Chapter 117
After a long time, Xuanyuan Qingchen said slowly, "It's getting late, I have to go back, since you still don't want to see me, I can only wait patiently for your change of heart, and..." He thought for a while, Then he said, "I know I'm not qualified to ask you anything, but I named the child, listen to me after I finish the last sentence, Rui'er's name can't be used, I gave a few other names, boy and girl There are all of them, you can see which one you like."? ""do not talk! "Ye Jinglan let go of her lips that had been biting tightly, and couldn't help but said. She walked out of the dark slowly, and what he said made her feel unsure of what it was like.

"Jing Lan?" Xuanyuan Qingchen's eyes lit up, and she looked at her ecstatically, but seeing that her expression was not right, she couldn't help but said apologetically in a low voice, "If you don't like it, I won't say it anymore. .” He understood that the child was the knot between him and her.

"I didn't say I didn't like it." Ye Jinglan walked over and replied in a low voice.

"Really, then do you want to hear the name I named for the child?" Xuanyuan Qingchen saw that she didn't have the usual resistance, so she couldn't help saying tentatively, her eyes fell on her lower abdomen. , looking happy, but also complicated!
Ye Jinglan consciously noticed where his eyes fell, and couldn't help raising her head, "If I said that I am not pregnant, would you..."

"No!" Before she could finish asking, Xuanyuan Qingchen said firmly.

"I haven't even finished asking, so you just answer, do you know what I'm going to say?"

"You can say whatever you want. The important thing is that you are willing to come out to see me. I also know your physical condition. It was I who caused you to become what you are today. When Qiushui told me that you were pregnant, I was both happy and scared. I am happy that there is an inseparable connection between you and me, and I am afraid that giving birth to a child will be dangerous, and I can no longer allow myself to risk losing you!" His tone was a little excited, and the person in front of him was He thought about it day and night, but when he saw the woman, he couldn't take the initiative to step forward and hug her in his arms.

He tried his best to want her to stay, because the hurt was so deep that he didn't even dare to think that she would really agree.But now, she was standing in front of her alive, for a moment, Xuanyuan Qingchen thought that maybe God really started to love her.

"Then what you said for a long time just now, you lied to me!"? "Ye Jinglan stomped his feet and said angrily, but he couldn't turn around and leave as before, so he stopped abruptly and looked at him, in a dilemma! .

"I'm not a good person. I hurt you mercilessly and tried my best. I'm just afraid that you will really leave. But Jing Lan, I swear I won't lie to you about anything, at least right now I don't..." There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but he bent down.

"How injured are you?" Ye Jinglan rushed up and pulled away his palm covering his heart, a ray of bright red overflowed.

"It's just that the wound is open, it's okay." He said lightly.

She couldn't help but said anxiously, ":" It's fine if you don't cherish yourself, you insist on appearing in front of me.Xuanyuan Qingchen, you still said that you didn't lie to me, and that you are still running around like this, clearly to make me sad, are you willing? "Unable to help, she said it outright, without even feeling it herself, how much she cared and worried about him.

"Yes, you feel sad for me, even if I die, I am willing to die." He reached out and stroked Ye Jinglan's cheek, and said seriously.

"Then why don't you go..." She quickly stopped talking, angrily unable to say anything, she could only hold his arm.

"Jing Lan." Her long, smooth hair brushed against his cheeks, softly carrying the faint fragrance he was familiar with.

"What are you calling me for? If you have the strength, just walk back by yourself, so you don't bother me!" She turned her face away, but she didn't let go of her hand. Instead, she leaned closer, supporting the weight of his body.Xuanyuan Qingchen didn't speak, but hugged her tightly at the same time.

Only when candles were lit in the small cave, did Xuanyuan Qingchen know that she had been staying here all night. No wonder he always felt that she was by his side, but he couldn't find her.

"Take off your clothes." Ye Jinglan said directly.

"Ah?" Xuanyuan Qingchen was a little stunned, but then he understood it very warmly.An ambiguous "Oh".But he only verbally agreed, but did not act.

"Hey, Xuanyuan Qingchen, why don't you take it off?" She frowned and glared at him.

"Save people to the end, it's very difficult for me to even move in this state, why don't you help me?"? "He leaned there, speaking softly, his expression seemed to be a bit labored.

