The villain boss is my family

Chapter 565 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 565 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (50)

She glanced at the box on the ground, showing disappointment, "Jiang Ran, what you did is really disappointing."

Shi Jiu's eyes were deep, looking at everyone's contempt and mocking expressions, as well as the things scattered on the ground, and then at Gu Yun's artificial appearance.

Immediately understood what was going on.

She looked at them with a chuckle, her eyes were cold, "What do you mean?"

Lin Kexin, who was in the crowd, said arrogantly: "What else can you mean! Is this unclear? You, Jiang Ran, stole Gu Yun's earrings! You are a thief!"

Shi Jiu looked at her indifferently, "Shut up! It's not your turn to speak here!"


Lin Kexin snorted coldly, and laughed out loud in her heart.

The squad leader couldn't stand it anymore, she stood up and scolded Shi Jiu: "Jiang Ran, what's your attitude! The things were found from your bag, the evidence is solid, do you still want to deny it?"

Shi Jiu sullenly said, "I didn't take the things, don't wrong me!"

It's okay for so many people to deal with her alone!

The class monitor asked her, "Then tell me, why did the stuff appear in your bag? You can't say that the stuff ran into your schoolbag by itself, right?"

"I won't admit to things I haven't done. As for why this earring is here with me, how do I know! Unless someone framed me!"

There seemed to be another person in the classroom when she left!

Immediately, her eyes turned to Lin Kexin.

Unexpectedly, the other party bowed his head guilty, not daring to look at her.

She squinted.

Very good, it's Lin Kexin again!
At this time, Gu Yun had a clear look on his face, "Okay, don't talk about it! I won't blame Jiang Ran for this matter! Maybe she was just fascinated by ghosts for a while, after all, this is not a valuable thing. "

Standing aside, Shi Jiu heard that she had put the crime on her head with a dark face, and resisted the urge to go up and give her a few big ears.

She finally understood that these two women joined forces to frame her!
They want to keep her out of school!
Seeing Gu Yun's hypocritical appearance really made her sick!

Gu Yun looked at her and sighed slightly: "Jiang Ran, if you like this pair of earrings, I will give them to you. You really don't have to do this. I will treat this as if nothing happened. I forgive you Now, we will still be friends from now on.”

Shi Jiu was expressionless.

fuck your friends!

Who is your friend!

"I didn't take the things. When I left the classroom, there was another person inside!"

She pointed at Lin Kexin, "It's her!"

Lin Kexin looked slightly flustered, but she quickly calmed down.

She was angry, "Jiang Ran, don't slander me! You steal things by yourself and rely on others! Who doesn't know that you have stolen things from classmates before, and everyone knows it. Unexpectedly, you still don't change your evil intentions this time."

Her voice became louder, "You stole the things! Don't slander others!"

Everyone also helped her, you and I said Shijiu.

When the head teacher came, he saw that the students who were supposed to be sitting were all gathered together.

He stroked his mustache, frowned, and looked puzzled, "You guys are not in class, what are you doing standing there! Go back to your position!"

A student reported, "Teacher, Jiang Ran is stealing again!"

The homeroom teacher's face became serious when he heard that, and his eyes locked on Shijiu, "Jiang Ran, you really don't change your mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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