Zhuang Xiaoyuan seized the opportunity to learn more about this world from the priest.The Valkyries in other cities also felt the long-lost light of the Goddess in Xuanguang City.

Regarding the fact that the Valkyrie reappeared in the Rotating Light City, the Valkyrie in different cities had different reactions, whether they were playful, or interesting, or annoyed, or ignored.

Among them, the first to react was undoubtedly the Valkyrie in another city next to the Rotating Light City.Famous in mainland China for her bravery and combat skills, Hela, the Valkyrie Goddess of Thunder, has frequently launched Valkyrie Festivals in recent years.

"The new Valkyrie of Light has finally appeared. It's really good news. It's hard for me to attack a city without a Valkyrie. If you directly violate the rules of the mainland, you will be besieged by other Valkyrie."

It is located in the center of the mainland, in Thunder City to the south of Rotating Light City.Hela, the Valkyrie Goddess of Thunder, leaned on her throne with a charming smile on her face, staring at the northern sky through the wide floor-to-ceiling windows.It was as if he saw the new Valkyrie in Xuanguang City through a long distance.

"Master Valkyrie, are you planning to hold a new Valkyrie festival?" He raised his eyebrows lightly, as a priest, Lei Wuxin had a clear understanding of the character of his own Valkyrie after several years of getting along.Therefore, he also directly asked the real intention hidden in the words of the Valkyrie.

"Of course, in order to welcome newcomers, isn't it natural to hold a grand Valkyrie Festival? This is the best meeting gift that a Valkyrie as a senior can give to this junior. If you dare not even accept this kind of meeting ceremony, this kind of People should not tarnish the title of our Valkyrie."

There was a slightly malicious smile on her face, as if Hella had thought of something very interesting, a pair of triangular ears on top of her head moved slightly, fully expressing the master's good mood.

"As you wish, then I will challenge the one in Xuanguang City to the official Martial God Festival. Well, I will bet on enough food for a month, what do you think?"

Hearing the affirmative reply from Hela, the Goddess of Thunder, standing at the bottom of the steps was a middle-aged man with fox ears, a tail, and a beard on his face.Lei Wuxin, who was the priest of the orc tribe in Leiming City, squinted his eyes and suggested with a smile.

"Food, very good. This is definitely a bet they can't refuse, let's use this as a test first." After thinking for a while, Hela showed a satisfied smile on her face, accepted Lei Wuxin's proposal, and confirmed This is the doomed Valkyrie Festival.

"Then, let's retire first."

"Go." Waving his hand, signaling Lei Wuxin to leave, Hela looked out of the window again, as if there was something attracting her there.

Respectfully bowing to Hela, Lei Wuxin backed away from the palace and walked towards the former work area.A few minutes later, a challenge invitation for the Martial God Festival departed from Thunder City and was sent to Rotating Light City in the north.

At the same time as the challenge invitation was set off, the notice about the Valkyrie Festival provoked by the Valkyrie of Thunder against the Valkyrie of Light also started from Thunder City and was sent to other surrounding cities one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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