flirtatious concubine

Chapter 102 Love and Hate Want You to Pain and Me Pain

Chapter 102 Love and Hate Want You to Pain and Me Pain (1)
Open layer by layer, lift the innermost layer, the woman in white clothes.He was curled up into a ball and was falling asleep deeply.As the candle flames danced, Lin Zongyue frowned suddenly, and two sharp white rays of light shot out from his cold eyes.

The long sword wiped in his hand, and the cloak that covered his face was raised like a thunderbolt.

With a few swipes, the cloak was picked up into several rags by the long sword. She was dressed in extremely red clothes, her pale and bloodless face was extremely sick, and her facial features were as seductive as a bloodthirsty flower demon in the dark night.

The sword's edge was icy against her neck, and the cold was everywhere! , but she stared at Lin Zongyue calmly. , "Why, isn't Marshal Lin the most wanted person?" Leaning sideways at the woman on the ground, she had a smile in her eyes.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Zongyue put away the sword in his hand, and his tall body stood in front of her, casting a shadow that enveloped her.Even Xuanyuan Che might not know this secret, where did this woman hear it?He didn't dare to speculate arbitrarily, but he had to be on his guard.

"Me?" She opened her eyes wide, as if she felt surprised by what he said. "," Dayue's emperor said that she was captured by Marshal Lin, and now I will return her to you, Marshal. With her here, you have at least half the chance of winning against Xuanyuan Qingchen! "Squatting down, she stroked the sleeping woman's cheek, even in her sleep, she frowned worriedly.

What are you worried about him doing?I'm afraid that you are no longer the person he misses the most in his heart.As long as that woman exists, no one can take her place! .In the beautiful Danfeng's eyes, traces of hatred poured out! .

"How do you know that I will definitely want this woman."? "Lin Zongyue doesn't like his thoughts being guessed by others, no matter how useful it is, judging from the current situation, he won't have any thoughts about Qiu Shui.

"Marshal Lin, you have been standing still on the border, waiting to fight Xuanyuan Qingchen to the death. Thinking about it, the Emperor Dayue didn't order you to do this, right?"? "The flowing eye waves seem to be able to see through his mind, staring at him without blinking or blinking.

"You are very courageous, but I want to remind you that Qiu Shui has already been taken out of the palace by Xuanyuan Qingchen's people. If you were not someone close to him, how could you take her away so easily, and dare to give her to me in the name of the emperor?" Come!"? "With a sneer, Lin Zongyue approached her step by step, he struck out like lightning, his calloused palms grabbed her neck with one hand.", "Why, Xuanyuan Qingchen was afraid of losing too badly , even used this method?"

A sarcastic and disdainful smile spread, approaching her tightly wrinkled face. "," What's so good about him, why is anyone willing to work hard for him! "?"

Even Qiu Shui, thinking of the person who fell asleep on the ground, reunited many years later, and after she was taken away, she has been standing firmly by Xuanyuan Qingchen's side. What is it that attracts that cruel, cold-blooded, and ruthless man? she them. ?
An unstoppable anger surged in his heart, Lin Zongyue held her neck tightly and shook her: "," Say it! "Marshal, if, if, if he really has something worthy of my nostalgia, I will not appear in front of you!" "Intermittently, she spoke with great effort. She didn't struggle, and there was only strong hatred in the raised phoenix eyes.

"You hate him?"

"Not bad!"

"Are you his?"..."

"My name is Su Jingwan, and my elder brother is Prince Yun of Lanling."

"You are Xuanyuan Qingchen's concubine."? "

Lin Zongyue had heard that Xuanyuan Qingchen, who had just returned to Dayue from Western Chu and was named King of Bei'an, married Su Jingwan, the most beloved princess of King Lanling not long after. , but, just an inconspicuous side concubine.At that time, there were rumors from Dayue that maybe the princess was fascinated by ghosts and didn't pick on anyone, but only fell in love with Xuanyuan Qingchen.

Who would have expected that in just a few years, Xuanyuan Qingchen's strength would be so strong that even Dayue's emperor would be afraid of him three points. Apart from the support of Lanling behind him, it seems that this The princess also contributed a lot.

"Why did you fall out of favor?" Lin Zongyue smiled mockingly, but let go of his hand slowly.Her elder brother is Prince Yun, and he is also a strong opponent of Lin Zongyue.

