The villain boss is my family

Chapter 232 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened

Chapter 232 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened (21)

She looked at Lan Xinrou over there and smiled with her lips curled up. Isn't this anger value simple?
Reminds me of that figure in the hospital...

She laughed lowly.

Huo Tingchen left beforehand, Lan Xinrou turned her head casually and saw her smile, her heart skipped a beat.

What does she want to do?
The eyes of the two met.

Shi Jiu smiled even brighter.

Lan Xinrou felt even more uneasy.


The next day.

Huo Tingchen didn't come back all night, and Shi Jiu didn't ask. After washing up, he sat down to eat breakfast.

Lan Xinrou watched the servant come over with a pot of hot porridge and put it on the table, her eyes flickered.

Seeing the servant serving hot porridge in a bowl, she stopped him, "Let me do it, you go and do it first."

"Miss Xinrou..." The servant looked embarrassed.

Lan Xinrou seemed very hurt, and she put on a weak look, "Do you think I'm disabled and think I can't do such a small thing?"

The servant shook her head in fright, "It's not Miss Xinrou, it's just that the porridge is too hot, I'm afraid it will hurt you."

"It's okay, I'll just be careful."

Lan Xinrou filled a bowl of porridge, and she served it to Shi Jiu.

Shi Jiu glanced at her, but didn't answer.

This vicious woman, how can she have such a kind heart?

Lan Xinrou still held the bowl, "Yunyan."

The servant couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "Madam, even though you don't like Miss Xinrou any more, this is Miss Xinrou's wish."

Shi Jiu glanced coldly at the servant, who was too frightened to make a sound.

She reached out to pick up the bowl of porridge, before her fingertips touched the wall of the bowl, Lan Xinrou let go of her hand.

The bowl of porridge fell from her hand, and the hot porridge spilled onto her arms and legs.

A burning pain hit her.

Satisfied, Lan Xinrou looked at the mess and covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Ah! Yunyan! I'm sorry, how are you? Is there something wrong? I didn't mean it!"

Shi Jiu lowered his head and forbearance looked at his arm that was instantly reddened, and blisters appeared on it.

This dead woman asked her if she was okay!
Give her a try!
If people don't attack me, I won't attack them. If people attack me, I will attack them.

With cold eyes, she picked up a glass of boiling water that was just poured on the table to be cooled, and splashed it on her face.

"Ahhh!" Lan Xinrou howled ghostly.

She covered her face.

This bitch!

How dare she pour water on her!
The makeup on Lan Xinrou's face was smudged, and the skin on her face turned red instantly.

She stared at Shi Jiu, her eyes wished to kill her.

The servant was so frightened by Shi Jiu's actions that he hurried over to get a towel.

She looked very aggrieved crying, "Yunyan, I have already apologized to you, why are you like this, is it because I didn't do well enough?"

Shi Jiu snorted coldly, and looked at her expressionlessly, "I'm sorry, my hand slipped just now, so we're even."

She stood up and walked to the bathroom with a messy look.

The pace is very fast, and quickly walked into the bathroom.

Huo Tingchen rushed back from the outside at this time, with a tired face, as if he was busy until now.

After he went in, he saw the servants applying medicine to Lan Xinrou. When he saw the messy table, he felt no fatigue at all.

"What happened?"

"Miss Xinrou, she..."

Lan Xinrou directly interrupted her, and shook her head at the servant, "Don't say it, I'm fine, it doesn't matter."

Huo Tingchen asked again in a cold voice: "What's going on?"

"Back to Master Qi, just now Miss Xinrou accidentally spilled porridge on Madam, and Miss Xinrou has already apologized, but Madam splashed water on Miss Xinrou's face angrily."

(End of this chapter)

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