The villain boss is my family

Chapter 153 The anchor, she changes her voice

Chapter 153 The anchor, she has a changing voice (6)

Lu Yanting looked up at him expressionlessly.

Cheng Yu broke out in cold sweat and his scalp was numb. Will the boss deduct his salary?
He even watched the live broadcast on his mobile phone during working hours, and he just watched it, and let the boss hear it!
"President Lu, I...I..."

"What was that sound just now?"

Cheng Yu was stunned.

Why does Mr. Lu care about this?

He thought that Lu would always scold him for not doing his job properly.

"This... this"

How should he explain it?

Lu Yanting stared at his pocket, "Take out your phone."

For a moment, Cheng Yu didn't understand what his boss was doing, so he quickly took out his phone and handed it over.

Lu Yanting looked at the picture above lightly, frowning, what is this?
He glanced at Cheng Yu who shrunk into a chicken cub, "This is?"

"Mr. Lu, this is purely a personal hobby. I just clicked on a live broadcast to watch, and then accidentally forgot to turn it off. If Mr. Lu wants to punish or scold, Cheng Yu dare not complain."

"You go out first."


"go out!"

Cheng Yu glanced at his mobile phone. Boss Lu just confiscated the mobile phone, so he walked out with a sigh of relief.

His salary has been kept, and he can still afford a mobile phone.

Lu Yanting looked down at the page on the phone.

Nickname, you Qiange baba.

The duration of the live broadcast is 10 minutes.

The number of viewers was 438.

The total number of coins is 888.

live streaming?

That voice just now...

He thought for a moment while holding the phone, and finally put the phone in his pocket.


After Shijiu's live broadcast was over, he took a look and saw that the number of fans had increased by more than 30, so he exited the app with satisfaction.

At this moment, the phone rang.

It was Father Xia calling.

After connecting.

"Qian Ge, how about coming back to have dinner tonight? Today... Qian Ge goes home to have a good reunion with Dad, okay?"

"Got it, Dad, I'll be back tonight."

The other end seemed very happy to hear her promise, and the two spoke a few more words.

Hang up the phone at nine.

Glancing at today's calendar, a red circle was drawn on it, with the words "father's birthday" written on it. It turned out that today is her father's birthday.

Thinking of her father's hesitant appearance just now, maybe he was afraid that she would waste money to buy him some expensive gifts!
Shi Jiu shook his head, the original owner was lucky to have such an adoptive father.

Walking out of the room, Qiao Xue had already woken up and was sitting on the sofa putting on makeup.

Seeing her come out, the other party was obviously taken aback, but recovered quickly, "Qiange, are you awake?"

She tightened the lip gloss, pursed her lips to melt the lipstick, "Qiange, I'm going out to meet someone later, do you want to go with me?"

Shi Jiu shook his head, his eyes were flat, "No, my dad asked me to go home tonight."

Qiao Xue had a look of pity, but she looked a little smug, she stood up, "Well, it's a pity that you don't go there, I met a rich handsome guy in the live broadcast room, and now he wants to invite me to West Street If you go to eat at the most famous restaurant, you might feel happier."

Shi Jiu hummed, then sat on the sofa, picked up an apple in one hand and gnawed on it, and changed channels with the remote control in the other.

Qiao Xue glanced at her, curled her lips, with contempt in her eyes.

Then, after picking up the cosmetics and going back to the room, she changed into a short red skirt and came out.

She fiddled with the clothes on her body, with a concerned look on her face, "Qiange, be careful when you get home, don't care about other people's eyes, then I'm leaving, goodbye."

Shi Jiu looked at the closed door and took a hard bite of the apple in his hand.

She still can't hear the hidden meaning in her words?
When she was still the former Xia Qiange?

(End of this chapter)

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