The villain boss is my family

Chapter 349 God, please let me go!

Chapter 349 God, please let me go! (23)

Ye Yuehan's expression paused, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was faintly evoked.

At this time, a voice came from outside the door, "Ye Yuehan."

The two inside looked out the door together.

Seeing Lian Mo who came uninvited, Shi Jiu was puzzled, why did he come?

Ye Yuehan frowned slightly, because her status was inappropriate, he looked at Shi Jiu, "You go down first, I have something important to talk to him as a teacher."

While Shi Jiu nodded, he couldn't help thinking about what the two of them would have to talk about.

When passing by Lian Mo's side, the other party gave her a meaningful look, and Shijiu was a little flustered when he looked at her, and really didn't know what he wanted to do.

After the person left, Ye Yuehan's eyes suddenly turned cold, "What are you doing here again?"

Lian Mo was stunned, and a smile appeared on his lips, "Of course I came to you because of something."

Ye Yuehan pursed her thin lips into a straight line, and said coldly, "What's the matter?"

Lian Mo had already sat down now, and he raised his eyes to look at him, "Talk about Xi'er?"

Ye Yuehan's expression changed upon hearing this matter being mentioned.

Lian Mo said without hesitation, "I know that you collected Xi'er Yipo. I saw that scene that day."

Afterwards, he asked indifferently: "Do you suspect that Qingyao is the reincarnation of Xi'er?"

Ye Yuehan narrowed his eyes, his eyes were full of coldness, he didn't speak, but quietly listened to the other party's speech, and slightly squeezed his hands under the wide sleeves.

"However, I also discovered another interesting thing, do you want to know?"

Lian Mo chuckled, "I found that your disciple is not simple!"

While smiling, his expression became serious, "I found that there is another soul in her body."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Yuehan raised his eyes to look at him, frowning.

In this way, he suddenly remembered that day, and instantly understood why she gave him a different feeling.

Lian Mo looked at him, and he suddenly laughed softly, "Didn't you notice?"

Ye Yuehan's face darkened, and a chilling aura emanated.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Still understand me."

Lian Mo's eyes were cold, and he said his purpose, "I suspect that one of the souls is the reincarnation of Xi'er, but I don't know which one is Xi'er, so I want to use that method."

Xi'er's body has been preserved by him, if it is really Xi'er's soul, then Xi'er may be resurrected, he can't wait to see Xi'er standing in front of his eyes alive, and call him Lianmo.

His Xi'er, he missed her.

Hearing his thoughts, Ye Yuehan immediately rejected him without thinking, "No."

The method he said, he naturally knew what method he was talking about.

It is an ancient forbidden technique, which is to tear out the living soul and directly inject it into another new body. This kind of behavior is extremely dangerous, and the consequences of failure will be disastrous.

Lian Mo said with a cold face, "You have no right to intervene in this matter, I just came to inform you."

He paused, "Don't you also hope that Xi'er can be resurrected? You can fool other people about this matter, but you can't fool me."

He snorted coldly and walked out the door directly.

Ye Yuehan looked at the person leaving with a gloomy face.

Standing outside the door, Shi Jiu was stunned for a while looking at Lian Mo who came out angrily, did the two quarrel again?


(End of this chapter)

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