flirtatious concubine

Chapter 104 Love and Hate Want You to Pain and Me Pain

Chapter 104 Love and Hate Want You to Pain and Me Pain (3)
"Then let him do as he wishes, I haven't met a good opponent for a long time." Xuanyuan Qingchen cracked his knuckles, closed his eyes and couldn't help but smiled softly, but it was so cold. "I lost a lot of dead soldiers, and he is really good at it. But Wuhen, you should also know that no matter what the reason is, I will not let him hurt the people around me." existing!". "Suddenly, a black cloud surged up from the sky, gradually covering the bright and clear sky, and then the wind that rose, quickly rolled in, and carried his laughter far, far away...

In a corner far away from them, Ye Jinglan's slender figure stood in the wind, and she vaguely heard the conversation between Xuanyuan Qingchen and Wuhen.

The doubt and incomprehension that could not be concealed between the brows inadvertently cast a dark color on his heart.Lin Zongyue, he was able to take Qiu Shui away from Xuanyuan Qingchen who was able to destroy Xuanyuan Qingchen without a single soldier. This person is Xuanyuan Che's best card to use against Bei'an Ace, even she wants to see what kind of person she is.

The next day, Xuanyuan Qingchen and Wuhen met the people sent by Lin Zongyue in the army. The simple words were nothing more than polite remarks on the scene. After a few sentences, they got to the point, which was to invite them to come to get together.

"It seems that what we thought of, he also thought of it early in the morning. That's good, the opponent is strong enough to play." Xuanyuan Qingchen picked up the invitation card that Lin Zongyue sent him, glanced at it, and threw it on the ground.

"Maybe someone helped him think of this step." Wuhen didn't smile so easily, and he couldn't be too careless until the origin of the woman in Lin Zongyue's army was clarified.

"Wuhen, I'll go, you'd better stay." Xuanyuan Qingchen withdrew his smile and said sternly, ","His target is only me, but he won't do anything to me in full view. You can rest assured that any shady tricks are coming! "You don't want me not to go, I'm afraid it's because you don't trust the princess. "?" Wuhen couldn't guess Xuanyuan Qingchen's intentions. "," why don't you take her with you. "Wuhen has always had an intuition that the women around Lin Zongyue must have some connection with them. Before, some small provocative behaviors made by Lin Zongyue did not look like his style. There are some feminine style means in it.

"No!" Xuanyuan Qingchen refused straight away. "," She has been uncomfortable, and besides, I don't want her to know about Lin Zongyue, and Qiushui. "He stopped for a while." She took a lot of effort to rescue Qiushui. In fact, I have always been very guilty of Jinglan. If I have a chance this time, I will definitely bring Qiushui back, because some words I want to make it clear to Jing Lan face to face, I don't want her to misunderstand any more! "."

"Is the princess unwell?"

"It's because you haven't been feeling well recently. You just came back, so you can help her take a look sometime. What I'm worried about is..." He also understood that Wuhen had been doing his best, but as the days passed, the worries in his heart became more and more serious. The aggravation every day made him feel uneasy.

"It will take some time for the concubine's medicine, but I told you Qingchen, whether it can be completely cured depends on God's will."

"I understand, so I'll trouble you for everything." Xuanyuan Qingchen showed a trace of worry on his brows, which made Xuanyuan Qingchen, who usually looked arrogant and flamboyant, a little powerless. , He can control everything in his hands, the only thing he can't control is the life of the woman he loves the most, and the source of all sins is himself.

Seeing Xuanyuan Qingchen's appearance like this, Wuhen couldn't say anything more, he quietly withdrew, turned around and looked at Xuanyuan Qingchen, as if all the strength in his body had been taken away, he sat on the chair, feeling a little helpless He shook his head firmly.

What is love, Xuanyuan Qingchen is tightly wrapped in it like a cocoon, and there is nothing that cannot be broken free!

"Why are you? What are you doing here?" Ye Jinglan thought it was Xuanyuan Qingchen when she heard the voice, but when she saw that the person who came was Wuhen, the faint smile on her face suddenly faded away.

Last night, Xuanyuan Qingchen didn't show up in the military tent, and what she heard was the conversation between them, her heart was always in suspense.She was worried, but she didn't show any concern.

"Princess, I heard that you are ill, Qing Chen asked me to come and see you." Wuhen observed Ye Jinglan's complexion, and stepped forward to take her pulse.

She retracted her wrist deftly, and she refused indifferently and politely: "No, I'm fine." The brows that had been frowning slightly all the time, frowned even tighter after talking with Wuhen again.

"Princess, it's okay to take a look."

"I'm fine!" Ye Jinglan took a few steps back. The first few times, she begged for Wuhen for Xuanyuan Qingchen, but in fact, she still felt a little grudge in her heart because of those past events.The faint discomfort in the stomach gradually increased, and spread a little bit, a cool chill rose up, and the pain made her face turn pale.

