flirtatious concubine

Chapter 116 When I was young, it was just a brother-sister relationship

Chapter 116 When I was young, it was just a brother-sister relationship (3)
Ye Jinglan's pupils tightened, and her hands froze, but then she smiled and shook her head, "No need."

"Don't you want to live?" Su Jingwan was a little surprised by her answer, there is no one who doesn't want to live! ?

"You can't believe what you say, especially if you can say anything in order to survive. If I really believe it, I would be stupid." Ye Jinglan smiled lightly, "I'm different from you, it's mine and I won't let it go. If it's not mine, I won't force it." As she spoke, she moved her hand slightly, and a silver needle had already sealed one of Su Jingwan's acupuncture points.

"Wait." Outside the cave, someone laughed lightly to stop Ye Jinglan, the figure entered along with the sound, and a charming smile rose up. Seeing Ye Jinglan, she smiled even more happily.

Ye Jinglan looked coldly, and said coldly: "How do you know I'm here?" While speaking, she inadvertently looked behind the visitor, a trace of disappointment was fleeting. --
he didn't come...

"If you don't show up, princess, where can I find you?"? "Wuhen looked around and said with a smile. His eyes fell on Su Jingwan, and he couldn't help squinting.

"What do you want me to do? Isn't the thing you want to do with my hand already done!"? "Ye Jinglan stood up slowly, cast a sidelong glance at Wuhen, and when his thoughts were exposed in person, he still smiled charmingly.

"Why does the princess say that? I think you also want to know who is behind the scenes, so it's okay not to mention Wuhen's little trick in front of you."

From the very beginning, he guessed that the woman next to Lin Zongyue must have some kind of connection with them.In addition, Wuhen always felt a little familiar with the way she always used that person. She thought that her goal was nothing more than Qing Chen and the princess, but if she wanted her to appear automatically, she still needed to use some small means.

Qing Chen was worried about Ye Jinglan's body and didn't tell her where he was going. Although Ye Jinglan was stubborn and didn't ask any questions, he was still thinking about him.The various symptoms of her physical discomfort seem to be pregnant. Although the pulse is not confirmed, but according to Ye Jinglan's personality, if she really has a child, she will definitely be more careful. What happened back then almost made her hate Qing Chen to the core .Wuhen simply invited her to go, firstly to see how she reacted, and secondly, if the woman behind Lin Zongyue was really acquainted, she would definitely make a move when she saw Ye Jinglan.

Little trick! ?Ye Jinglan smiled indifferently, "Yes, you have long wanted to use me as bait to get people behind the scenes to take the bait, but you probably didn't expect that the person who would attack me would be Qiu Shui, right?"? ""I really didn't expect it to be her, I even guessed it was Su Jingwan later.Although the two of them think differently, once you and Qing Chen's child are involved, how can they sit still? ! When Wuhen said this, he turned his head and smiled at Su Jingwan, "Miss side concubine, do you think so?" "

"Only you can figure it out, because you have no humanity, so you can see it more thoroughly than anyone else, and only you and Xuanyuan Qingchen can get along for many years, the same cold-blooded and ruthless!" Su Jingwan's seductive eyes are full of mockery Looking at him seriously, the smile on the corner of his mouth got deeper and deeper, and gradually he laughed loudly, his pale and bloodless face showed a morbid blush due to excitement.

Wuhen's eyes seemed to be able to read people's hearts. He guessed the steps without any mistakes. She walked with extra care in every step, but he still saw through her.

"From the first day you knew me, I was a cold-blooded and ruthless person, have you forgotten!"? "Wuhen smiled angrily like a child, as if what Su Jingwan said was full of praise, not curse, and she seemed to be very helpful in explaining it incidentally.

"Why, you haven't developed a new antidote yet?" Su Jingwan raised her slanted phoenix eyes, Wuhen never did anything at a loss, and found here in time to prevent Ye Jinglan from killing her, there must be something to ask for She said, with a smug smile, "Wuhen, do you have a day to ask for help? Hahaha!"..." "Really not yet. "Wuhen said seriously, "Just now I was thinking about whether to stop the princess from killing you!" "He seemed a little contradictory, with a slightly annoyed look on his face.

