The villain boss is my family

Chapter 233 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened

Chapter 233 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened (22)

He looked at her face, which was slightly flushed.

In the bathroom, after Shi Jiu cleaned up the stains, he stood by the sink, frowned and looked at the densely packed small blisters on his arms, thinking that the situation on his legs was probably the same.

He took a deep breath, pursed his lips, and walked out of the bathroom.

When he came out, he saw Huo Tingchen with a cold and displeased face.

She was stunned for a moment, looked at the woman, and then mocked secretly.

The wicked report first!

At nine o'clock, I didn't have the mood to talk to him, so I turned around and left.

Huo Tingchen looked over, "Yunyan, stop!"

She stopped, turned and turned back indifferently, "What's the matter?"

But seeing her cold look, Huo Tingchen's anger increased even more, "What did you do?"

"Tingchen, forget it, Yunyan didn't do it on purpose, don't be angry." Lan Xinrou persuaded him.

Shi Jiu was most annoyed by his doggy appearance, he was so good-looking for nothing.

Why is this brain so stupid?
It's a shame to be led by the nose by a woman.

She stared at Lan Xinrou and said faintly: "Instead of asking me what I did, why not ask her what she did first!"

"Didn't she apologize to you?"


Shi Jiu laughed lightly, with bottomless coldness in her eyes, she raised her burnt hand, "Do you think an apology is enough?"

Huo Tingchen saw that her arm was seriously injured, much worse than Lan Xinrou's.

He was stunned, and he couldn't help but feel worried deep in his heart. He frowned slightly, and then looked at the servant and Lan Xinrou.

Lan Xinrou felt guilty from his eyes, she didn't dare to meet his gaze.

Afterwards, Shi Jiu stretched out his other hand to pluck the broken hair, and looked straight at Huo Tingchen, "Do you really understand me? Do I look like the kind of person who cares about everything?"

As she spoke, her tone sank, "So I said she did it on purpose! I just gave it back to her, that's all."

Too lazy to talk to them, she turned and went upstairs.

Huo Tingchen looked at her figure and remained silent.

Lan Xinrou admitted her mistake, "Tingchen, I'm sorry, I didn't know that Yunyan was hurt so badly, and I blamed her for losing her temper. I accidentally spilled the porridge and scalded her."

The red arm just now flashed through his mind, and he glanced at her, "It's not your fault, be careful next time."

She nodded slightly.

Then, Huo Tingchen called Ke Fan and said, "Call the doctor."

Lan Xinrou thought that he was concerned about her, and she was happy, but the next sentence was like a basin of cold water pouring down her head, and her heart was very cold.

"Here comes the person, take it directly to the second floor and show her."

Huo Tingchen hung up the phone and left directly.

In the end, everyone left and only Lan Xinrou was left angry.


Shi Jiu went back to the room and prepared to change his clothes, when he saw the burn on his leg, he curled his lips.

That woman has resorted to such indecent tricks, how much I hate her!
Changing into a loose skirt, she looked around and found no medicine.

Sitting down, he lifted the skirt of his skirt, exposing his burnt part and blowing gently.

When Huo Tingchen opened the door, he saw her like this. She also had injuries on her legs.

She didn't tell him anything.

Is she dead set on him?

Seeing the people standing in front of him stunned, Ke Fan asked, "Master Qi?"

Huo Tingchen came back to his senses and said: "You wait here first."

How could the appearance inside be seen by others? He closed the door directly after entering.

Leaving behind Ke Fan who was confused and the doctor behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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