The villain boss is my family

Chapter 152 Anchor, she changed her voice

Chapter 152 Anchor, Her Variety Voice (5)

at the same time.

Lu Group, top floor.

Seeing that his boss didn't look for him, Cheng Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief as a personal assistant.

In my spare time, I clicked on the Lang Live app that I frequently browsed.

Looking at all the faces of Internet celebrities above, I feel a little tired of aesthetics.

As he paddled, the goddess-like voice on the screen suddenly entered his ears.

Cheng Yu immediately regained his energy and got on top.

A person nicknamed, You Qiange baba was broadcasting live, although not many people watched it, but the voice of the live broadcast attracted him, and the backhand was his attention.

He looked at the screen.

—Sister, can you answer a question for me?What should I do if my boyfriend who is going to get married cheated on me?
[If it was me, I would kick him away quickly, because the next one will be better. 】

——Thank you for the host’s suggestion.

——Sister, what should I do if the one I like doesn't know that I like him?
【Confess first, if you can't do it, kiss him forcefully, even if he refuses you, it's enough to kiss you. 】

--ah!It turns out that you can still do this!Thanks!Thanks!
Cheng Yu nodded after listening, it was easy to understand, and he agreed.

Then, he saw several gifts of not-so-large denominations swiped on the screen.

Cheng Yu also swiped a wave of gifts with larger denominations.

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows, which aspiring young man made such a generous move?

The nickname is quite cute.

【Thank you, who Yuyu is so cute, for the gift. 】

Lu Yanting in the office opened his closed eyes, which were still bloodshot. He held his forehead with a tired look on his face.
Sleepless for days, his brain was about to explode, and he had a sleep disorder that had been with him for years.

He couldn't sleep well every day, and he worked overtime recently. At this time, his head was heavy and he suppressed the restlessness in his heart. He shouted out the door in a deep voice: "Cheng Yu!"

Cheng Yu outside the door didn't seem to hear, and was absorbed in watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone.

Seeing that no one came in, Lu Yanting's face turned dark, "Cheng Yu, get the hell out of here!"

Cheng Yu was so frightened that he dropped his phone.

Quickly picked up the phone, put it in his pocket, and ran in hastily.

"Boss Lu, you..." What's the matter?

Before he finished speaking, he heard his boss pinch his brows, pointed to the books in the bookshelf and said: "Go, get a book you know there, read it carefully, I want to listen."

Cheng Yu: "...????"

"Boss Lu, are you just reading?"

Lu Yanting raised his eyes and glanced at him, "Do you want to memorize it if you don't read it?"

Cheng Yu couldn't bear the eyes of his boss, so he immediately took a book from the bookshelf and glanced at his boss. The boss seemed not in a good state of mind!
Turn to the first page and read carefully.

Listening to Cheng Yu's boring reading, not long after, Lu Yanting closed his eyes and opened them again, his brows were tightly frowned, his handsome face was cold, and the low air pressure around him was released.


What the hell are you reading!

His head is going to explode!

After a while of silence, Cheng Yu asked Cheng Yu to change to a book he often read and continue reading.

After a while, Lu Yanting couldn't bear it anymore, and his face was not very good, "Shut up! Put the book down!"

This trick doesn't work either!

Cheng Yu shrank his head in fright, and quickly put down the book.

He couldn't guess what the boss was thinking.

Cloudy and sunny, moody and scary!
Lu Yanting closed his eyes, did not move his body, and rested his head on his fingertips.

Cheng Yu seemed to have forgotten that the phone screen in his pocket was on.

Shi Jiu went to the bathroom and came back. It's almost time to say goodbye to the netizens on the Internet.

[The time is almost up. Thank you for watching and paying attention. If you like it, pay attention. The broadcast will start on time at [-] o'clock tomorrow night. See you again. 】

Suddenly such a strange voice came from the silent office.

Cheng Yu shrank his head timidly, and looked into his pocket.

He is done!
(End of this chapter)

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