"It was divorced!" Su Jingwan sneered.

A letter of divorce, he broke off the relationship between husband and wife for several years, and killed her.Xuanyuan Qingchen, you are so cruel, you only gave her half of the antidote! , when she had an attack, she had suffered enough, and every time she wished to die.

Do you want me to try the pain that Hua Meinu has suffered! ?It's okay, I, Su Jingwan, can bear it!She has held on until now.Qing Chen, you are ruthless to me, why should I beg you again?If you are ruthless, I will rest!However, what I want is not your death, but the death of that woman!
I live every day in pain, but you and her are in love with each other, don't you love her so much that she goes crazy?Okay, then try again, you want to love, you want to love, but you just can’t think of the pain of not being able to love, and not being able to get it no matter what.

The more you love her, the more the pain after losing will be like a tarsal maggot, and it will hurt your heart every moment.You say you have no intention, then I, Su Jingwan, will simply let your heart be immersed in ice forever.

Even if you never had me in your heart, I want you to hate me, remember me! , then your heart will not be completely occupied by that woman, and you will have a small place that belongs to me, Su Jingwan, and I will occupy you in the end! , My wholehearted love will not be wasted in vain! .

Looking at Su Jingwan's face that was so calm that it was almost indifferent, he caught sight of her turbulent, love-hate gaze in his eyes.

"Your purpose is to exchange with me?" Lin Zongyue naturally understood a little.

"Yes." Su Jingwan spoke bluntly, looking directly into his eyes without any taboo.

"You should go to your brother. After all, you are brothers and sisters. Why do you have to go to me?" Lin Zongyue smiled lazily and walked slowly to the table.Doing business with him, Lin Zongyue, is undoubtedly seeking skin from a tiger! .

"Of course it is possible, but only you are the best collaborator." Su Jingwan walked in front of him lightly.This man is completely different from Su Yunfeng and Xuanyuan Qingchen, his whole body is full of hatred and killing intent, so his blood is cold, and his methods are poisonous! .

She had heard his name when Xuanyuan Qingchen was talking to Wuhen before, and more importantly, he hated Qingchen more than anyone, anyone, even Xuanyuan Che. , will form an astonishing force and spread damage.

"If I say no, or ask for a price, what should you do?"

"Rights, wealth, and women! These three things, I can give you whatever you want, but I also know that if you don't kill Xuanyuan Qingchen, you won't care for any of them!". "Hate and revenge is the path he and she will take together.

Pale fingers slowly unbuttoned the clothes, and under the extremely enchanting red clothes, the snow-white ketone body without a single thread was displayed flawlessly in front of Lin Zongyue.

"You are his woman, I'm not interested in touching her." The perfect body made his eyes linger in admiration.

"Getting Xuanyuan Qingchen's woman is the first step to defeating him, don't you think so?" Su Jingwan took Lin Zongyue's hand and placed it on her chest, moving it skillfully around her body.Hearing his gradually heavy breathing, she smiled charmingly, raised her bracelet to hook his neck, and snuggled into his arms like a snake.

"Am I not beautiful?" She said confidently.But those agile eyes appeared in her pupils, and she would always be attracted by the extreme self-confidence in her eyes inadvertently! .

"It's beautiful!" Lin Zongyue caressed Su Jingwan's charming body, and there was only a sneer in his deep eyes. "," But——" He paused, "The words of too beautiful women are often unbelievable, because they are all femme fatales! "A femme fatale!? Su Jingwan laughed instead of being angry when she heard Lin Zongyue's words.","Is the marshal afraid?" She couldn't help tightening her arms around his neck.

"Afraid?" Lin Zongyue's eyes slid across her naked body, and the tide of emotion in his eyes did not come from the beautiful body of the person in his arms. "," You exchanged your body for cooperation with me. This is your bottom line, but how do you know that I will definitely agree?After all, there are too many beautiful women, you are not the most beautiful! "."

He twirled Su Jingwan's hair hanging down her chest, and then let it go.He likes women, but what he hates the most is when women make deals with him, especially such bargains.

"Yes, I am indeed not the most beautiful, but I am the one who can best help you achieve your wishes!" Su Jingwan twisted her waist and sat on Lin Zongyue's lap, her legs tightly wrapped around his waist The softness of his chest was tightly attached to his thin clothes.Slightly drooping her forehead, she actively leaned into his ear, "Are you really not thinking about it?"

