The villain boss is my family

Chapter 350 God, please let me go!

Chapter 350 God, please let me go! (24)

Lian Mo didn't return to Youmeng Palace, but came to a quiet and deep place, surrounded by snow-white, it can be seen how cold it is here.

With a wave of his hand, a hole was instantly revealed, and he stepped in.

The inside is also a vast expanse of whiteness, with Lian Mo's figure reflected all around.

There was a crystal-clear ice coffin in the middle, and he walked over slowly, reaching out to support the surroundings of the ice coffin.

Finally, his eyes were set in the ice hall, where lay a beautiful woman, her eyes were closed, her face was pale, without a trace of blood.

Lian Mo's expression softened, and he called softly: "Xi'er, I'm here to see you again."

He stretched out his hand to hold the woman's hand, feeling the coldness from the palm, and said in a tone full of blame, "Xi'er, you see your hand has become so cold again, shall I warm it up for you?"

As he spoke, he gently rubbed the woman's hands with his hands, changing one for the other after rubbing.

He put down the woman's hand, gently touched the woman's face, and painted her eyebrows little by little, "Xi'er, don't worry, I have found a way to bring you back to life, we will meet soon, wait Follow me."

After saying that, he lowered his head and kissed her forehead lightly, then left here.


Ye Yuehan's voice came from the Wenhua Hall.

"Recite all of these, and I will check with the teacher tomorrow"

Looking at the pile of books for a long time, his small face frowned, "Yes, I remember it."

Ye Yuehan looked indifferent, but he stared at her for a while and then walked out.

Then, she picked up a book and read it.

Not long after, she found that she couldn't read a word, and her mind was full of other things.

"Little Yaoyao!"

Ji Wuqing's voice suddenly broke into her ears, and she was startled.

Shi Jiu stretched out his hand and patted his chest, and looked around, "Why are you here suddenly?"

Did no one notice him when he came in?
"I said I would come to you."

Ji Wuqing looked at the book in his hand and wondered, "Xiao Yaoyao, what are you doing?"

Hearing what he said, Shi Jiu felt even more depressed. She pointed to the books with a sad face and said, "I want to memorize all of these books, but I can't read a single word."

Ji Wuqing suddenly thought of an idea, "Xiao Yaoyao, how about I take you to the devil world to relax?"

Shi Jiu blinked, going to the Demon Realm?
After thinking about it for a long time, she finally nodded, "Okay, let's go to the Demon Realm now."

She really wanted to see what the Demon World looked like.

Hearing that she agreed, Ji Wuqing was very happy.

In the end, the two set off to the Demon World together.


Demon world.

Ji Wuqing invited Shi Jiu to visit around, and kept introducing every place here.

Shi Jiu looked at the plants and trees here and raised her eyebrows. She thought it would look more eerie, but she didn't expect that the place here is quite beautiful, not much different from some places in the heaven.

Ji Wuqing invited her to his palace, and he graciously let Shi Jiu sit down, and he lay on his seat like an old man, "Come here!"

After a while, several beautiful maidservants brought fruit snacks and other food.

Shi Jiu watched those maidservants looking at Ji Wuqing, and couldn't help complaining in her heart, even the maidservants are so beautiful, this guy really enjoys it too much.

(End of this chapter)

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