Chapter 174
After more than ten minutes of night wind blowing on the platform, the cable car finally reappeared in everyone's eyes.

Watching those beauties with slender waists, breast augmentation, and all kinds of beautiful evening gowns rushing towards the arms of the man next to him under the blowing of the night wind, Fang Yufan shook his head slightly.

Fortunately, it was just one night near early autumn. If it were late autumn or mid-winter, everyone would be frozen into beautiful popsicles!

Thinking of this, Fang Yufan turned his head and glanced at Luo Min who was standing next to him with goosebumps on his arms.

"Boss, hurry up and line up!" Liao Kai called out to Fang Yufan on the other side of the stone pillar.

As soon as the words fell, a beam of light shot directly from the other side of the mountain road.

"Let's go." After saying something softly to Luo Min, Fang Yufan walked over on his feet.

When Fang Yufan walked to Liao Xinghong's side, two luxury sports cars had already parked beside the mountain road.

With the sound of the door closing, a group of four young men got out of the sports car one after another.

"Hehe, Young Master Zhuang, it seems that we are lucky!" A young man walking in the second place smiled and said to the leading young man in Chinese clothes with flowing hair.

"No matter where you go, you can meet this guy!" Liao Kai, who was standing beside Fang Yufan, said in a low voice slightly gloomy after seeing the face of the person walking in the third place.

Fang Yufan nodded his head with a deeply appreciative expression on his face.

"Boss, the person who is talking is Han Shixun." Liao Kai introduced Fang Yufan in a low voice, "The last one is called Wang Tian, ​​and his uncle is a powerful colonel in the Southwest Military Region. I don't know the one at the front."

Fang Yufan turned his head to look at the little fat man and asked in bewilderment, "Why are you telling me this? I don't intend to know them."

Liao Kai hesitated when he heard the words, then squatted down on the ground and drew circles.

While paddling, he muttered, "Isn't this for the needs of the plot!"

A group of four people, all tall and straight, coupled with the matching bright boots, caught the attention of most of the people present.

After comparing the men beside them with these four handsome young men, those pretty beauties all sighed secretly and moved half a step away.

"Master Zhuang, brother Shixun, we are really lucky! Hehe, we just caught up with the cable car when we first arrived!" Gu Bo said with a smile.

Immediately, after sweeping past the few people at the end of the queue, his face darkened instantly.

Hurrying a few steps to Han Shixun's side, Gu Bo whispered to him, "Brother Shixun, people from the Liao family are here too!"

After Han Shixun raised his eyes and glanced over there, he nodded to show that he knew.

Soon, the cable car arrived on the platform.

"Everyone, please come up one by one." A young man's head protruded from the work room of the cable car and raised his voice to explain to everyone standing on the platform.

None of these wealthy businessmen on the platform are worth at least hundreds of millions, but when they faced this young man from the Li family with an indifferent face in front of them, they all obediently stepped into the cable car in order.

When the sixteen people in front of Liao Xinghong stepped into the cable car one by one, and he was about to step in, a clear voice suddenly sounded from behind the group.

"Wait a minute!"

Han Shixun took a step forward and smiled at Liao Xinghong and said, "I wonder if this gentleman can let us take a step ahead?"

"Why?" Liao Kai, who was standing behind Fang Yufan, yelled, poking his neck.

"If I remember correctly, the maximum load capacity of this type of cable car should only allow 20 adults of normal weight to be carried at the same time, right?"

Han Shixun looked at the young man in the studio of the cable car and asked loudly.


The young man of the Li family nodded indifferently.

Having said that, Gu Bo also quickly understood: "Look at those two gentlemen, are they of normal weight?"

"Hey, I'm afraid one can count as two!"

"That's right, don't let everyone sit halfway, this cable car suddenly"

"I think it's better to let those four young lads come up first!"

"Extremely extreme, anyway, even if you come up, there is only one person left, why not wait for the next time!"

Everyone standing in the cable car started talking, but the central theme was to make Liao Xinghong and his party wait a little longer.

After scanning the figures of Liao Xinghong's two uncles and nephews, the young man of the Li family pointed at Han Shixun and said, "Come up."

"Understand first come first, first come first" Liao Kaizheng looked angry, but unexpectedly his second uncle put out a hand to cover his mouth.

"Let them go first, we'll just wait a little longer." Looking at Fang Yufan, Liao Xinghong said helplessly.

Fang Yufan nodded noncommittal when he heard the words.

"Master Zhuang, please!"

Han Shixun smiled and waved his hands at the young man who had been standing there with a slight smile on his mouth.

The moment the two groups of people passed by, the young man Han Shixun called Young Master Zhuang tilted his head to smile at Liao Xinghong and his party and nodded lightly. His performance was full of grandeur.

Han Shixun also nodded lightly, but he was a little less calm and more vaguely complacent.

On the contrary, the expression on Gu Bo's face was much richer. First, he cast a sharp glance at Fang Yufan, then cast a mocking glance at the plump body of Liao's uncle and nephew, and then raised his head with a proud smile on his face. Pass.