Ye Jinglan leaned against him without saying a word, stretched out her hand to unbutton his shirt, her ten fingers touched his warm body, and the warmth passed through her fingertips, she couldn't help but blushed.Lowering her head, she took off Xuanyuan Qingchen's clothes, and carefully bandaged his wound again.

The dim candlelight cast a layer of light pink on her delicate and tender cheeks, and the corners of her extremely thin but slightly protruding eyes raised inadvertently, with indescribable charm.Xuanyuan Qingchen opened his mouth with difficulty, his hoarse voice carried a seductive charm. , "Jing Lan..." He lowered his head slightly and called softly.

"Huh?" She was actually not paying attention, although it was not the first time she saw his body, Ye Jinglan couldn't help feeling embarrassed for a while.It was pretty good for him, and when he heard him calling himself, he couldn't help raising his head to ask.

Almost at the same moment, she raised her head and he lowered his head. The warm lips touched inadvertently, but they did not separate.

The breathing of each other suddenly accelerated, and the temperature of the body also increased.

Xuanyuan Qingchen couldn't help but widen her eyes, and then smiled knowingly.The person in his arms looked back at him in the same way, but instead of pushing away as before, he took the initiative to cover his lips, and even unexpectedly, Ye Jinglan bit his lips slightly with small teeth, A trace of pain made Xuanyuan Qingchen frowned, leaning over and sucking her soft lips forcefully.

"Hmm... woo..." Ye Jinglan seemed to be regretting what he did just now and wanted to break free from him, but he hugged his neck, and with a little force, the kiss became deeper and deeper.

Covering her hot lips, all of Xuanyuan Qingchen's reason and forbearance collapsed, and she kissed her back eagerly and crazily, her thin lips were like a blazing fire, as if it wanted to burn and devour her.

"You, you lied..." Ye Jinglan felt that the air in his chest was about to be sucked out by him, and he spilled a few words with difficulty, and beat his shoulder weakly with his fist.

His wound was open, not as serious as she had imagined. Hearing his muffled grunt with a half-smile, she vaguely realized that she had been fooled.The little malicious punishment just now was just for her to vent her dissatisfaction after being cheated, without any challenge at all.It was meant to be funny, but in Xuanyuan Qingchen's view, this was an unexpected and astonishing move by her.

"Yes, I lied, but if you don't lie, how can you know what you mean?"? "Smoothly took off her cloak and put it under his body, he smiled and narrowed his eyes, slowed down the plunder on his lips, and slender fingers ran down her skirt, and smoothly unbuttoned her cumbersome clothes. With a wave of his arm , the coat fluttered and fell not far away.

"You..." Of course Ye Jinglan understood what he was going to do.

Not allowing her to say the following words, Xuanyuan Qingchen kissed her deeply, blocking her breath domineeringly, tracing the shape of the seductive lips with the tip of her fiery tongue, and then penetrated into her lips, begging for her Every morsel of softness, savoring carefully, the flexible tongue seduces her until the teeth bite gently.Xuanyuan Qingchen seemed to understand her thoughts, and pressed her raised hands in time to prevent her from flinching.

In Ye Jinglan's ear was his triumphant laughter, he couldn't help grunting unwillingly, and closed his eyes tightly.

"Jing Lan, look at me." His voice seemed to bewitch her, but he stubbornly refused to open his eyes.

Suddenly, her body felt cold, and she couldn't help trembling slightly. Xuanyuan Qingchen's lips slipped down on her collarbone, biting lightly lovingly, and by the way, she bit open the brocade belt on the back of her neck with her teeth.

The jacket is open, and the only bellyband that covers the body is only covering the chest, which cannot hide the boundless spring scenery.

As soon as her body moved, Xuanyuan Qingchen immediately hugged her even tighter in his arms knowingly.

The bewitching pupils are bright and scorching hot, and she can hardly control herself to look greedily at the person below her.She is extremely charming, her nimble eyes are like water, filled with aroused lust, her eyes are full of indescribable charm, her lips are as tender as petals, and they become even more alluring because of him It is rosy and slightly opened, as if inviting him to taste it again.

Fingertips brushed her lips inadvertently, and Ye Jinglan opened his mouth to hold her mouth as if uncontrollably, sucking carefully, biting the white teeth occasionally, the numbness made Xuanyuan Qingchen couldn't help humming in his throat.

He sighed uncontrollably, his palm slid across her chest, and the last cover was removed, his fiery eyes sized her up unscrupulously with amazement.