"Aren't you afraid of making a deal with me?" Lin Zongyue chuckled, covering her chest with his big hands, and kneading her vigorously.

Su Jingwan!He laughed secretly in his heart insolently.Love to the point of madness, so hate to the extreme, such a femme fatale, wanting to make a deal with him, Lin Zongyue, is like a hungry person with a glass of dove poison wine in front of his eyes, and he will die if he drinks it or not, but it depends on who Have the guts to try it once.

"Everyone takes what they want!" Su Jingwan smiled coquettishly, her soft arms penetrated into Lin Zongyue's clothes, followed his broad chest down, walked on his well-defined abdomen, and probed directly into his hot body .

"It's a good one to get what you need!" Lin Zongyue hugged her waist, waved his hand to sweep away the sundries on the desk, and placed her on it. , the teased lower body was placed between her legs.

"Marshal..." She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled softly, but there was no trace of a smile in her eyes.She didn't care about the deal with Lin Zongyue, at this moment Su Jingwan was completely blinded by hatred.Xuanyuan Qingchen doesn't want her body, her heart, anything about her.

"Why, are you afraid that you are not used to having people around?" Lin Zongyue looked at the woman lying on the ground not far away.Fortunately, Su Jingwan did not know about Qiu Shui as he had guessed.

"Her."? "Su Jingwan squinted at Qiushui, shook her head and said," "If the medicine I gave doesn't have an antidote, she shouldn't expect to wake up. Tonight, can it be that you want her too?"... "Finger in Lin Zongyue His open chest is circled.

"No, it's enough to have you!" The smile in Lin Zongyue's bloodthirsty eyes stayed on her face—Xuanyuan Qingchen's woman!He let out a low trembling sound from his throat, his waist sank suddenly, galloping in her body without any tenderness...

Shaking her body recklessly, thin sweat slipped down Su Jingwan's body, Lin Zongyue was just venting physically, she didn't know it, but she and him just took what they needed, that's all.

"Ah!" A low moan came from Su Jingwan's mouth, and the bronze-colored body in the military tent pressed against her body, and every impact made her body tremble slightly.

Sweat and tears blurred her eyes, she couldn't see who was in front of her, she just kept sinking in her own consciousness.The legs tightened tightly, bearing the strange feeling. , pointy fingertips, plunged deeply into his back forcefully, to relieve the unspeakable physical and psychological pain! .

Qing Chen, you will regret it, you will definitely regret it...

"Qiu Shui, Qiu Shui..." It seemed that someone was calling her name again, but her eyelids were sore that she could not open her eyes.

"Hmm, who called me?" Qiu Shui asked in a low voice.

"Finally woke up." The person calling her seemed relieved.

Slowly opening her eyes, Qiushui weakly raised her hand and placed it on her forehead, as if she still couldn't clearly connect her thoughts together in her mind.

"Does your head still hurt?"

"A little bit." Qiu Shui said blankly, and gradually realized that the person in front of her was Su Jingwan. "," Sister Jingwan, what's wrong with me? "Qiu Shui doesn't understand. Isn't she on the way back to Bei'an? Why did sister Jingwan appear in front of her? My brother said a while ago that she was sick, so he never saw her.

"You, you've slept for a long time, let's eat something first." Su Jingwan helped Qiu Shui up, sat beside her, waited for a while, and only said when she saw Qiu Shui gradually calm down. "," Didn't Qingchen's people take you back to Bei'an? , I was sick a few days ago and knew you were going to leave, so I hurriedly chased you away. I was worried that you would not be at ease if you went back alone. Besides, you and I came here at the same time, so we have to go back together. ""Yeah, my brother said you were sick, so I didn't bother you, I was afraid that I would cause other troubles. "Qiu Shui said in a low voice. Last time, she had already killed many people. She almost left her behind!

"How can Qiushui cause trouble to others? Don't think too much about it." Su Jingwan saw that Qiushui's expression was not right, presumably something big happened during the days when she was poisoned. "," By the way, do you know where we are now? ""Where? "she Zhang Qiushui asked blankly with her eyes wide open.

"At the border."

"Boundary?" Qiu Shui's eyes suddenly lit up. The meaning of the boundary is that he is by his brother's side! "," Is it at my brother's place? "The little face is full of light, no matter how I got here, I have finally arrived at my brother's place! .

