flirtatious concubine

Chapter 103 Love and Hate Want You to Pain and Me Pain

Chapter 103 Love and Hate Want You to Pain and Me Pain (2)
No matter how submissive a woman is, once she falls in love to the point of madness, she will never even imagine how far she will go. , So... Su Jingwan held Qiushui's cold hands tightly, warming them up bit by bit.Looking at Qiu Shui, she lowered her head and bit her lips tightly, blood oozing from the joints of her teeth. , Su Jingwan raised her beautiful red phoenix eyes, her eyes were full of water, but her smile was extremely cold! , as if looking at something that I have carefully crafted, and engraved my own brand on it! .

Don't blame me, we all fell in love with Xuanyuan Qingchen, but I couldn't get any of him in the end! , I am not reconciled,, not reconciled...

One leaf falls and autumn is known, and without knowing it, Ye Jinglan stayed here for a few days, and the gradually cooler weather cast a shadow on her heart.There are not many days left, and she doesn't need to count them down. She also knows that the day when the antidote will expire is getting closer and closer.In fact, she had already expected this day to come at that time, and only complained that time passed by in a hurry, it was too fast!
"Why are you so preoccupied?" Xuanyuan Qingchen leaned over and hugged her in his arms.

"Ah, it's nothing." For a while, she was so absorbed that she didn't even notice when he came in. "," Don't do this, this is in the military tent. "She lowered her voice, shyly preparing to push him away.

"Why are you shy? It's rare that I have time to visit you today." Xuanyuan Qingchen will not let go. He has been busy with the war recently. Although Su Yunfeng didn't do anything, Lin Zongyue always has small troubles. He seemed to be testing Xuanyuan Qingchen's patience.

"Since you're busy, it's rare that you're free, you'd better rest." Ye Jinglan broke free from his arms and kept a certain distance from him.

These days, she stayed here and didn't mention leaving, but she didn't say that she would stay. Obviously she had begun to accept herself, but Xuanyuan Qingchen still couldn't guess the real thoughts in her heart, which made him dare not force her anymore. do something about it.

"Then you stay with me, it's always okay."? "I reached out to hug her again.

"No, I'm a little uncomfortable." Slapping his hand away, Ye Jinglan frowned, she was indeed a little uncomfortable! .

uncomfortable?Seeing her frowning, Xuanyuan Qingchen asked worriedly: "What's wrong?" He stroked Ye Jinglan's shoulder and pulled her to his side.

"It's nothing." She said lightly, and was about to withdraw the palm held by him.

Raising his hand, Xuanyuan Qingchen touched her forehead and then his own, but he didn't feel that there was a big difference, the temperature was too bad. "It's getting colder, the temperature difference between morning and evening here is big, you try to stay here as much as possible and don't go out, if you need anything, tell me to go down, your body can't catch cold." He saw the clothes she was wearing, and couldn't help wrinkling Frowning, "It's too little."

"I know, I will take care of myself, you don't have to worry about it anymore." Ye Jinglan stepped back a little, Xuanyuan Qingchen's concern just now made her heart feel warm, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she couldn't help The voice was played low and softly.

"Well, since you're not feeling well, go rest first, I should go too." He looked at the silent person in front of him with some reluctance, got up and left.Didn't see the moment he turned to leave, Ye Jinglan raised his drooping eyelids, his usual indifference was gone, and when he looked at his back, there was a faint smile on the corner of his lips, making it look like She was a little indifferent, but there was a trace of warmth in the corners of her brows and eyes.

It's autumn, and Xuanyuan Qingchen clearly remembers the days he was worried about. In a few months, the medicine she took will no longer be effective, and the heart-wrenching days of the past will come back again. Pass.

He has been busy with Lin Zongyue's affairs, hoping to resolve their grievances as soon as possible. However, if Dayue doesn't take the initiative to send troops for a day, he will stay here for an extra day.He urged Wuhen many times, but there was still no progress in the development of the antidote.

eventful autumn...

"What's the matter, are you alright, what are you sighing for?" Unexpectedly, Wuhen appeared behind Xuanyuan Qingchen like a ghost, wrapped himself tightly in black clothes, with a dusty appearance, It seems to have been out for a long time.

"Where have you been? You look tired."

"Stay bored, walk around, and got some unexpected news, do you want to listen to it?" Wuhen smiled charmingly, looked at the man in front of him, and asked with interest.

