Chapter 871 Altair
"Roar~" Deafening roars sounded all around, and the elemental dragon that had just been scattered by the saber reappeared while Miao Shishi was thinking, facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan who had changed his form again at this time, he did not have the element of wisdom The force rushed towards her again.

While the elemental dragon was rushing towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the surrounding environment was also undergoing large-scale changes, the sky and the earth began to crack, and the sea water began to boil.Because of the previous conflict of crystal rules, coupled with Miao Shishi's intentionally expanded rule opposition, this world has also reached the zero point of tolerance.

There is no need to wait for the colorless and transparent crystal to merge with Xia Feifei, the world will start from Pure Sound Island and collapse towards the surroundings.The collapse of the world is also destined to speed up the fusion of colorless crystals.

In the end, in such a world collapse, the only one left is probably Xia Feifei who is protected by the colorless crystal.And this is Miao Shishi's ultimate goal, she wants to break the rules of the world, she wants to destroy this eternal world, even if it's just for Xia Feifei to get "freedom".

However, she was bound by the rules of the world and wanted to break the rules of the world, but she never thought that Xia Feifei really wanted to break the shackles of those rules, did Xia Feifei really yearn for that kind of lonely freedom.

Sometimes, people are blind, many things will cover people's eyes and mind.Let them mistakenly think that their choice is correct. At this time, they will often paranoidly think that the other party is good as a reason to give the other party something that they think is good.

But is this really for the other party's good?Maybe yes, maybe not.Happiness is never what others say, but what you pursue.If it's for Xia Feifei's happiness, shouldn't Xia Feifei pursue it herself?

At this time, Miao Shishi never thought about that kind of problem at all, or she didn't dare to think about it at all.She has done everything she can, and she is willing to give everything for Xia Feifei.

Having endured repeated reincarnations of separation, she could no longer bear that kind of pain.So, this is already the only way out she can think of, everything is the fault of the world, then let the world disappear forever, together with herself...

"Everything is happening, the ninth movement "Returning Karma"."

Facing the elemental dragons pounced around him, facing the upside-down doomsday scene, facing Miao Shishi's ashen persistence and determination, Zhuang Xiaoyuan picked up a submachine gun with his left hand, and picked up a submachine gun with his right hand from the saber hovering around. He drew a saber.

With a submachine gun as the body of the violin and a saber as the bowstring of the violin, Zhuang Xiaoyuan used the submachine gun and saber to pose for playing the violin.A faint Ling Ran's voice sounded from her mouth, and at the same time, the sound waves of the violin sounded.

Boom, the invisible wave of sound spread out around Zhuang Xiaoyuan as the center. Where the sound wave passed, all the elemental dragons disappeared, all the cataclysms of heaven and earth were restored, and all catastrophes of mutations disappeared.

When the swift and violent sound waves swept past, Pure Sound Island returned to its original calm, and even the land and buildings that were destroyed in the battle just now were restored to their original state.

"This, what's going on here! Impossible, how is this possible!" Miao Shishi's eyes widened when she saw the strange recovery situation around her, and her eyes were filled with unbelievable light.

This is her world, and she is the master of the world.As the consciousness of the world, if she wants to restore everything, she can do it, but it is impossible to do it as easily as Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

It's just a simple sound wave that restores everything. Is this the real power of the Circle of Perfection?With an unbelievable expression on her face, Miao Shishi didn't know what to do for a while.

Altair, the biggest villain of "Re:CREATORS", is also the real protagonist in this anime.Possessing the aura of an absolutely invincible protagonist, and finally embarked on a happy ending that everyone loves to hear and see.

If you put yourself into the role of Altair when watching this anime, you will find that this is simply a proper invincible anime.

The protagonist has absolutely invincible power, and all people are helpless in front of her. In the end, on the premise of fulfilling Altair's wish, let her meet her creator, which finally leads to a peaceful ending.

The power possessed by Altair, who is the hidden protagonist, is also extremely powerful. It is omnipresent, contains all the power, and is ever-changing. Even as long as someone continues to create a second creation for her, her ability will be infinite. endless.

And Altair and Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who have this omnipotent power of cause and effect, have the highest degree of compatibility among all transformed characters so far, second only to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own power of Yuanli.

This kind of fit even directly surpassed the power of the rules of the world crystal itself, and officially let Zhuang Xiaoyuan break away from the rules of this world.Became the same detached existence as the state where he displayed the power of Yuanli.

In Altair's state, let alone Miao Shishi with world consciousness, even if she is targeted by the world's instinct, she can't do anything to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Even, if Altair's transformation ability could be obtained earlier, it would be a breeze to destroy the evil god.

Of course, this strength above the world is not because Altair's own strength has surpassed the world, but because of the power of rules that she possesses that perfectly fits with Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Although the real Altair was equally strong, if he faced off against the characters that Zhuang Xiaoyuan had transformed into, he would not have a 100% winning rate.

Not to mention the regular-level combat power of the Holy Gun Knight King and Flandre, it is enough to entangle hundreds of opponents like Icarus and Tokisaki Kurumi with absolute defense circles and infinite clones. The year is tied.

Because of Altair's own karma rules, it may become very difficult to defeat her, but if it is just a tie, there are still many people who can do it.

However, no matter what the actual combat power is, none of the above characters can compare with Altair's power of karma in terms of compatibility with Zhuang Xiaoyuan.In other words, Altair's rules are already infinitely close to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own Yuanli power.

No matter how high the authority of the world rules Miao Shishi has, she has no ability to resist Zhuang Xiaoyuan's higher power of Yuanli, and the authority itself has already suffered a complete defeat.

Even if what Zhuang Xiaoyuan is using at this time is not the real power of Yuanli, but this kind of causal power with a high degree of fit has already surpassed the rules of this world.And this also doomed Miao Shishi's defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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