The villain boss is my family

Chapter 553 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 553 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (38)

Shijiu didn't come back that night.

Memorial Bai was sitting on the sofa watching the game by himself, eating instant noodles with his hand.

The phone on the table rang.

He picked up his phone and saw that it was a request from a WeChat friend.

Looking at the other party's ghostly nickname, I can't stop making love.

He shivered and refused decisively.

Then, a few seconds after eating the instant noodles and lying on the sofa, the phone rang again.

When I looked again, it was still the same friend request.

He refused again.

When he was about to black out for the third time, his grandfather called.

He pressed speakerphone.

"Brat, quickly agree to the little girl's WeChat friend request! I asked her to add you on WeChat! Don't break your legs!"

Memorial White: "..."

He had a helpless face and a headache, "Grandpa, can you stop worrying about my affairs like this?"

"But they saved Grandpa's life!"

He rubbed the space between his brows, "He saved your life, but don't take your grandson's happiness into account, it's two different things!"

"But grandpa has already agreed with others to let you two young people meet. This is grandpa's repeated request."

"So, you have to be there tomorrow no matter what! Otherwise, Grandpa will die for you!"


Commemorating Bai Wuyu, he finally sighed, "Grandpa, I promised to meet him, but whether I like it or not is my business, you can no longer meddle in this matter."

Hearing that he agreed to come down, the other end smiled from ear to ear, "Okay, okay, I chatted slowly with the little girl on WeChat, and grandpa hung up."

Hanging up the phone, remembering Bai clicked back to the WeChat page, hesitated for a moment, and clicked to accept that option.


On this end, when Jiang's family was about to fall asleep, Shi Jiu suddenly heard her cell phone ring.

She walked to the bed and picked up her phone to check, only to find that her friend request had been approved.

After rejecting her twice in a row, she was accepted the third time.

She clicked on the other party's circle of friends and found that there was nothing, it was empty.

She thought for a while, edited the text in the input field and sent it over.

[Little brother, are you interested in knowing more?Love eye]

Memorial Bai looked at the information above with a frown and clicked quickly with his fingertips.

[I'm not interested in you, and it's even more impossible to marry you. 】

Shi Jiu stared blankly at the rude and clear words above, she immediately thought of Memorial Bai, even the tone of speech was exactly the same.

She laughed, but that shouldn't be possible.

Well, she didn't mean that either.

[Thank you for your grace of not marrying. 】

After sending this sentence, I sent another emoji package with a ninety-degree bow.

Then, she lay down in bed.


The commemorative white on the other end gave a slight snort as he looked at the sent text and emoji, then set his eyes on the TV and continued to watch the game.


the next day.

Jiang family.

Jiang's mother told Shi Jiu when she went out, "Ran Ran, you must be polite when you see the other party, and don't leave a bad impression, otherwise..."

"Understood, Mom, I will do these things well."

Shi Jiu waved his hand, "You're going back soon, I'm leaving."


Meanwhile, a luxurious villa.

In the spacious living room sat an old man with a ruddy complexion, who was seriously waiting for Memorial Bai to come back.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

Hearing the voice from outside the door, the old man's face softened
Memorial Bai's figure appeared at the door, and he walked in and looked at the person in front of him.


"Brat, you still know how to come back!"

He sat on the sofa beside him, "Grandpa, haven't I come back?"

The old man looked at the crumpled clothes on his body and his face darkened, "Clean up quickly, get out quickly, the little girl is already waiting!"


Memorial Bai reluctantly stood up, and finally went up the stairs and disappeared around the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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