Xuanyuan knew that Qingchen smiled indifferently, seeing Wuhen, the burden in his heart seemed to be relieved, the news Wuhen brought back must be very important, otherwise he wouldn't have gone out in person.

"Will you tell me?"

"Of course, because it's about you, what am I hiding?" Wuhen took off his cloak slowly, rubbed his sore shoulders, and couldn't help humming comfortably.

"About me?" It was rare for Xuanyuan Qingchen to see his serious look, and he couldn't help jokingly said, ","Usually everything about me has to do with women, is what you want to say the same as what I think? ""Um. "Wuhen responded slowly, "Qing Chen, do you know why Lin Zongyue has made so many small moves recently? "The charming pupils brightened and looked up.

"I don't know, but I also find it strange that when did he start being so patient!"? "After hearing Wuhen's question, Xuanyuan Qingchen also thought about some small details that he had overlooked.

"The people I sent out got some information, saying that there was a woman who often went in and out of Lin Zongyue's military tent. Sometimes there were some suggestions from her that could influence Lin Zongyue's thoughts. However, I don't know who she is. I know, but judging from various signs, it seems that all the little things she does are aimed at you." Wuhen tapped his forehead with his slender fingers, his mind was spinning rapidly, and he was still thinking all the way on the way back. same question.

Familiar with everything about Xuanyuan Qingchen, although these little tricks don't have much effect, but it's not a solution to be kept like this for a long time.It's not that Wuhen didn't guess and suspect someone, but even if it was her, according to her physical condition, without the second half of the antidote and prescription he gave, with her ability, she would have to take it even if she was dead. Often endure the torment of poisonous hair. --Qing Chen is really ruthless! .

However, without complete certainty, Wuhen can't presumably guess that it's her. !
"I don't know about that. Maybe there was something wrong between her and me.? But standing behind Lin Zongyue, she can be considered a capable woman."

"I will look into her matter again, and there is one more thing..." Wuhen didn't finish, but took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to Xuanyuan Qingchen.

"Qiu Shui is in Lin Zongyue's hands!"? "Xuanyuan Qingchen frowned," When did it happen?Why didn't you say it earlier? ""I knew about it a few days ago. I didn't tell you because I have been investigating some things. Before the truth is known, I don't want to startle the snake. "

"What do you mean Wuhen? What does this have to do with Qiushui?" Xuanyuan Qingchen was a little puzzled. Wuhen was always mysterious recently, and it was rare to see him once, so he didn't know what to check.

"It's okay to tell you now. The last time Qiushui was sent back to Bei'an, our dead soldiers suffered heavy casualties on the way. It was Lin Zongyue who killed him. The only purpose was to take Qiushui away. The strange thing is that he didn't Instead of threatening us with Qiushui early in the morning, he gave Qiushui to Xuanyuanche. At first I thought it was Xuanyuanche's intention, but after thinking about it, it's not that simple. But what's wrong, I haven't figured it out yet. What's more, Xuanyuan Che handed over the military power to him. Although the real Tiger Talisman is in my hands, his is fake and cannot send troops at will, but he has no squadron to go back, and he insists on staying. Don't you think it's strange that you didn't take advantage of Qiu Shui's opportunity?"

Xuanyuan Qingchen also nodded in agreement, both public and private, according to Lin Zongyue's temper, Lin Zongyue would definitely provoke openly, not only did he not, he also took good care of Qiu Shui in the army.

"Do you want me to take the initiative to find him?" Xuanyuan Qingchen smiled coldly, "It seems that he still hopes that I will lose my temper first!"

Wuhen blinked, nodded thoughtfully, "Have you decided?"

"Since Lin Zongyue misses me so much, of course I'm going." Xuanyuan Qingchen smiled, and looked in the direction of Dayue's army, his eyes gradually narrowed, his eyes were as cold as a sharp blade. --It's time to see you! .

"Okay, I'll go with you." Wuhen said lightly from the side.

Wuhen had a tear on the shoulder of his black cloak, and he hadn't sewed it up all the time. He wanted to return double the gift that Lin Zongyue left for him. "," Unexpectedly, when we meet again, we still have to decide who wins and who loses as before, otherwise it seems that we really can't stop! "Wuhen touched his shoulder, smiling casually but extremely charming, like the enchanting Bana flowers blooming on Huangquan Road, charming but with a deadly aura.

(End of this chapter)

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