The villain boss is my family

Chapter 464 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 464 The Devil's Angel (16)

After Werther went out, she waited quietly.

Eggers appeared here at the moment.

It turned out that this human being was arranged to live here by Wang, no wonder she couldn't find it.

Wang actually protected this human being so well.

She walked in with her hands clasped.

After a while, Nineteen, who was waiting inside, heard a sound coming from the door, thinking that Werther had come back, but she didn't look over.

When Eggers walked in, when he saw Shi Jiu's beautiful side face, there was a look of jealousy in his eyes. The beauty she had always been proud of was actually compared to this human being.

She was sullen, with a cold breath exuding from her body.

Is she the human being raised by the king?

Sensing that the breath of the person who came in was not Werther's, Shi Jiu frowned and turned to look over.

Looking at the blonde woman in front of him, he showed an expression that he wanted to eat her.

She wondered, when did she offend this woman?

"who are you?"

Eggers looked at her with fire-breathing eyes, "You are that human being!"

Shi Jiu looked puzzled, "May I ask what you need?"

"It's just a mere human being, but it's worth Wang Fei's attention!"

Eggers looked very excited, and the delicate makeup on her face was tinged with a hideous ugliness because of her anger.

She snorted coldly: "Why are you being raised by the king? Apart from being good-looking, what else is worthy of the king's attention!"

Shi Jiu chuckled lightly.

She finally understood why the other party came here, and guessed that the woman in front of her must be that man's admirer.

Eggers tensed his face, "Why are you laughing!"

Shi Jiu smiled and raised his eyebrows, "Why, can't you laugh anymore? If it hinders you, you can go out."


Eggers was so angry that he was so eloquent as a human being.

"Don't think that you are getting carried away with being the king's blood donor. Don't forget that you are still a human being after all, and you will become a victim in the end."

"You are not the only blood donor of the king. After you die, there will be another one to replace you. You are just one of the tiny human beings."

Listening to what she said, is this woman reminding her to pay attention to her own identity?

Shi Jiu smiled, "At least now I am needed by the king."


"Damn human!"

Eggers was so angry that he went up and grabbed her by the neck.

Being pinched was painful, Shi Jiu Weimei frowned, she raised her head and looked at her, "You pinched me, I am very honorable, if the king finds out at this time... I will be very sorry. "

Eggers couldn't stand a lowly human being talking to her like that.

In this blood race, who didn't see her respectfully, this human being dared to contradict her.

She raised her hand angrily, and slapped that jealous face.

Shi Jiu grabbed her hand, and pushed him away fiercely with the other hand.

Eggers didn't react, and was pushed a few steps away for a while.

She touched her sore neck, raised her eyes and smiled, "Is there anything else to say? No, you can leave here."

After Eggers reacted, he became angry from embarrassment, "Damn human, you..."

At this time, Werther came in with food, "The food is ready and ready to eat..."

Seeing the scene inside, her voice stopped abruptly.

"Master Eggers!"

How did she get here?

Eggers looked at her, "Witt, didn't you say you have a new master?"

(End of this chapter)

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