Chapter 173
After the episode of robbery, after helping Liao Kai, who was so frightened and limp, into the car, the Rimula started to gallop again.

"Second brother, even if you see my second uncle standing on the side of the road being robbed, don't stop the car!"

Liao Kaichao, whose face hadn't fully recovered from his blood, gave vicious instructions to the young man who was driving.

Fang Yufan on the side curled his lips when he heard the words.

Could this be the legend about being bitten by a snake for ten years and being afraid of well ropes?
"Here's the box." Luo Min handed the wooden box the size of a glasses case to Fang Yufan.

After receiving the wooden box, Fang Yufan said calmly, "Thank you."

A bundle of true knowledge then entered the box, and after seeing that the things inside had not been touched by anyone, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Boss, can you help me?" Liao Kai put his fat face in front of Fang Yufan and said pitifully.

"What's the matter?" Fang Yufan asked with raised eyebrows.

The little fat man pointed at the bloody red packet on his forehead and said nothing.

After squinting at him, Fang Yufan stretched out his right palm to cover the lump, and then a trace of true energy penetrated into it through Laogong acupoint.

The expression on Liao Kai's face was shocked, and he immediately felt a gentle breath from the boss's palm to his forehead.

In less than two breaths, the throbbing pain disappeared, and a cool and comfortable feeling spread to his limbs.

"Well, it's so comfortable!" With his eyes slightly closed, Liao Kai couldn't help moaning and sighing.

When Fang Yufan heard the words, there was a black line on his forehead!
Then he flicked his head with his fingers and then retracted his hand.

"Ouch! It hurts!"

The little fat man who quickly came back to his senses raised his hand and rubbed his forehead while exclaiming.

When Luo Min on the side saw that there was a bright red lump on Liao Kai's forehead, but now it was just a little red and swollen, a look of surprise flashed across her eyes.

After glancing at Fang Yufan quietly from the corner of her eye, she narrowed her eyes slightly and her mind began to churn secretly.

There was no talking all the way, and after driving for about 10 kilometers, the three finally got out of the car.

The car drove down the hillside under the instructions of the servants of Li's Villa, while Fang Yufan and the three walked towards a platform.

"Come here quickly!" There were quite a few people standing on the platform, and Liao Xinghong was waving at them outside the crowd.

"What are you doing? I've been waiting for you for several minutes!" Liao Xinghong asked while holding a beautiful woman with bumpy figure and makeup on his arm.

"I met a robber!" Liao Kai replied angrily.

"What nonsense!" Liao Xinghong approached Liao Kai anxiously and scolded in a low voice, "This is the territory of the Li family! Who dares to rob here after eating the bear's heart!"

"Okay, if it's late, it's late! Anyway, the cable car hasn't arrived yet!" Liao Xinghong said after glancing at his nephew again.

"Cable car? What cable car?" Liao Kaiwen asked.

Liao Xinghong wrinkled his face and replied angrily: "You won't look at it by yourself like Yu Fan!"

The little fat man's expression froze, his plump lips squirmed a few times, and he reluctantly walked to the boss's side and looked out.

"Oh, it's so high!" Liao Kai exclaimed in a low voice as soon as he stood on the outer edge of the platform.

Luo Min, who was standing alone next to Liao Xinghong, smiled at him, and walked over with her skirt lifted.

As the night breeze was blowing, Fang Yufan smelled a faint fragrance from his nostrils.

After turning his head to look at Luo Min who was standing beside him, Fang Yufan turned his head to look forward again.

The platform was built on a [-]-meter-high cliff. A stone pillar stood on the cliff on the side of the crowd, and two steel cables as thick as an adult's arm were firmly wound around the top of the stone pillar.

Under the cliff, there is a small river with gurgling water, and huge rocks are lying randomly on both sides of the river beach.

Across the rocky river land below, there is a piece of lush bushes, and from time to time there will be one or two wild animals such as hares and pheasants shuttling among them.

Through the bushes, there is a small hillside covered with green grass.Behind the hillside, there is a sparkling water area that faintly reflects the lights in the distance.

A little further away, under the light of random dots, is a wooden building hidden in the shadow of trees.

A little further away, behind a small mountain with a height of tens of meters, a large group of tall buildings lies quietly in a lush green valley.

The Li family has done a great job!
Looking at the stretch of brightly lit buildings in the distance, Fang Yufan secretly sighed in his heart.

The [-]-meter-high cliff under my feet was supposed to be a mountain ridge before, but the Li family dug it into an upright cliff that is difficult for apes to climb.

The mountains and forests are the garden, the valley is the courtyard, the mountains are the walls, and the river is the canal. This is the style of an ancient family with a long history!

Looking at the extremely eye-catching group of buildings against the backdrop of the night in the distance, Fang Yufan sighed faintly.

The Li family may be an ancient family with huge influence in today's era, but if it is in the era of cultivators and powerful people flying all over the sky, it may be difficult to compare with a small third-rate sect!
However, the glory of yesterday's comprehension civilization has long been a thing of the past, and the rest are just stories from a long, long time ago told to children by old people!