"Princess!" Seeing that her expression was not right, Wuhen couldn't help shouting.

"I said no, why..." She didn't finish her sentence, but she bent down and covered her mouth, retching again and again.

She didn't eat anything, and after vomiting for a long time, she just vomited out some clear water that she drank.Bending over, she looked a little embarrassed at the moment, stopped vomiting, panted for a long time, and then Ye Jinglan slowly straightened up.Raising his head and hands, he inadvertently met his eyes that were as waterless as water. , as deep as a deep lake, with a coquettish beauty, but also cold.

"Princess, let me take a look for you." Wuhen just said, but he didn't take a step forward to approach Ye Jinglan.

"No!" She wiped the corners of her mouth and said slowly.Leaning on the couch, he half closed his eyes. , The slender fingers pressed the stomach tightly, but it still couldn't relieve the pain.

"Princess." There was Wuhen's voice next to his ear, Ye Jinglan opened his eyes and looked, Wuhen reached out and handed him a cup of hot tea. "," Drinking it might make you feel better. ""Thanks. "Ye Jinglan nodded slightly, still took it, and drank it slowly one mouthful at a time. The hot tea flowed down the esophagus and warmed in the stomach, temporarily relieving some pain and discomfort.

"Forgive Wuhen for being rude, please ask the princess to let me treat you." With a wicked smile in his smiling eyes, Wuhen moved his wrist and quickly stretched it towards Ye Jinglan's wrist.

"Don't touch me!" Ye Jinglan frowned slightly disgustedly, hooked her finger towards the sleeve of her sleeve, and the slipped silver needle was caught between her fingers in an instant, aiming at Wuhen's outstretched palm, she said unceremoniously The needle pierced down.

"It's just for the princess to see a doctor, so why get angry."? "Wuhen saw that she was approaching aggressively, without any dodging, he let go of her in time.

"I said it's fine, Wuhen, I understand what you think." Ye Jinglan looked straight at him expressionlessly, "I just have a stomachache, nothing else. You are a doctor, I can't hide it from you even if I want to ,. You are doubting whether I am pregnant again, but Wuhen you should know my physical condition better than anyone else, I will not have any more children, all thanks to you!"

After such a long time, Ye Jinglan once thought that when he said these words repeatedly, he would not have any emotional ups and downs. How could he know that every word he said now must be restrained It's hard to hold her breath! .

"Forgive Wuhen for being rude and make the princess angry, but I'm afraid that some of the words of the princess are too absolute. What Wuhen told Qing Chen at the beginning was that the princess is difficult to conceive, but it doesn't mean that there will be no children. It’s just very dangerous, both for you and the child!.”

"What's the use of talking about it now, my child is long gone, and I don't even know what will happen to me in the future!" Ye Jinglan smiled coldly, the corners of her lips were forced into a teasing smile.

"That's right, no one can say for sure what will happen in the future. Since the concubine said there is nothing wrong, then Wuhen will leave, and Qing Chen should also relax and go to Lin Zongyue's banquet." Wuhen's face was still the same as usual With a smile, he bowed respectfully and quietly withdrew.

At midnight, Ye Jinglan slept with her clothes on. In the silent night, she listened carefully to any noises outside the military tent, and estimated the time.In a few more hours, it was time for Xuanyuan Qingchen to get up and set off, but up to now, he hadn't appeared in front of her.

In the darkness, she keenly caught the familiar footsteps coming in, and Ye Jinglan's heart seemed to miss half a beat. With her eyes closed, she slept on her side, breathing evenly and shallowly.

After the slight rustling of the clothes, the edge of the bed sank together, Xuanyuan Qingchen tried his best to avoid waking her up.Staring at her sleeping with her back facing him, so close at hand, even though he could only see her slender back, he also looked at her with fascination and reluctantly.

Bending down, he leaned close to her cheek, the warm breath of the familiar breath spread in her ear with Ye Jinglan's familiar breath, his breath absorbed the faint fragrance from her neck, it took him a while to raise his head Come.

Ye Jinglan didn't move, just continued to maintain the appearance of not knowing anything in sleep.Just now, he was very close, and his breath was blowing warmly on her neck, and the slight numbness made her almost open her eyes. , the thick butterfly-like eyelashes trembled unnaturally just now, and they were almost about to wear out.

Xuanyuan Qingchen raised his hand to touch her delicate and delicate face, but after thinking about it, he put it down again, and finally just kissed her long hair scattered between the pillows, and sighed softly, his unspeakable emotions were suppressed by him. heart.After looking at the sleeping person with pity for a long time, he quietly left as if he had just entered.

It wasn't until his footsteps gradually faded away that Ye Jinglan slowly opened her eyes, and she slowly raised her hand to touch her ear, as if his breath still remained in the warm place.

(End of this chapter)

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