The villain boss is my family

Chapter 515 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 515 The Devil's Angel (67)

Shi Jiu was dumbfounded, but in the end she still saved the man.

Fate like shit.

Lu Xiu's figure suddenly appeared in front of her. He looked at the woman in front of him and squinted her eyes, and it really was her.

I was really indifferent to her then.

But now...

Shi Jiu looked at him, not knowing how to speak.

The two were silent for a while.

Lu Xiu looked at her and said, "Let's leave here after the injury is healed."

Shijiu let out an oh.

Isn't he surprised?

Why don't you ask her what's going on?

Seeing his indifferent appearance, she still didn't speak in the end.

Suddenly remembered what happened that day.

She raised her eyes and looked at him, "That... Is it true that you promised me a request?"

It looked like she'd have to make good use of the request.

Lu Xiu lightly hummed, his eyes met her, "Have you figured it out?"

She nodded, "Think about it."

He kept looking at her, as if he was waiting for her answer.

Shi Jiu thought for a while and smiled, "How about being my real boyfriend for a day?"

After hearing her request, the man was a little surprised, "Is it that simple?"

She nodded, "Well, it's that simple."

"it is good."

"From now on."

"it is good."

After a while, Shi Jiu looked at him, "Hold me."


She glanced at him, "my boyfriend, hurry up."


With an unclear expression, Lu Xiu walked over and hugged her.

Feeling the soft body in his arms, he obviously felt a little strange at this moment.

His breathing became heavy.

Shi Jiu reached out and hugged him tightly, "Boyfriend, give me a quick kiss."

Sensing the rejection in the man's heart, she went to the battle herself, "If you don't kiss, I will do it instead."

Before Lu Xiu could react, he was kissed.

He froze, and his body froze.

After he put Shi Jiu down, his figure disappeared in a flash.

Shi Jiu was speechless, this reaction was too great!


Seeing that most of the day has passed.

After being left in the air for so long, Shi Jiu's face turned dark.

As for it!
A man who can't talk!

Werther looked at her walking away, "Miss Yunxi, where are you going?"

"go home."

After restoring the appearance of the Queen of Holy Light, her abilities naturally returned.

She left here quickly.

Werther shook his head helplessly.


After returning to Yi's house, Yi's father and mother were shocked when they saw his appearance.

"Mom, I'm back."

Mother Yi stammered, "You you are Yunxi!"

How did her precious daughter change her appearance.

Shi Jiu sighed, "Mom, it's a long story."

After that, she didn't hide anything, and told them what happened.

"That's about it."

The expressions of Yi Fu and Yi's mother were very shocked, and they were obviously shocked by her words.

Mother Yi couldn't believe it, "Yun... Yunxi... you you you..."

Yun Xi turned out to be such an identity!
God!This is incredible!

Yi's father's expression was still calm, and he asked: "Those things... are they real?"

Nod at nine o'clock.

"That man..."

"He is the king of blood."

Mother Yi almost fainted.

Yi's father also showed no unnecessary expressions other than shock.

No wonder so.

Shi Jiu looked at them, "No matter what, you are my parents, and this will not change. I hope you don't dislike me."

Yi's mother looked at her with red eyes, "Yunyan, mom doesn't mean to dislike you... With such a daughter, it's too late for mom to be happy!"

She smiled, "Dad, Mom, thank you for adopting me."

Father Yi, who had been silent for a long time, said, "Yun Xi, if you don't mind, you are still our daughter, and we are still your parents."

Shi Jiu looked at them gratefully, then smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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