The villain boss is my family

Chapter 525 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 525 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (9)

"People are quite beautiful, they should be convex, and they should be warped. It's much better than your little white flower first love."

He reached out and patted Memorial Bai's chest, and said in a low voice: "If you want me to tell you, you'd better forget about that ungrateful woman as soon as possible, and cherish the person in front of you."

Hearing him mention that person, Memorial made a dark face, "Shut your mouth for me, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Seeing that he still wanted to say something, Memorial Bai's eyes were very dangerous, "If you say one more word, I will sew your mouth shut and make you speechless forever..."

Ji Sichen was frightened, he swallowed his saliva, Xiao Baibai is so scary.


Memorial Bai lifted his foot and left.

Ji Sichen glanced at Shijiu who was not speaking beside him, then looked at Memorial Bai who had already left, and finally chased after him, "Little Baibai, wait for me!"

From the other end came the voice of commemorating Bai's fury, "Get out! You are calling me, Xiao Baibai, and you beat me so hard that you don't even know your parents!"

Then, Ji Sichen's voice came out again, "Little Baibai, how could you behave like this, I'm so sad!"


Shi Jiu couldn't help laughing when he looked at the people who were going away, it was really interesting.

She squinted.

But that little white flower... first love.

Who is she?
After a while, her cell phone rang.

After the call was connected, the angry voice of the owner of the club came from the other end: "Jiang Ran! You don't come tomorrow, you have already been fired!"

Shi Jiu then asked: "Then my salary..."

"You still dare to talk about salary with me, all salary will be deducted!"

After hanging up the phone, she chuckled, glanced at the clubhouse, and then left.


When I returned to the rented place, I found that Memorial Bai Nasi hadn't come back yet.

She rested for a while, and then walked into the bathroom to take a shower with drowsiness.

After half an hour, she walked out after taking a shower, and Memorial Bai just walked in from the door.

They both froze for a moment.

After Memorial Bai calmly changed his shoes, he found that the person was still standing there and did not leave.

He thought the woman would go back to his room while he changed his shoes, but he didn't expect her to still be standing there.

Didn't he give enough time?

"Are you a woman?"

Shi Jiu folded his hands, "I'm not, don't you?"

"Don't you know there's a difference between men and women?"

She looked down at her clothes and didn't think there was anything wrong, "Are you shy?"

To commemorate the woman with a pale expression and a clear mind!
"I'm too lazy to tell you!"

He went back to his room.

Shi Jiu looked at the closed door and smiled, which was quite amusing.

After returning to the room, Memorial Bai took off the shirt on his body, revealing a strong body with wounds that had been treated.

He sat down, saw the family photo on the table, he paused, reached out his hand a little annoyed, lit a cigarette and smoked slowly.

After smoking a cigarette, he was a little thirsty, so he opened the door and went out.

Finding a person wandering in the living room, he paused, planning to go back and put on some clothes, but he could think of the woman's indifferent attitude, so he dismissed the idea.

She is not afraid of what he is afraid of!
When Jiu heard the voice, he turned his head and looked at the past, but didn't speak.

Memorial Bai walked to the kitchen and found that his quilt was missing, his eyes searched around, and finally stopped on Shi Jiu's hand.

"Is Lao Tzu's cup easy to use?"


(End of this chapter)

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