"Oh, I didn't expect the night view here to be quite beautiful!" Wuyou, who was walking at the end, looked at the view under the platform and couldn't help but praise.

Looking at the cable car sliding slowly, Liao Kai muttered in a low voice angrily.

"What's there to complain about! Just wait a little longer." Fang Yufan said indifferently, squinting at the little fat man.

After glancing at Luo Min's trembling delicate body from the corner of his eye, he hesitated for a moment, then took off the coat he was wearing and put it on her body.

"Thank you!" Luo Min said softly, looking at Fang Yufan gratefully.

"You're welcome." Fang Yufan responded lightly.

Who told us to be too soft-hearted!Fang Yufan, who secretly sighed inwardly, shrugged his eyebrows helplessly.

After another 20 minutes of night wind blowing on the platform, the cable car finally slid over slowly.

The spacious living room in the Li family's building, which was dedicated to entertaining guests, was already full of people.

Among these guests, the men were glamorous and the women were beautiful, and they all found someone they knew and talked with each other with high spirits.

After leaving a birthday gift in front of the hall, Fang Yufan and his party of five walked into the hall under the guidance of a young man dressed as a servant of the Li family.

Some gazes were immediately projected on several people, and after a while, most of them were withdrawn, and the rest were projected carefully.

"Oh, Mr. Liao, you are here!"

"President Liao showed his face a lot this year!"

"Mr. Liao, I have to take care of you in the future!"

Three successive wealthy merchants standing in the corner immediately came over and said enthusiastically.

"Hey, Tie Dong, Mr. Mei, Manager Liu, you are here too!"

Liao Xinghong embraced his female companion and greeted him with an eager smile.

"Boss, why are there so many young people? Don't they all come for a blind date!" Liao Kai whispered maliciously into Fang Yufan's ear.

Fang Yufan glared at him angrily and said in a low voice, "You still don't believe me when I say you're an idiot! Didn't I tell you that he just turned 15 today?"

The little fat man curled his lips and said, "With such a big family, wouldn't it be nice for them to have other daughters who are waiting in the boudoir?"

Immediately, "Boss, am I using the idiom 'waiting in the boudoir' correctly?" Liao Kai raised his eyebrows and asked triumphantly.


"Boss, why did you hit me?" The little fat man asked Fang Yufan with a resentful expression while rubbing his forehead with his hands.

"Your idioms are really good. Boss, I am very pleased, so I reward you with a slap. Why, don't you like it?" Fang Yufan, who raised his eyebrows and looked at Liao Kai, said with a faint smile on his face .

Fatty, he started to talk back!

Fang Yufan, who muttered to himself inwardly, pouted his lips and narrowed his eyes slightly to look at him.

This wind can never rise!

"I like it, I really like it!" Liao Kai nodded hurriedly after catching a glint in the eyes of the boss.

He will never forget that the boss has endless methods of tricking people, and his creativity has no limits!
But there are indeed quite a few young and handsome people attending the banquet!Fang Yufan secretly sighed in his heart.

He raised his head and looked at the hall with several hundred square meters in front of him. Except for some middle-aged men with big bellies who looked like rich merchants with their arms around each of them accompanied by pretty girls, there were many people with sharp eyes and vigorous hair. The young men also followed behind their elders with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes.

"Look, boss!" Liao Kai stretched out his finger and said softly, pointing to a corner in front of him.

Fang Yufan looked in the direction he was pointing, and Han Shixun and the others were walking towards a side door led by a middle-aged man.

Seeing that middle-aged man with a sense of arrogance in his body was humble in front of that Young Master Zhuang, Fang Yufan was a little curious, what was the origin of this young man without a trace of inner energy?
Just when Liao Kai was going to sneak into the crowd alone to feast his eyes, Liao Xinghong walked over with a solemn expression.

"Do you still remember those young people who met Gu Bo on the platform just now?" Liao Xinghong looked at his nephew and asked.

Liao Kai curled his lips and said, "Why don't you remember! But second uncle, why are you asking this?"

"You should be very clear about the friendship between the Han family and the Gu family." Liao Xinghong said slowly, choosing his words carefully, "And our Liao family has already had a bad relationship with the Gu family because of business matters."

"Second Uncle, what on earth are you trying to say?" The little fat man shouted impatiently, "It's not like I don't know about this!"

"Hmph, then do you know the identity of that leading young man?" Liao Xinghong stared at his nephew who interrupted him and asked.

"How do I know!" Liao Kai rolled his eyes and muttered.

"If you don't know, just listen to me honestly!" After drinking to his nephew, Liao Xinghong frowned and said: "The young man's surname is Zhuang, and I just heard that his uncle is one of the top three giants."

While talking, he stretched out a thick and short fat finger and pointed towards the sky.

"Shendu?" Fang Yufan asked in a deep voice.

Liao Xinghong nodded with a wrinkled face.

As soon as he heard that the younger generation of his business rival had climbed into such a sky-high relationship, his heart trembled immediately.

Heh, he is still a young man who has come to God!With an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, Fang Yufan said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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