The villain boss is my family

Chapter 500 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 500 The Devil's Angel (52)

Arthur was puzzled, he really couldn't figure it out, and following the principle of asking if he didn't understand, he asked, "Why did that woman Wang do this?"

The blood clan doesn't have much hatred with her at all, and in her capacity, there is no need to frame the blood clan like this.

Lu Xiu is also puzzled. This matter needs further investigation.

"Keep an eye on everything Rihanna does."

"Yes, King."

He stopped Arthur who was about to leave, "Wait, find out if Gretel has gone to Rihanna."

Arthur suddenly realized that Wang suspected that they might be colluding secretly.

Feeling that this was very likely, he said yes and left quickly.

Lu Xiu was silent, Shi Jiu's face suddenly flashed in his mind, he frowned slightly, his lips were pursed into a straight line.

Since when did that human woman actually be able to influence him.


Easy home.

Werther handed the phone to Shijiu, "Miss Yunxi, it's Madam's number."

Sitting on the sofa, she came over and answered the phone, "Mom, why are you calling at this time?"

"Yun Xi, your grandma's illness will not recover for a while. Mom wants to stay and take care of your grandma. Your dad and I may not be able to go back during this time, so Yun Xi, you have to take good care of yourself during this time."

"Got it, Mom, you and Dad should take good care of yourself over there."

After hanging up the phone, she glanced at the sunny weather outside and sighed.

Can't go out, kind of boring.


In the empty house, there were only her and Werther, so, not surprisingly, a certain king appeared again.

"What about people?"

Werther was stunned when he saw his appearance, and sighed in his heart, the number of times their king came here was quite frequent.

"Wang, Miss Yunxi said it was too boring, so she slept upstairs."

Lu Xiu frowned, nodded slightly, and then his figure disappeared in front of Werther.

Werther was still stunned watching the speed of their king.

Lu Xiu came to Shijiu's room.

While lamenting spring and autumn on the bed, Shijiu didn't look at who appeared in the room and pulled his face, "Werther, I'm so bored, can you be accommodating and ask your king to let me out?"

With that intrusion of the vampire, Werther stared at him tightly.

Seeing that no one answered her, Shi Jiu looked over and realized that it was the man who came and she got up from the bed.

"You came just in time, let me go out here to get some air."

"It's too dangerous for you to go alone."

Shi Jiu rolled his eyes, saying that he didn't seem to be dangerous.

She said casually, "Then you and I will go."


"it is good."

"..." actually agreed! !
"where to?"


So, at her request, a certain king really went shopping with her.


on the road.

Shi Jiu looked left and right, and found that there was no one around her, and everyone was hiding far away.

She looked at Lu Xiu with a dark face, "Can you stop being so cold?"

The cold air released from his body can freeze to death people within a radius of ten miles.

This is no shopping, this is clearly killing people with air conditioning.

Lu Xiu glanced at her lightly, that look seemed to say that she asked him to come.

Shi Jiu quickly closed his mouth and walked into a shopping mall with his head buried.

When the two walked in, the people outside dared to breathe.

"My god, that man is so handsome! But it's also so cold!"


(End of this chapter)

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