The villain boss is my family

Chapter 501 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 501 The Devil's Angel (53)

Rihanna, who followed, saw that scene.The heart couldn't help being jealous, and the expression on his face became very ferocious.

That man Lu Xiu was so noble in his impression, and now he actually did such an outrageous thing.

He was actually shopping with that woman.

This is simply unforgivable!
Looking at the shopping mall inside, she sneered, the best show is yet to come.

Shi Jiu's originally cheerful mood lost interest in an instant, she walked into a store casually, raised her head and looked at the products for sale in front of her, and she was stunned for a while.

How did she walk into the underwear store?

Lu Xiu followed suit.

His appearance was very abrupt, because he was the only man present in the store.

This moment attracted the eyes of all the women present in the store.

"Look at how handsome that man is! Is he accompanying his girlfriend to buy underwear? His girlfriend is so happy!"

"If such a man accompanies me to the neiyi store, I'm willing to let me die."

Embarrassed to the tenth level, Shijiu: "..."

Now she just wants to find a hole to get into.

With a blank face, Lu Xiu glanced at the various underwear inside, and suddenly remembered the scene he had accidentally seen that day.

He stretched out his finger to touch a row of underwear, and said seriously: "This one looks okay, it's almost the same as the last one."

Shi Jiu immediately knew what he meant by "the one from last time", and she blushed so hard that there was nowhere to stop.

What kind of god-fucking coquettish operation is this!

You can tell what size she is wearing just by looking at her underwear!

Envious envious woman surprised.

"Wow, that man actually knows what size his girlfriend wears!"

"You single dog, you don't understand. He is a boyfriend and girlfriend. When something happens, his boyfriend will naturally know."

Shi Jiu: "..." I really can't stay here anymore.

Lu Xiu: "..." Why are these humans so noisy!
Afterwards, Shi Jiu, who couldn't bear the strange eyes of others anymore, blushed and pulled Lu Xiu out of the neiyi store.

At this time, Lu Xiu noticed her flushed face, his gaze deepened, and his throat rolled, so she really wanted to take a bite.

Just as Shi Jiu calmed down, there was commotion not far away.


"Dead! Dead!"

"Monster! Monster! Don't come here! I don't want to die—ah!"

She looked back at the man next to her and found that he had already run over.

Without thinking too much, she also ran over together.

The scene was chaotic, with crowds running around with terrified looks on their faces.

There were several bleeding people lying on the vacant place, and beside them stood five ugly "people", to be exact, the vampires released by Rihanna.

The surrounding crowd fled in all directions in terror, and the five vampires kept chasing them.

Unfortunately, a middle-aged woman was caught, and the woman fainted from fright.

Shi Jiu looked at that scene and was about to rush over when he saw that the road repairer had already passed by.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he could only use force because he could not use supernatural powers at will.

Not far away, Rihanna looked at him and sneered.

Then he fixed his eyes on Shi Jiu.

She suddenly stood behind him, sensing that someone was behind her, and wanted to fight back, but she was not strong enough, so she was knocked out by Rihanna and taken away.

After Lu Xiu finished solving the problem, he looked around and found that the woman's figure had disappeared, and his face darkened.

 This plane is estimated to be slightly longer than the previous plane.

(End of this chapter)

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