The villain boss is my family

Chapter 564 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 564 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (49)


Shi Jiu looked up at him, and began to apply medicine to his wound.

Time passed quietly.

The two could only hear each other's breathing.

Shi Jiu bent down slightly to apply medicine to the wound on Memorial Bai's face.

She looked at the face at close range, raised her eyes and bumped into the black pupils of Memorial White.

The two looked startled and turned their eyes away.

Shijiu took a cotton swab and applied it.

Memorial Bai smelled the freshly bathed smell on her body, and his breathing became heavy.

The scorching breath sprayed on Shi Jiu's face.

Slowly he lost his mind.

After Shijiu finished taking the medicine, he stood up and said, "It's ready."

Memorial Bai came back to his senses, nodded, "Thank you."

He stood up, picked up the clothes on the sofa and left.

Shi Jiu looked at his figure quietly.

The innocent voice suddenly came, "Beauty, your mission is here!"

"Bullshit mission, don't accept it."

"..." There is no way to pass the day!

the next day.

Shi Jiu was the last one to arrive in the classroom, but he also came in ahead of the teacher.

When my aunt came, she looked listless.

She stared out of the window, silent.

After one class, she lay down on the table in discomfort.

The next class is physical education.

Everyone had almost left, except Shijiu who was still lying on her stomach, and none of the classmates meant to call her.

Looking at her figure, Lin Kexin curled her lips and smiled sinisterly, with a vicious look on her face.

Jiang Ran, let me see how you defend this time.

Not long after, Shijiu stood up and went to the bathroom.

Lin Kexin saw that she had put a pair of earrings into her schoolbag after she left, and left with satisfaction.


After the physical education class, all the classmates returned to the classroom one after another, and everyone was full of enthusiasm.

Gu Yun glanced at Shi Jiu's position over there, and smiled slightly.

She sat back in her seat and frowned, with a puzzled look on her face, she suddenly said, "Huh? Where are the earrings I put here? Why are they missing? I put them here!"

Everyone knows that Gu Yun's family background is extraordinary, and the things on his body are very expensive. Now that things are missing, it must make people anxious.

Her tablemate said, "Gu Yun, did you remember it wrong? Look around again, maybe it fell somewhere."

Gu Yun shook his head and sighed, "I've searched for it, and it's not found on the ground."

Someone covered his mouth and said secretly: "Do you think someone stole your things!"

Gu Yun was surprised, "No way! Who in the class would do such a thing."

Everyone's gazes looked in Shi Jiu's direction at the same time.

Lin Kexin saw the opportunity and said, "Jiang Ran, she stole something before, she has a criminal record, she must have stolen it!"

"It's Jiang Ran again! How dare she do such a thing!"

Gu Yun pursed her lips, obviously not believing what they said, she said slowly: "These words can't be said casually, we can't wrong people casually, if it's a misunderstanding..."

Someone said, "Jiang Ran didn't go to the physical education class just now, and she was the only one in the classroom, so she is the biggest suspect!"

"That's right, don't we find out if we search her schoolbag?"

Someone boldly opened Shijiu's schoolbag, and after shaking out all the contents, a dropped box caught everyone's attention.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yun exclaimed: "Isn't that the box where I put the earrings? Why are they here!"

At this time, when Shijiu came back, she looked at the group of people, and the things scattered on the ground belonged to her, she said coldly, "What are you doing there!"

What did they do to her schoolbag while she was away!
Everyone looked over.

Gu Yun pursed his lips and walked over, "Jiang Ran, if you like that pair of earrings, you can tell me, I can really give them to you..."

(End of this chapter)

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