"No." Su Jingwan grabbed her wrist and explained, "It's with Dayue's Marshal Lin."

"Marshal Lin? Lin Zongyue!" Qiu Shui's face changed when she heard this, and she couldn't help but curl up together. Why is it here with him?
"Yeah, I know you wanted to see Qing Chen, so I brought you here boldly. I met Marshal Lin's people on the way, so I got here safely." Qiu Shui seemed to have an inexplicable fear of Lin Zongyue , Su Jingwan held Qiu Shui's hand tightly, and said softly: "Although Dayue and Qing Chen were at odds, Marshal Lin said that he would not treat me or you because of Qing Chen's affairs. "Qiu Shui just listened, but didn't say a word, her slender arms and shoulders tightly hugged herself.

"Okay, okay, don't worry too much, anyway, with me here, you will be fine." Su Jingwan comforted Qiushui.Although Qiushui is no longer Qingchen's most important person, she can tell from the years of getting along that Xuanyuan Qingchen still cares about Qiushui. When facing Qiu Shui, he still showed his gentle smile rarely.

Those who are least ignorant of worldly affairs are often the best to control. , Qiushui is also a woman, and Xuanyuan Qingchen's care for her for many years has made her a habit in her life, and once this habit is broken by someone, no matter how pure she is, she will feel grievances in her heart.

"When can we see brother?" After a long silence, Qiu Shui raised his head and asked in a low voice.

"Soon, but..." Su Jingwan lowered her eyes and didn't say the second half of the sentence.

"But what?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I can't see you again, I feel a little sad." Su Jingwan's voice was sad, and the corners of her eyes were slightly red.

"Aren't you going back? What's the matter, sister Jingwan?"

"I have already received a letter of divorce from Qing Chen, and I am no longer a member of Bei'an Palace," "Steady your voice, Su Jingwan said calmly, tears still falling down uncontrollably.

"Brother is doing it for the sake of the princess..."

"Forget it, the concubine can't tolerate me, and besides, I'm just a side concubine, and I can never compare to her." Su Jingwan smiled helplessly and bitterly, shook her head and stood up, "All I can do is treat you Send it to his side. Qiushui, Sister Jingwan understands your thoughts, but you are not a child anymore, you still need to know how to measure some things. The person Qing Chen loves the most is her. If you are destined to stay with Qing Chen in the future , don't be as aggressive as me, otherwise..."

Speaking of the injury, Su Jingwan stretched out her hand and tightly covered her lips, trying her best to restrain her out-of-control emotions, but the sobbing sound still came out through her fingers.

"Sister Jingwan..."

"It's okay, I'm okay..." Su Jingwan wiped her tears vigorously, a forced smile just appeared on her lips, but it quickly disappeared and spread away. , only the grief and sadness in his eyes that were so thick that they couldn't be resolved made Qiushui's heart involuntarily filled with sadness.

Why didn't she understand her brother's thoughts, from Hua Meinu's decadence and tyranny after his death, to seeing Ye Jinglan in Lanling again, he seemed to have been completely reborn, and there was only one person in his eyes and heart.

Qiu Shui's heart became flustered, because of the appearance of Ye Jinglan and Lin Zongyue, the deepest secret hidden in her heart was once again dug out. , if one day her brother finds out, how should she face him?
"Perhaps, my brother won't want me one day." Qiushui's body was suddenly unable to support her body, and she could only lean against the bed. , the thin face, all the brilliance just now dissipated, and was shrouded in deep worry.

She is used to the days by his side, and it is her greatest happiness to have his meticulous care and consideration.He once said that he would definitely cure her chronic illness. She thought it was just a good wish, but who knew that he really tried his best to heal her.

Brother Qingchen, I can't let go, really, I can't let you go! .What would happen without you by my side?Qiu Shui dare not imagine! .

no! , she doesn't want things to become like this, she must not!No one can make her leave Qing Chen's side, neither Ye Jinglan nor Lin Zongyue can stop her from staying with him!
The little fists were clenched tightly, and even the breathing began to become short of breath! .

"Actually, I envy you very much. At least besides going to the princess, Qing Chen cares about you the most, while I have nothing." Seeing that her expression was wrong, Su Jingwan thought that what she said just now had some effect.

(End of this chapter)

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