"Don't look..." Even though she was familiar with his body and his amazed eyes, she still felt shy, and Ye Jinglan instinctively wanted to cover her chest with her hands, but was helplessly grasped by his wrist, Unable to move, let him admire carefully.

"Why are you shy? You are extremely beautiful." He praised in a hoarse voice.Freeing his hand, Zaoye Jinglan covered her chest with one step. Under the gentle kneading of his palms, the round and small twin peaks bloomed into beautiful flowers. The desire to tidy up.

The lips and hands ravaged wantonly along her skin, and the fiery and thirsty lips covered her chest with delicate kisses, sucking delicately, not allowing her to flinch at all.Until she let out a low moan, he became even more fanatical, unwilling to let her go, his slender fingers with thin calluses ran down the smooth body, and the smooth skin trembled slightly due to his seductive body. trembling.

The scorching palms were ironing her reddish body, and slowly slid between her legs, lingering reluctantly, and finally slowly penetrated into the most beautiful and secret place of her body.

Ye Jinglan couldn't help but let out a low moan, arched her body tremblingly, and wrapped her arms around his neck involuntarily, her hot body pressed against his naked body.In the thick bare chest.

Gently twisting and kneading, she couldn't help biting her lips tightly, moaning softly, as his fingers relentlessly penetrated deeper, the pain gradually overflowed from her mouth, but with longing, The body told Ye Jinglan what she wanted without reservation.

She was about to cry, but she couldn't escape from his control, as if it aroused all her thoughts. , joy flowed from the fingertips, constantly surging, as if waiting for a certain moment to erupt.

He tried feebly to shake off this grinding feeling, but he could only tense his body instinctively.

His voice was bewitching, sticking to her ears, "Really don't want to...?"

"No..." The last word was lost in lust.

"To or not to?"

"To..." The body is always the most honest.

"Who do you want?" He tensed his body and waited for her answer.

"I want you..." She couldn't bear the torture of ecstasy.

"Who am I?" He asked her to remember him clearly.

"Qing Chen..." The unknown future made her unwilling to hide her lust anymore, so that's it, maybe only this moment of tenderness.

She arched her body, raised her head and unconsciously bit his shoulder, where the tooth marks were all her brand marks.The fascinated eyes opened wide, and the gaze was full of his appearance. , stroking his cheek with slender fingers, Ye Jinglan murmured his name in his mouth! .

Shouting one after another, Xuanyuan Qingchen lowered her waist and stirred up the most primitive frenzy in her body. , teasing the body that was about to burn, was finally filled and tight.She twisted her slender waist to cater to him, leaving his mark on her body as well.

From the moment the body blended together, at the end of the endless pause, she sank and floated like driftwood in the turbulent waves given by him.

Helplessly clinging to Xuanyuan Qingchen, she couldn't speak, nor could she get rid of this feeling, panting intermittently, she didn't know what to do, she could only caress and grab his body indiscriminately , hoping that something can help her.

The unconscious action made Xuanyuan Qingchen's body, which had just been able to control himself a little bit, once again face the edge of losing control.

Supporting his body, he looked down at the person below him, "Jing Lan..." He reached out and picked her up, letting her sit on his waist.He was afraid of pressing her and the child, so he let go just now.Lang, when he came back to his senses, he couldn't help worrying about her body. , forced to hold back another round of lust, and kissed her distressedly.

, "Just now, did you..."

"No..." She shook her head lightly and put her arms around his neck, "Actually, I'm not pregnant." The more she spoke, the lower her voice became.

Xuanyuan Qingchen's eyes darkened, and the expression on his face was both disappointment and comfort.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, it's not your fault!" He said guiltily, the complicated emotions in his heart made him choked up for a while.If he had a child, he might lose her, but he had been looking forward to having a child with her for too long, and this was a pain that could never be erased from his heart.

"You said, did you name the child?" Ye Jinglan leaned on his shoulder and asked, with a flash of warmth in his eyes, and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Well, there's no rush, the name can be used slowly." Lifting her long hair, he smiled gently, maybe he might not even be able to keep her.

"I don't know whether to use the boy's or the girl's first?" She said casually, raised her head, and asked Xuanyuan Qingchen with a slight smile.

He was obviously stunned, unable to believe what he heard. "," Jing Lan, what do you mean..." I'm afraid I might get the wrong meaning.

