The villain boss is my family

Chapter 551 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 551 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (36)

I have already hated the time to death in my heart.

Shi Jiu didn't care what she said, went up and hugged Memorial Bai's arm, "How about we send you back?"

Gu Yun pursed her lips and shook her head, "No need, I'm fine, I can walk back by myself."

"That's it! Well then! Be careful on your own way, don't meet any bad guys!"

Afterwards, Shi Jiu took Souvenir Bai who didn't really want to leave and left.

Gu Yun stomped his feet angrily.

She worked so hard to find someone to act in such a play, and it was all ruined by that woman.

Damn Jiang Ran!
It wasn't long before the two walked out of the alley.

The mobile phone on Memorial Bai's body rang, and he stopped and connected it.

On the other side, he didn't know what he said, and his expression cooled down more and more.

He left without saying a word to Shi Jiu.

Looking at the people walking away, Shi Jiu was puzzled, what happened?
The expression looked so scary.


At night.

Shijiu lay on the bed after taking a shower.

Seeing that it was almost 12 o'clock, the man didn't come back even after this time.

She got out of bed and went to the window to watch.

The night outside was pitch black, and suddenly there was a light, which was the light from the car.

She saw Memorial Bai get out of the car through the window, and the other party's attitude seemed very respectful.

She raised her eyebrows to hide the rich second generation, brother of a wealthy family?
Memorial Bai walked into the house, and then walked back to his room.


This weekend.

At nine o'clock in the morning, I received a call from Jiang's mother, saying that they missed her and asked her to go home and get together.

She agreed.

Then, after sorting out her clothes and appearance, she went out.

Back to Jiang's house.

Jiang's mother looked at her left and right, "Ran Ran, I haven't seen you for a while, and found that you have lost weight."

Shijiu: "..."

Could it be the reason why your mother thinks you have lost weight?
"Mom, where did I lose weight? I'm obviously fat, okay?"

Jiang's mother smiled gently, "Ran Ran, come inside quickly, Mom has cooked your favorite dish."

She nodded, and then, the two walked inside together.

I went in and didn't see it

At the dining table, Shi Jiu picked up the rice in the bowl, looked at Jiang Mu who was hesitant to speak, "Mom, do you have something to say?"

"Ran Ran, Mom really has something to tell you."

"Mom, tell me! What's the matter?"

Mother Jiang said hesitantly, "It' was when your father drove a taxi a long time ago, he saved a person's life."

Shi Jiu nodded, "Isn't this a good thing? It deserves praise."

"That's not what Mom said."

She wondered, "What does that mean?"

"It's the man your father saved. Now he came to the door and said...that he wanted his grandson to marry express his gratitude..."

The food in Shi Jiu's mouth almost spewed out, is this pulling his grandson out to sell?
And marry her as his wife!
Did you agree?

She was a little surprised after swallowing the food in her mouth, and saw that Mother Jiang didn't look like she was joking, "Mom, are you telling the truth?"

Mother Jiang nodded, "Ran Ran, this is true."

Shi Jiu hurriedly said, "Then did you agree?"

"No, your lifelong event, how dare we make a decision at will."

Hearing what she said, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I did not agree.

"Mom, why don't we just reject him?"

Jiang's mother said slowly: "Your father refused, but the other party insists on letting you meet once. If you don't hit it off, don't force it, just want you to meet and get to know each other."

Shijiu: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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