The villain boss is my family

Chapter 288 Slave, would rather die than marry

Chapter 288 Slave, would rather die than marry (19)

Ying Yi suddenly appeared beside Gong Qianmo.

"Master, there is no such person, it seems that the person disappeared out of thin air."

Gong Qianmo frowned, "Missing?"

Standing behind Shi Jiu was sweating profusely with his head down, were they looking for her?

"Keep looking, I don't believe she can fly!"

"Yes." Shadow disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Gong Qianmo exuded a cold aura, he turned his head and glanced at Shi Jiu, "Don't follow."

Shi Jiu bowed his head and said yes, watching the person go away, he held his little heart in fear and quietly let out a sigh of relief.

It would be a disaster if she was caught.


Concubine Jing returned to her bedroom with a sullen face, sat on a chair, and punched the table with her fist.

Thinking of Gong Qianmo treating him like this, the anger in his heart was hard to dispel.

Just when she was angry, a personal maid ran in and said in a flustered and happy way: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your Majesty is here!"

Concubine Jing frowned when she heard this, why did the emperor come here?

The yellow figure walked in, she stood up and immediately showed a sweet smile.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?"

The emperor looked at Concubine Jing with a smile on his face, "Of course I want to love Concubine."

Concubine Jing threw herself into the emperor's arms, blushing and said shyly: "I hate it, to be serious."

She raised her head, "Why did the emperor come here suddenly?"

The emperor smiled, "I'm here to tell my concubine the good news."

"What good news?"

"Gong Qianmo will participate in the hunting conference three days later."

The color in Concubine Jing's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Will Gong Qianmo really participate?
The emperor frowned, "Speaking of which, why does Concubine Ai insist on letting Gong Qianmo participate in the hunting conference?"

"Didn't he not attend last year's hunting conference? I just hope that everyone will participate in that day's hunting conference."

The emperor laughed, "Aifei really has a heart."

Then he carried Concubine Jing and walked inside.

Concubine Jing's face darkened when the emperor couldn't see her, her eyes were full of disgust.


late at night.

Shi Jiu came to the cold palace again.

Leng Shuhan was holding a bowl of porridge so thin that you could see how many grains of rice it was, and was carefully feeding the boy who had just woken up.

She pushed the spoon to the boy's mouth. "Xun'er, drink more, so that your body will recover quickly."


Dressed in black, Shi Jiu walked in with some food in her hand. Seeing the warm scene, she knocked on the door frame, "Ma'am, excuse me."

Leng Shuhan quickly put down the bowl, stood up and walked over, "Girl, why are you here?"

"I came to see you, and brought some food along." She raised the food in her hand.

"Girl, come in."

After Shi Jiu walked in, Leng Shuhan glanced at the situation outside the door, and quickly closed the door.

She looked at the boy and introduced, "Xun'er, call your sister quickly, she saved your life."

Xun'er softly called out, "Sister... sister."

Shi Jiu went over and patted his head, "Xun'er, you're so good."

Suddenly staring at the bowl of thin porridge on the table and pursing his lips, is this the only food in the cold palace?
She handed the food in her hand to Xun'er, "These delicious foods are brought to you by my sister."

Xun'er thanked happily: "Thank you...sister."

Then he stretched out his hand to check the injury on his body, and found that the recovery was not bad.

"The wound has slowly healed. After a while, Xun'er will recover."

"Really? Sister?"

Looking into his bright eyes, Shi Jiu nodded and smiled, "Really."

Leng Shuhan at the side looked at it and smiled gratifiedly.

(End of this chapter)

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