The villain boss is my family

Chapter 516 The Angel Among the Devils [End]

Chapter 516 The Angel Among the Devils (68) [End]

After confessing her identity, Yi's father and mother also accepted her again.

In order to change her appearance, which is different from ordinary people, she took Yi's father's hair dye cream and dyed her hair back to its original black color.

After Shi Jiu came out of the room, the eyes of Yi's father and Yi's mother flashed amazement. If the silver-white hair is an angel, then the black one now has an evil nature.

While several people were stunned, Lu Xiu suddenly stood in front of her.

Seeing the person who appeared suddenly, Mother Yi screamed and shrank behind Shi Jiu, "Yun Xi, he he he..."

Why is he here!

Yi's father appeared to be as stable as Mount Tai on the outside, but in fact he was panicked inside.

Shi Jiu looked at the man in front of him and comforted Yi's mother, "Mom, he won't hurt you, don't worry."

She asked lightly: "Why are you here?"

Lu Xiu pursed his thin lips, his eyes were burning, "Fulfill the request."

After returning, he finally wanted to understand what it felt like.

It turned out that he had wrong thoughts about this woman, so he would not let her go.

The corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, "Follow me."

Shi Jiu was taken aback for a moment, "Where are you going?"

"Do what boyfriends and girlfriends should do."

Then, she blinked, what should boyfriend and girlfriend do?

Finally, she followed.

Mother Yi, who was stunned, laughed, "It seems that Yun Xi has found his own happiness."


Soon after, the two came to a park where there were many young couples snuggling together.

Shi Jiu was puzzled, "What did you bring me here for?"

Lu Xiu frowned, "Can't boyfriend bring girlfriend on a date?"

It took her a long time to hold back in vain, "...OK."

Unexpectedly, he also understands this.

The two walked for a long time.

Then, they saw a couple not far away.

The girl acted like a baby, "My legs are sore, you carry me on your back!"

The boy looked spoiled, "Okay, okay, I'll carry you on my back, come up, my little princess."

The girl jumped on the boy's back, and the boy left with the girl on his back.

Seeing that scene, Shi Jiu smiled and said, "You carry me too."


Thus, Lu Xiu walked slowly on the road with Shi Jiu on his back.

Finally, it was already dark.

The two returned to Yi's house.

Both of them knew in their hearts that after they parted ways tonight, they parted ways.

Shi Jiu looked at him and said, "When we are parting, can you make up for my little wish?"

"What wish?"

"Kiss me."

There was a hint of a smile in Lu Xiu's eyes, and he domineeringly pulled her over her body and bowed his head to kiss her.

Shi Jiu, already in a daze: "..."

It's strange, why is he so talkative?

The man let go of her, and the deep voice came out, "I have satisfied you, can you also satisfy my little wish?"

Still in a daze, Shi Jiu asked foolishly, "What wish?"

Lu Xiu looked at her seriously, "Let me continue to be your real boyfriend."

She opened her eyes wide, "...why?"

Lu Xiu didn't hide his heart, "Although it's not very strong, I know I like you."


Have you confessed?

A little over the top!

She blushed and dared not look into his eyes.

Finally, she nodded shyly, "OK."

Finally got the guy hooked up.

Lu Xiu looked at her and suddenly smiled, "I will try to do it well."

Seeing his smile, she was instantly fascinated.


"Beep, the beautiful sister has completed the task, sprinkle flowers!"


After that, the vampires, angels, and wolves all knew that the two were together.

This incident shocked all ethnic groups.

Gretel didn't expect things to turn out like this, and he still refused to accept it, and made trouble secretly.

Shi Jiu naturally counted new and old hatred together.

In the end, she and Lu Xiu defeated Gretel

The two are happy together.


Shijiu returned to the system space.

"Congratulations to the beautiful sister for completing the task."

 Heck, make a change...

(End of this chapter)

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