The villain boss is my family

Chapter 287 Slave, would rather die than marry

Chapter 287 Slave, would rather die than marry (18)

Early the next morning.

Shi Jiu stared at a pair of panda eyes and got up.

At this moment, she was yawning and standing outside the gate of Hongluan Hall with a basin of water in her hand.

She didn't seem to wake up, so she put down the basin, and after a while she squatted at the door and dozed off.

The shadow inside opened the door, and Shi Jiu fell in.

He frowned and looked at her, "Master is already awake, bring the water in."

At that time, she stood up quickly, and walked in with a basin in her hand.

After entering, she put the water basin away, and she stood by and waited.

Gong Qianmo walked in slowly, and after cleaning, he glanced at Shi Jiu who was dozing off, "A small bottle?"

Hearing this, Shi Jiu immediately cheered up, "The servant is here."

"Did you sleep well last night?"

Seeing the red marks on his face that haven't faded, Shi Jiu lowered her head guiltily, remembering what happened last night, she slapped him last night.

She shook her head, "No."

"Do you know that I didn't sleep well last night?" He narrowed his eyes and said.

"The slave doesn't know."

Gong Qianmo frowned and snorted coldly, "A little wild cat ran in here last night, if I catch it, I will definitely break her claws."

Shi Jiu Ting's heart skipped a beat at the side.

Sure enough, the eunuch will not let her go!

Fortunately, he didn't know it was her!
Afterwards, she went to court with Gong Qianmo.


on the main hall.

The emperor was speaking from a high position.

The ministers below listened carefully, and from time to time a minister came out to explain.

There is also a special existence below, that is Gong Qianmo, he can sit on an equal footing with the emperor, which is one of the reasons why many people dare not offend him.

The emperor looked at Gong Qianmo who was sitting below, "Qianmo, will you participate in the hunting meeting in three days' time?"

Shi Jiu dozed off while waiting beside her, and then the plate in her hand fell off.


The voice resounded in the hall, and everyone present looked at her.

Shi Jiu woke up in an instant, noticing that the atmosphere in the hall had cooled down, she quickly lowered her head, "Damn the slave! Damn the slave!"

The high-ranking emperor's expression was already displeased, he frowned, he was very upset that his words were interrupted like this, and was about to reprimand him.

Gong Qianmo glanced at Shi Jiu on the ground, then looked at the emperor and said lightly, "Participate."

Immediately, the emperor was stunned, and looked at him quickly, what did he say just now?
Gong Qianmo raised her eyelids and said slowly, "Participate in the hunting meeting in three days' time."

Realizing what he said, the emperor was overjoyed and laughed out loud, "Hahaha, okay, okay, it's great that Qianmo can participate."

Gong Qianmo glanced at Shijiu who was still on the ground, "Get up quickly, what are you doing in a daze!"

She stood up and blinked, did he save her just now?


Walking out of the court, the two walked around for a long time, and the two walked into a dense forest.

Looking at Gong Qianmo in front, Shi Jiu cautiously followed behind him.

Suddenly, Concubine Jing's soft voice came from inside, "Qianmo."

Shi Jiu looked for the sound and found someone standing not far away looking at them.

However, Gong Qianmo's expression was indifferent, as if he didn't hear it, and his footsteps didn't mean to stop.

Concubine Jing chased after her, and shouted again unwillingly: "Qianmo!"

Shi Jiu looked at the person in front of her who still didn't stop, she looked back at her complicatedly, and then quickly followed Gong Qianmo who was walking away.

Looking at the people who left, Concubine Jing squeezed her hands, her face sank.


(End of this chapter)

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