"I won't tell you, don't even think about it!" Su Jingwan stopped laughing, and suddenly opened her eyes wide and gave Wuhen a fierce look. If eyes could kill, Wuhen would have died a thousand years ago back! .

"I know that only you knew the preparation of the poison back then, but you didn't expect that there would be a miscalculation, but Jingwan, you should also know that I have a bad habit. Make it clear, you have aroused my curiosity, so naturally I can't let go of this good opportunity!". "Speaking, Wuhen is going to help Su Jingwan who is lying aside.

But Ye Jinglan stopped Su Jingwan in front of her, "She is mine." No one could guess what Wuhen was thinking, no matter what Su Jingwan said just now was true or not, she could not hand Su Jingwan over to Wuhen.

"I know, I just borrowed it. How did she follow me when the time comes? I will definitely send her back to the princess as she is, okay?" Wuhen stretched out his hand and said softly to Su Jingwan , "It's up to you to make a decision, should you follow me, or let Qing Chen deal with you?"

"I said she is mine, and no one has the right! Take her away."

"Princess, you want me to let Lin Zongyue go, because you don't want Qiushui to die. You gave her life, so naturally I can't move. But Su Jingwan and I come from the same school, so I should deal with it, even if you agree Su Yunfeng can't stop me, if you don't believe me, you can try it." Wuhen spoke slowly, but he firmly wanted to take Su Jingwan away today.There was no room for discussion in his tone, and there was a breath of suffocation in his smile as usual.

"Wait, I'll go with you!" Su Jingwan suddenly said.

"Have you figured it out?" Wuhen seemed very satisfied with her answer.

"Aren't you afraid that I will talk nonsense when the time comes, and the antidote I made will poison this woman to death!"? "Su Jingwan gave Ye Jinglan a sideways look.

"Anyway, no one knows if it can be made. Why don't you just try it? Even if she is really overwhelmed and dies, isn't it fulfilling your wish all along? I guess Qing Chen will feel the same way at that time." Dead gray, think about it, maybe you are the most proud person." Wuhen said lightly, pulling Su Jingwan to his side. "," Concubine, you should also know that your time is running out, he is at the foot of the mountain, as for what you want to do, that is your business, let me take my leave first, the disrespect just now, I offended you! "While speaking, Wuhen took Su Jingwan and left, leaving only Ye Jinglan staring down the mountain in a daze. Indeed, her time is really running out...

When Wuhen left suddenly, Xuanyuan Qingchen just smiled faintly. He had known each other for many years, and of course he understood that Wuhen walked away at this moment, and naturally he had his reasons.

Putting down the note left by Wuhen, Xuanyuan Qingchen said in a deep voice: "Tell the words of the lonely king, rectify the three armies, and if any of Lin Zongyue's counselors want to leave, they will be allowed to leave. If they want to stay under the lonely king, they should stay in their original posts." No matter who it is, no one can embarrass the one who wants to leave." He ordered his subordinates to pick up the tiger talisman in his hand, a small thing in his hand, which almost held half of Xuanyuan Che's lifeline, and let him stomp his feet at this moment. There is no use in the slightest.

It was a sleepless night almost every day. After a few days of rectification, Xuanyuan Qingchen not only stayed with the counselors under Lin Zongyue, but also quickly stabilized the hearts of the soldiers. Coupled with his original strength in Bei'an, he soon In the confrontation with Dayue, Xuanyuan Qingchen's obvious advantage has been clearly revealed.

The candlelight on the desk was picked and picked by the attendants. Xuanyuan Qingchen had been studying the detailed topographic map, and it was already midnight before he knew it.

"You go down first, the lonely king will have to watch for a while." Seeing that the attendant was tired, Xuanyuan Qingchen told him to leave first.It wasn't until the candlelight was weak that Xuanyuan Qingchen put down the things at hand, rubbed his sore eyes, and slowly got up.

Outside the military tent, the night was dark, and the weather seemed to be changing recently. Even the stars were pitifully rare in the dark sky.He didn't alarm anyone, he just brought Mo Ju to get on his horse. , I haven't rode around at night for a long time, and I still remember the few times in my memory, walking with her in my arms.