"I'll decide when the time comes, and you're not allowed to interrupt." She pursed her lips and smiled, seeing that he was stunned and silent, she raised her hand and tapped his forehead, "Don't you want to?"

"Yes, of course you have the right to say!" Xuanyuan Qingchen was ecstatic in his heart, and his voice trembled involuntarily.She spoke clearly, how could he not know, this sentence was not easy for him, and she was willing to say it even more than he wished. "," Then I will make more, if you can use them, wouldn't it be better! "?"

She lowered her eyes, not looking at the expression in his eyes, in fact, she knew without looking at her.Since you don't know what the road ahead is like, it's better to let your heart do it.

Slowly, she lowered her head and actively nibbled on his neck, the small cleat made her eyes warm. "," Qing Chen..." The slender fingers ran down his strong chest, slid across the well-defined abdomen, imitating his appearance and gently teasing his desire.

Beside her ear, she was chanting his famous name vaguely, and her body was ablaze with jerky teasing, Xuanyuan Qingchen turned over and embraced her, kissed her lips again, silently act in response.

Excited.When the love faded away, he still lingeringly printed sultry kisses on her smooth back, and wrapped his arms around her slender waist, as if she would disappear as soon as he let go.

"Qing Chen."

"Hmm..." There was still passion in his dull voice, and his lips and tongue were still infatuated with her skin.

"I have something to tell you."

"Say, I'm listening." He raised his body, put one arm on the side of her face, lowered his head, and he nibbled on her pink earlobe.

"Stop making trouble, listen to me." Ye Jinglan turned her body over and said seriously, "I have to tell you, actually I am not Hua Mei Nu, I am..."

Sealing her eager lips with warm fingertips, he smiled lazily, "Of course you are not Hua Meinu, she has passed away, and you are my princess Ye Jinglan."

"I didn't mean that, I mean, I actually..." He probably wouldn't believe it when he said it, but he remembered that she heard Xuanyuan Qingchen and Qiushui say that the reason why she cared about Qiushui at the beginning was because she gave He feels like a flower slave.And she herself occupied Hua Meinu's body, but she is a selfish soul.Even if this body is occupied, even if he calls Jing Lan, she still has to tell this man, who is she?And who is what he sees in his eyes and loves in his heart?

"It doesn't matter who you are, I just know that you are my wife." When he was injured in the competition with Su Yunfeng, he already knew this secret. He didn't understand what kind of process it was, and he didn't need to. clear. "," Meinu, is a wonderful childhood dream of mine, she is beautiful and cute, but because of her privacy, I almost lost everything, I hate her, she ruined all my dreams.And Qiushui saved me, I was grateful, and pampered her like a younger sister.And you..."He caressed Ye Jinglan's exquisite and delicate face, and his enchanting eyes were full of affection.", "From the first time I saw you, your eyes told me that you would not give in It's the same for anyone, including me as your husband!"

It was that pair of eyes that instantly set him off to conquer her! , "I love you, Jinglan, I love everything about you. In order to get your heart, I am willing to give everything in exchange. I don't care who you are, where you come from, or what purpose you have? I, Xuanyuan Qingchen, just know that I am in love with a woman named Ye Jinglan, and whether she loves me or not, I will have her." He fixed his eyes firmly into hers, "Because I If you fall in love, you won’t let go, even if you die!”

"You want my heart?" she said lightly.


"My heart is priceless."

"Then I'll wait until you give it to me."

"It's hard."

"I'm not afraid, even if I trade my life for it!"

"I don't want your life, just one thing."

"Then what do you want?" Xuanyuan Qingchen asked emotionally.

After she sighed deeply, she said slowly: "You can only engrave my name on your heart forever, and remember me for the rest of your life!"

"Life is too short, what about my lifetimes?" He raised a smile, and kissed her lips that were trembling from tears! .


As soon as he rode a fast horse, the man in white clothes was more snowy than snow, and the sound of horse hooves came from far and near. The golden red door opened, and he rushed in quickly.As the sound of horseshoes went away, the heavy door was slowly closed with a faint "creaking" sound.

"Lord Yun." Someone was already waiting for him anxiously at the white jade railing, and when they saw Su Yunfeng's figure, they couldn't help frowning. , "You really came back alone!"? ""Yes, the emperor's order, as a subject, Su Yunfeng naturally has to obey it. "Su Yunfeng jumped off his horse.

(End of this chapter)

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