The villain boss is my family

Chapter 526 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 526 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (10)

She glanced down at the cup in her hand, "Is this yours?"

Then he added, "No wonder it's so ugly."

Memorial White: "..."

"I'll borrow this cup first, and I'll return it to you after it's cleaned."

Shijiu went back to the room.

He glanced at the closed door, took a few sips of water casually, turned around and went back to the room.

into the night.

Memorial Bai couldn't sleep because of the pain on his body, he got off the bed agitatedly, opened the door, went to the living room in the dark and sat down.

Unbearably thirsty, he then went to the kitchen to find water to drink, and when he got a glass of water, he took a few sips.

He stared blankly at the cup in his hand.

That woman used this cup.

Then, after thinking about it in my mind, some yellow material came out.

Realizing what he was thinking, he patted his forehead.

Whoa, what are you thinking!

All of a sudden, the craving for cigarettes fell again. I touched my pocket and found that there was no cigarette in it, so I walked towards my room.

Shi Jiu was walking out of the room at this time, when the two met, they were both startled.

Memorial Bai said with a fierce look on his face: "If you don't turn on the lights in the middle of the night, why come out to scare me!"

Almost scared his soul out.

Shi Jiu looked at him without changing his face, "Aren't you the same? Why are you wandering around in the middle of the night?"

Then she walked into the bathroom.

Memorial white lips pursed into a straight line, this woman even blamed him.

Damn, shared renting is really troublesome!

He walked back to his room.


Early in the morning, when Shijiu woke up, he found that Memorial Bai had already left.

On the way to school, she ran into Lin Kexin who was talking with someone.

But she didn't mean to say hello to her, and her pace slowly picked up.

The other party seemed to have spotted her, so he left the others behind and chased after her, blocking Shi Jiu's way.

Lin Kexin looked at her, "Jiang Ran, what a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet you at this moment."

I heard that she turned down Sister Ling's "invitation".

I didn't expect her to be so courageous.

She really wanted to see how Wang Ling dealt with him, she was really looking forward to it!

Shi Jiu raised her eyes and glanced at her without speaking, and frowned when she saw that the road was all taken up by her alone, "Excuse me, you are blocking my way."

Lin Kexin's originally smiling face dropped instantly.

"Jiang Ran, you..."

Could it be that he was stimulated yesterday and hasn't recovered yet?
Shi Jiu didn't bother to pay attention to her expression, and said lazily again: "Lin Kexin, say it again, get out of the way, it's in the way."

Lin Kexin was a little uncomfortable by her appearance, so she moved away.

After clearing the way, Shi Jiu walked towards the school gate.

Li Yun, who followed behind, looked at the figure in front of him, "Sister Kexin, did this Jiang Ran take the wrong medicine?"

When Lin Kexin thought about what was waiting for her at school, she clenched her fists and snorted coldly, "It doesn't matter if she took the wrong medicine, anyway, she just had a bad day."

Hearing what he said, Li Yun on the side said with interest: "Sister Kexin, you mean..."

She smiled proudly, "I heard that woman Wang Ling is blocking her at the school gate!"

"Is it really like this? Sister Kexin, let's go and have a look! I really look forward to seeing her being bullied."

The two gloated and walked over together.

Several girls stood at the gate of the school.

The aura of the bum on his body frightened the passing students around him.

"Oh my god! What are they trying to do? Why are they all stuck here?"

(End of this chapter)

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