The villain boss is my family

Chapter 463 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 463 The Devil's Angel (15)

Seeing him like this, Shi Jiu continued to deal with him, "I am your king's exclusive prey, if you suck my blood, if your king finds out about it, you probably won't survive the next day."

"If you let me go, I will pretend that this incident never happened. Otherwise, if I tell your king, you will not escape death."

The other party seemed to be frightened by her, and he looked a little hesitant, so she turned around and ran away without saying a word.

The vampire came back to his senses and saw her run away, with a fierce expression on his face, "Damn human."

How dare you lie to him!
Immediately, he chased after him with a sullen face.

After running for a few steps, Shi Jiu was soon blocked by the other party, her heart rose, and she immediately turned around and ran in another direction.

The vampire looked at her and didn't rush to chase after her, but instead chased her step by step.

He felt that human had become a fat sheep in his mouth, and he was sure that she couldn't escape.

Shi Jiu ran forward with all her strength, and felt out of breath after a while, her physical strength was almost exhausted.

I was sucked some blood just now, and my body must not be able to bear it now.

The vampire looked at Shi Jiu and laughed.

Immediately, he walked towards her, "Human, don't struggle anymore, it's useless to struggle, obediently let me drink your blood!"

Shi Jiu was caught in his hand in an instant, he showed his sharp fangs, opened his mouth wide, and bit down on her.

She is still struggling desperately, knowing that if she is sucked, she will definitely die here today!
Seeing her getting in the way, the other party sneered, raised his hand and struck Shi Jiu unconscious.

He bit down on her neck.

Before touching his neck, which Xiao had been thinking about for a long time, he was blown away all of a sudden.

The vampire stopped a few meters away, looking a little dazed.

After he realized it, he cursed angrily: "Who is disturbing the old..." son.

After seeing who was coming not far away, his expression became a little frightened, "Ah... Lord Arthur!"

Arthur's face was expressionless, his cold eyes swept towards the vampire, and a blue flame was released from his hand, "You dare to touch the king's things, you really deserve to die!"

The vampire's eyes widened, and it turned out that what the human said was true.

He quickly crawled on the ground and begged for mercy, "Ah... Lord Arthur! I didn't know this was the king's prey! Lord Arthur, spare your life! Spare me!"

With a cold face, Arthur struck the flame in his hand, and the vampire was instantly burned to ashes.

It was almost too late.

Otherwise, he is the one to be punished.

With a cold snort, he raised his foot and walked towards Shi Jiu who fainted.


in the room.

Werther carefully wiped Shi Jiu's face with a towel.

After finishing, she walked out with the basin in hand.

Shijiu fell asleep for a while, and when he woke up, he found that he had returned.

who rescued her?
There was a look of pain on her pale face.

My neck hurts so much!
Fortunately, he recovered his life again.

She sat up slowly.

At this time, Werther pushed open the door and walked in, and smiled when he saw her wake up, "You're awake."

Shi Jiu let out a "hmm" and asked, "Who sent me back?"

Werther put down the things in his hands and looked up at her, "It's Lord Arthur."

She was silent for a moment, and now her stomach rumbled.

Werther smiled, "I'll go and prepare some food for you right away, wait for a while."

Shi Jiu nodded awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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