The villain boss is my family

Chapter 552 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 552 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (37)

She pulled out a smile, "Do you really want to meet?"

Jiang's mother nodded, "Ran Ran, your father has already agreed to this matter, you decide who you like, we as parents don't force you."

Seeing Shijiu's expression was indifferent, she hurriedly added, "It's just a one-time meeting, when you meet someone, you can just reject him."

Shijiu: "..."

Looking at Mother Jiang, she nodded helplessly, "I see."



Ji Sichen was sweating profusely, and at the moment he was standing outside the door of the apartment shared by Jian Bai and Shi Jiu, knocking on the door.

Memorial Bai with messy hair, opened the door with a stinky face, "What are you doing?"

Ji Sichen glanced into the house a few times, "Little Baibai, won't you let me go in and have a sit?"

He ran all the way under the sun, at least give him a glass of water before leaving, right?
Memorial Bai glanced at him, and then let him in.

The temperature in the room made Ji Sichen heave a sigh of relief.

He sat on the sofa and glanced around, "Xiao Baibai, where is sister Jiang Ran?"

He joked, "It's said that you live under the same roof every day, doesn't something happen?"

Memorial Bai kindly went to the kitchen and poured him a glass of water, walked over and handed it to him. After hearing this, he withdrew his hand and took a sip of water by himself.

"Can you take care of me less!"

Ji Sichen, who was about to receive water: "..."

"I don't want you to find true love!"


Ji Sichen smirked, "The last time you were drunk, they took care of you!"

To commemorate Bai's body, Xian obviously didn't know about it.

"You also know that your wine taste is not very good. You were drunk that day. You said that this lonely man and widow, what will happen?"

Memorial gave him a blank look, "Do I look at someone like that?"

Ji Sichen gasped with a smile, "Don't mention it, you look a lot like you when you're drunk."


"Xiao Baibai, I heard that your grandfather found a woman for you and asked you to marry her. Is this true?"

He knew about Xiao Baibai's family background. The old man suddenly asked him to marry a woman. With his fiery character, how could he agree.

Memorial White nodded, hummed.

Afterwards, he sat on the sofa, folded his legs and chuckled, and said casually: "Do you think I might marry her?"

Just kidding, is it possible for him to marry a woman he has never met?
Ji Sichen raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you afraid that your grandpa will kill you?"

That person's temper doesn't last for a while, and it may even hurt innocent people.

Memorial Bai said lightly: "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up."

There are many ways to deal with his grandfather.

Ji Sichen laughed softly.

Said that Cao Cao had arrived, and Memorial Bai's cell phone rang, and it was his grandfather who called.

He raised his eyelids, "Dear grandpa, what's your business?"

"Brat, tomorrow, just tomorrow, I have to go home, if you don't dare, I will have you tied up!"

"Don't go."

"I will do what I say!"

"You are always welcome."

He hung up the phone blankly.

Ji Sichen was already lying on the sofa with a smile on his face, "Xiao Baibai, I never thought you would have this day."

Memorial Bai threw the phone at him, "If I hear your laughter again, I'll get out of here."

Ji Sichen couldn't stop laughing, and was finally kicked out.


The door is closed.

Ji Sichen who was dragged out: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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