The villain boss is my family

Chapter 154 The anchor, she changes her voice

Chapter 154 The anchor, she has a changing voice (7)

Changed a station randomly, put down the remote control, finished eating the apple in his hand, and threw it into the trash can.

A piece of gossip came from the TV.

[The world's number one golden bachelor Lu Zong Lu Yanting is [-] years old this year, and he is still unmarried. He is not only the person all girls want to marry, but also worth more than [-] billion. Whoever can marry him will wake up with a smile all his life. of……】

Shi Jiu chuckled, and glanced at the TV, the picture on the screen was so blurry that she couldn't see what the person looked like.

Is this too exaggerated?
She turned off the TV, went back to her room, changed into neat clothes, took a hat and went out.

Today is Father Xia's birthday, it's too bad to go back empty-handed, no matter what, I have to give him a gift for the old man.

So Shijiu came to the mall to buy a gift.

She walked into a gift shop, and the shopping guide watched her come in, and greeted her in a friendly manner, "Miss, what do you want to buy?"

Shi Jiu looked around, and then raised his head to look at her, "What's a good birthday gift for someone?"

The shopping guide froze when he saw her face under the hat.

What a big birthmark.

Shi Jiu glanced at her indifferently, "Which one is better?"

The shopping guide came back to her senses, glanced at her clothes again, and instantly lost her previous attitude, with a disdainful look, she stretched out her hand and pointed at a few gifts, "Look at this and that, if not, you can choose it yourself. "

Let's go.

Shi Jiu stopped her, "Wait."

She walked over, raised her eyes and smiled slightly, but her eyes were cold, "Introduce me well."

The shopping guide looked at her, startled, and reluctantly introduced some gifts to her.

In the end, Shi Jiu chose the gift and checked out, then left the gift shop.

on the way back.

In front of her, she saw Qiao Xue coming out of a luxury store with a man wearing a thick golden chain on her arm. The two were talking and laughing.

Qiao Xue smiled and kissed the man's face, and the man pinched her chin and kissed her again.

Shijiu turned around and left.

When Qiao Xue passed by her, she felt that her back was very familiar. After recognizing who she was, she quickly stopped her, "Qiange, Qiange!"

Shi Jiu paused, turned around and smiled, "What a coincidence."

Qiao Xue pulled the man and walked over, she was puzzled with delicate makeup, "Qiange, why are you here?"

She lifted the bag, "I'm here to buy things, my dad's birthday is today."

Qiao Xue was surprised, "Are you here to buy something?"

As far as she knows, she doesn't have much money left, what can she afford here?

Knowing what she was thinking, Shi Jiu nodded calmly.

Qiao Xue looked at her and smiled, "Qiange, this is my boyfriend, let me introduce you."

When the man saw her face, he was very disgusted, "Xue'er, what's so ugly about your friend's face? It almost scared me."

Qiao Xue listened and smiled inwardly.

She, Xia Qiange, is just so ugly.

She pretended to blame herself, "Qiange, don't be angry, he didn't mean it."

Shi Jiu looked at her expressionlessly and didn't speak, she really didn't want to talk to this woman at all.

The man took Qiao Xue's hand, "Let's go, let's go, what else do we have to do?"

Qiao Xue looked at her apologetically, and said in a haughty tone, "I'm sorry, Qiange, I still have something to do, let's talk about it when we go back."

After speaking, he took the man's hand and left with a smile.

Shi Jiu took a look at Ren Xing who was leaving and also left here.

(End of this chapter)

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