The villain boss is my family

Chapter 586 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 586 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (71)

After graduation.

Shijiu works in a company as an assistant to the president.

Today, the company is very lively.

Everyone likes to carry a bag of wedding candies in their hands.


"Congratulations, congratulations, you are getting married soon."

Chen Ya, a company employee, smiled with a happy smile on her face.

She took the wedding candy and walked to Shi Jiu's side, "Jiang Ran, this is for you! I'm getting married the day after tomorrow!"

Shi Jiu took the candy from her hand and smiled slightly, "Thank you, congratulations."

Chen Ya smiled, "Jiang Ran, you are so beautiful, you should have that boyfriend, right? By the way, when will you get married?"

She was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered the face of Memorial Bai.

She smiled, "I'm waiting for him to come back."

Chen Ya was taken aback, and didn't say anything more, she told: "Remember to come to my wedding ceremony the day after tomorrow, you must come."

"Okay, I'll go."


At the wedding ceremony.

Shi Jiu looked at the couple on stage and smiled enviously.

She looked at the wine in the glass and felt even more depressed.

I don't know when that smelly man will come back!
She sent messages and asked so many times, but she didn't even give her a letter!
It's been so long, could it be to play with her!

Then, she drank the wine in the glass with an angry face.

After drinking several glasses in succession, she finally drank a little too much.

Feeling a little dizzy, she left here first.


In the morning, the Jiang family.

Shi Jiu is dragged up by Jiang Mu.

Xu Shi drank a little too much yesterday, and her head hurt slightly.

At the dining table, Shi Jiu was eating breakfast slowly.

Jiang's mother frowned and looked at her increasingly beautiful daughter, "Look at how old you are, you have graduated from college for several years, and you don't want to find a boyfriend to come back to show mom!"

"The old Wang next door has a second child, you want to piss me off, don't you! I'm so anxious to hug my grandson!"

I don't know when she became more and more concerned about her daughter's life-long events.

Seeing that people in the same grade as her have become grandmothers, she feels itchy to be a grandmother, and she also wants a chubby grandson.

No matter what she said, it was perfunctory.

What fate didn't come, I didn't have the eye to look down on her, and I used these words to prevaricate her every day.

However, she really couldn't do anything about it.

No, she secretly reported Ran Ran to a blind date agency.

No, just yesterday, the agency called her and said that there was a man who was very, very suitable for Ran Ran, and it was a match made in heaven. The other party said that they made an appointment to meet today.

After hearing this, of course she had to seize this opportunity.

So, there is the present scene.

Shi Jiu was absent-minded about what Jiang's mother said, she was only 25, and she was so old when she said it.

Jiang's mother looked at her, and her voice became louder, "Ran Ran, are you listening to me?"

After Shi Jiu finished her breakfast, she nodded perfunctorily, "I heard it, I heard it!"

"No matter what, you must go to today's blind date!"

Mother Jiang took the clothes and pushed her out the door.

Shi Jiu was helpless, "I got it, I got it, Mom!"

So, she was kicked out of the house.

She sighed, forget it, let's make a cutscene.

It's been three years since Commemorative Bai left.

She also waited for three years.

Sure enough, waiting is the most exhausting.

"Beautiful sister, don't you feel wronged by waiting so long?"

"Why do you say that?"

"In case the other party likes someone else, aren't you waiting for nothing?"

"..." It seems to be such a reason.

However, she believed him.

(End of this chapter)

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