"I give you the world, do you like it?" He once thought that the woman in his arms would definitely accept it.

"I don't care for it, and I don't want it!" She replied coldly, without the slightest joy in her eyes, "I don't want anything you give me!" She stubbornly raised her face, resolutely rejecting him.


Xuanyuan Qingchen couldn't help but let out a chuckle, and after a low sigh, he looked up at the sky, and suddenly he grasped the rein tightly and galloped away. , The black clothes fluttered with the wind, and quickly blended into the night.

Where is he going?A hint of anxiety flashed across the faces of the people who had been following behind him.It's late at night, he hasn't had a good rest for several days, what is he going to do?There was some worry in her nimble eyes.

Ignoring these things, she followed quietly. Fortunately, Xuanyuan Qingchen didn't let Mo Ju run for long, and slowed down slowly.

There are so many mountains on the border, rolling up and down. Looking at it in the dark night, there are many shadows on the mountain, and the cold mountain wind blows, so she can't help wrapping the cloak tightly around her body, just silently hiding in the darkness and watching him quietly.

Xuanyuan Qingchen stood on the top of the mountain for a long time, when suddenly he yelled loudly: "Jing Lan!" The deep voice sounded in the valley, and the long echo kept echoing in her ears.In the deep night, when he suddenly heard him calling his name, Ye Jinglan couldn't help being startled, and there was a trace of warm affection in his heart.

"Jing Lan!" He said again, with boundless thoughts.In his eyes, he just couldn't see the night, and the longing in his heart was unstoppable.

The heavy military affairs allow him to temporarily stop thinking about anything about her, but as long as there is a slight gap, her voice and smile, her rare soft words and gentleness, and her charming smiles are all lingering in his mind don't go.

Xuanyuan Qingchen knew that she was by his side, but he didn't want to see him.Jing Lan, since you are determined to stay, why don't you want to come see me?He let out a long and heavy sigh, and dispersed with the night wind...

Behind him, Xuanyuan Qingchen suddenly turned around with a faint and inaudible lament, "Jing Lan!" There was a violent beating in his heart, no matter how soft the voice was, he could still hear who it was, and he couldn't help but kept wrinkling The brows stretched.

"It's not your personality to come and not come out." He said with a chuckle.

The only answer to him was the passing wind.

"Jing Lan, since you're here, why don't you come out and meet me!"? "I can't help it, Xuanyuan Qingchen can't help laughing. He has many things in mind, and he has the chance to win. He just met her in this life, and let him know that not all people and things in the world can be manipulated by himself.

"I miss you very much." He suddenly changed his tone, and there was reluctance in his affectionate words. "," I know you're listening, and I'm glad you chose to stay by my side in the end.I just want to see you and let me know if you're okay now? "He said sincerely, his gentle words warmed Ye Jinglan's heart in the cold night.

She stood quietly in the dark, looking at the familiar face, her heart clearly let her stay.She has been in the barracks all the time, watching him busy every day, watching him staring blankly at the night sky in the middle of the night, her eyes suddenly felt sour.She wanted to run away from him because of hatred, but in the end she chose to stay! .There were not many days left, and suddenly, the knot in her heart that had never been opened was suddenly let go.

"Actually, as long as you are willing to stay, I will be satisfied. In the past, I tried my best to force you to promise not to leave, but now I don't ask you to make any promises, just meet me, can't you promise me? "He couldn't help but became anxious.

Ye Jinglan opened her mouth, but she still didn't make a sound. She didn't know what kind of attitude she should use to try to accept Xuanyuan Qingchen? .

"I'm leaving here in a few days. Since you don't want to see me, I won't force you, but I'm not by your side. You have to pay attention to your health. Don't..." He said with a wry smile, and couldn't help but put his hand on his heart, The voice gradually lowered.

His injury?
I think he was seriously injured when he broke up with Qiu Shui'en.She came a step late, and only heard what he said to Qiushui, but didn't see how he hurt herself. These days, she has been worried that overwork will make his wound difficult to heal, but she can't appear. There is only one People are secretly anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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