After shaking his head lightly, Fang Yufan smiled lightly.

"The cable car is coming!" I don't know who called it, and the people standing on the platform immediately got up and stood under the stone pillar.

I saw a wide cable car with light green skin slowly sliding towards the platform in the air tens of meters away from the cliff.

After some commotion, two small teams of twenty people stood in two rows under the stone pillar in order, and the remaining dozen or so people stood by and watched with smiles on their faces.

"Boss, why are these people so humble?" Liao Kai asked in a low voice, rather puzzled, as he watched these big-bellied and wealthy businessmen give way back and forth.

"Aside from thinking about which canary bird is more beautiful in your mind, can you turn your brain around and think about other things?" Fang Yufan said sarcastically after glaring at Liao Kai angrily.

The little fat man chuckled a few times and then said impressively: "Is it true that these rich people also pay attention to seniority? That's right, a millionaire with tens of millions is too embarrassed to join a group of billionaires!"

The cable car full of people drove away from the platform slowly, and the rest of the people gathered together again.

Taking a breath of the cool night air, Fang Yufan stretched out his arms and stretched his muscles slightly.

Then a series of clear and crisp sounds similar to fried beans came out from his body.

Suddenly, a faint "buzzing" sound gradually sounded in the distant night sky, and a beam of bright light pierced the sky from the top of the small mountain like a lightsaber.

Immediately, a mass of white light appeared on a flat ground on the side of the mountain.

With the illumination of that beam of light, everyone standing on the platform saw a helicopter hovering in mid-air.

Then, under the guidance of the beam of light, the dark green helicopter slowly sank towards the clear space illuminated by the white light.

"I don't know which big man from above is here?"

"Hey, this is already the second helicopter, the Li family is indeed the Li family!"

"That's right, the Li family is a century-old family that has been passed down for more than 300 years! Can't the background be profound?"

With the disappearance of the beam of light, such remarks resounded among the wealthy businessmen.

"Hey, if I had a helicopter, it would definitely be beneficial to go out to pick up girls!"

Grinning, Liao Kai muttered softly, with a hint of light flashing in his small eyes.

When Fang Yufan heard that three black lines flashed across his forehead, he suppressed the urge to kick the little fat man to the bottom of the cliff!
In a complex of buildings in the valley surrounded by mountains, a beautiful girl with an outstanding figure in a long dress and light makeup walked into an exquisite courtyard with three entrances, front and back.

"See Second Miss!"

Two beautiful girls who were also dressed in ancient dresses as maidservants flickered in the corners of their eyes, short and short, Fuli called out in a frightened voice.

The pretty girl with light make-up glanced at the two maids who were blocking the gate of the courtyard, frowned slightly and said, "What are you two doing standing here? Hurry up and ask the young lady to come out."

After the two servant girls glanced at each other quietly, they said in a low voice full of hesitation: "Second miss, the little miss has ordered that no one else should disturb her!"

"Bold!" Liu Mei, a pretty girl with light make-up, yelled in a delicate voice, "How dare you not listen to what I say!"

"The slaves dare not!"

The two little girls knelt on the ground with snow-white faces and said pitifully.

"Hee hee, why is Second Sister losing her temper? Lan Xin Lanzhu is the most obedient!"

A crisp cry that made the two maids kneeling on the ground extremely happy came from a small wooden building in the courtyard, and then a petite figure jumped over from the door of the small building with incomparable vigor.

Letting out a short breath, the pretty girl with light make-up quickly had a gentle smile on her face after seeing this petite figure.

"Little sister, are you being mischievous again?" The pretty girl with light make-up, who knew the temperament of the youngest sister, took her bare hand and asked with a smile.

"Hey, why are your hands so cold? Tell me, did you run out to play again?" the pretty girl with light makeup quickly said with a pretty face and a deep voice.


The petite girl in a long white dress on her delicate body shouted coquettishly.

After the two black agate-like eyeballs rolled around for a few times, she said softly, "Second Sister, what are you looking for me for? It's still early!"

Dotingly pinched the girl's upturned and round little Qiong's nose, the pretty girl with light makeup said with a smile: "Your godfather is here, and he said he brought you your favorite gift."

"Ah! Second sister, let's go now!"

The girl took the crisp hand of the pretty girl with light make-up and hurried to the door.

As she walked, she shouted with joy, "Godfather is so kind! He must have brought a little tiger for me!"

The pretty girl with light makeup froze slightly when she heard this.

There are two mountain leopards and three black bears in the mountains behind my house!That's good, I have to add another tiger!
Soon, the two girls gradually went away accompanied by two maids.

By the wooden window on one side of the small building, several small heads suddenly protruded out in unison.

"It's all right, the elder sister has already left!"

"Oh, I'm so cold! No, I have to go back and change my clothes!"

"It's all Uncle Jiu's fault, Gan Mao insists on going the way of Shuijian!"

(End of this chapter)

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