Chapter 872
"Everything, No.13 movement "Summary Origin"." After a wave of sound directly quelled the chaos in this world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan did not stop his playing, the saber in his right hand was still resting on the submachine gun, and with the saber forcefully Slip, the violin's sonorous sounded again.

Compared with the large-scale sound wave last time, this time the sound wave was aimed at the stone pillar that had subsided, and Xia Feifei was lying safely on the flat grass at this time.

As the sound waves of the No.13 movement swept past, Liu Qianqian tried her best to pull out only a little bit of the transparent world crystal that had resisted Zhuang Xiaoyuan before, and slowly pulled out from Xia Feifei's chest as if she had self-awareness. retreated out.

"It's over, this thorny road destined to lead to tragedy." Bending slightly to pick up the colorless and transparent world crystal from Xia Feifei's side, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at Miao Shishi on the opposite side, and said softly.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan declined to comment on Miao Shishi's choice.Whether her choice is right or wrong, only they know.Perhaps they are the biggest mistake for the creatures in this world, but for Miao Shishi, they may be the only way out of a dead end.

After experiencing separation again and again, it is human nature to find it difficult to bear the pain.From the moment the world consciousness was born, she was no longer the original emotionless instinct, but an existence with her own emotions.

And emotions are mixed with too many things, including happiness and sadness, hesitation and persistence, responsibility and indulgence.Even the consciousness of the world cannot avoid being swayed by emotions.

Don't talk about world consciousness, can Zhuang Xiaoyuan himself completely abandon his emotions?That is impossible, Zhuang Xiaoyuan who values ​​family and friendship, Zhuang Xiaoyuan who has relatives and friends, this is Zhuang Xiaoyuan, this is her.

If emotion was abandoned, she would cease to be her.

If Zhuang Xiaoyuan was standing in Miao Shishi's place at this time, what choice would she make?This is not a question, but a possibility that already exists.Maybe Zhuang Xiaoyuan will make the same decision.

As the core of the big world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can understand Miao Shishi's psychology.Perhaps, in the near future, Zhuang Xiaoyuan will also have to face such a situation.At that time, what choice she will make, she herself does not know.

But, at least, for now, Zhuang Xiaoyuan just wants to cherish every minute and every second with his friends.Therefore, she must go back, the sooner the better, she has missed those friends more and more.

"It's over, yes, everything is over." Sighing softly, seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan bent down to pick up the transparent world crystal, Miao Shishi knew that everything was over.After all, the path I chose did not go through, and the cycle of reincarnation will continue.

Thinking of the hundreds of years of painstaking efforts finally ending like this, Miao Shishi's face was full of despair and pain.

It's not that she doesn't understand what kind of ending her choice will lead to. She made this choice on the premise of knowing that ending, because she has no other choice but to do so.

Human beings are fragile, not just physically, but spiritually.As the consciousness of the world, after having feelings, Miao Shishi has actually become a human being to a certain extent, and she also has the fragility of human beings.

Not everyone has a strong will, and not everyone can survive after facing pain.And Miao Shishi is obviously not the kind of person who can face pain with strength.

Moreover, even if she was strong enough, she couldn't bear the endless pain again and again.The relationship between Miao Shishi and Xia Feifei has been established countless times, and it has also been taken away by time countless times.

In every reincarnation, Miao Shishi persevered in re-establishing contact with her, and regaining her affection.But the final outcome never changed.All memories, all emotions will eventually be taken away by time.

Facing this painful separation and rebuilding again and again, Miao Shishi followed the rules of the world and established the Hall of Valor belonging to this world, making human heroes become heroic spirits. She also helped Xia Feifei achieve her goal in a certain life. The feat of a hero.

However, after becoming heroic spirits, what they ushered in was not a fusion, but painful torture.It's fine if it's just a normal relationship, but how can it be possible for people to get along without awkwardness and quarrels?

In many cases, emotions are also advanced in quarrels again and again.However, after becoming a Heroic Spirit, Xia Feifei never quarreled with Miao Shishi again.Because, no matter what her inner emotions are, she will never be able to defy Miao Shishi.

After being bound by such puppet-like rules time and time again, Xia Feifei's words became less and less, and her emotions became less and less. In the end, the feelings between the two gradually became estranged in this silence. It was something Miao Shishi absolutely didn't want to see.

In desperation, in the end, Miao Shishi relieved Xia Feifei of her role as a heroic spirit and allowed her to reincarnate.At the moment of re-entering reincarnation, the smile that Xia Feifei showed at that last moment is a picture that Miao Shishi will never forget in her life. It is a smile that breaks free from shackles and regains freedom.

It turned out that he had been restraining her all along.It turned out that her own existence was so painful for her.It turned out that it wasn't just me who felt the pain between the two.

It was also at that moment that Miao Shishi made up her mind to break the shackles of this world.She clearly realized that the world was wrong.At least, his own also wrong.If it wasn't a mistake, why would I suffer so much as the master of the world.

"You are not wrong, the world is not wrong, everyone is not wrong. The only thing that is wrong is that you and I met. Our meeting was wrong from the beginning. If you didn't meet me in the first place, you don't need to be so painful .”

The slender right hand gently placed on Miao Shishi's shoulder, pulling her out of endless despair and pain.However, Miao Shishi felt a deeper pain when the words passed into her ears.

"Is it really wrong? We really shouldn't meet." With her right hand covering her throbbing heart, Miao Shishi looked up at the person standing in front of her with deep pain in her eyes.

At this time, the person who uttered the wrong words while smiling pretty was none other than Xia Feifei who had been dazed by herself in order to let the world crystal merge with her.

"Yeah, our meeting was wrong from the beginning. It's our fault that made you suffer so much and make me so lonely. But, if you had to do it all over again, would you still come? When we first met In that place, will you still ask my name?"

(End of this chapter)

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