The villain boss is my family

Chapter 587 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother [End]

Chapter 587 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (72) [End]


a restaurant.

When Shi Jiu saw the man in front of her, she froze.

commemorative white...

In my impression, he was arrogant and had a bad temper in school.

Now it has become so... so manly.

Cough, more mature and more courageous.

Memorial Bai looked up at the woman in front of her and slightly curled her lips.

Her eyes are full of shadows.

Mother Jiang pulled Shi Jiu to sit down.

Mother Jiang looked more and more satisfied with the handsome Souvenir Bai in front of her.

"Excuse me, what is your name?"

"Memorial White."

"How old are you, who else is in your family, what job do you do now, what is your annual salary..."

"26, I'm the only one left at home, and I'm currently working in Ji's Group..."

His eyes fell on Shi Jiu, "As for the annual salary, it's enough for my future wife to spend her whole life..."

Mother Jiang nodded in satisfaction.

After more than ten minutes, she realized that she was asking people, so she reached out and pushed Shijiu.

She looked at Memorial White.

When Memorial Bai glanced at it, there was no smile in his eyes, "Do you want to get married?"

It's nine o'clock, "OK."


"The sooner the better!"

Mother Jiang was stunned.

——End of text——


Shijiu returned to the space.

After this task is completed, the last piece of image stitching is completed.

A huge crystal sphere appeared in front of her.

"Beautiful sister, the memory fragments have been collected, do you want to merge them now?"

Shijiu nodded.

She desperately wants to know everything.

What is the reason, she will forget all this.

"The process may be painful, are you sure you are ready?"

She heard the innocent tone with uncontrollable excitement, and it seemed that she had been waiting for this day for a long time.

She nodded, "Ready."

As time passed little by little.

Her head hurt more and more.

she shouted.

After half an hour.

Shi Jiu was drenched with sweat, she was panting, and clenched her fists tightly.

Mu Xie...

Her Mu Xie...

She remembered it all.

She held the pair of rings in her hands, which were their tokens of love in the past.

Now he...

"Beautiful sister, you must have remembered the past, when the demon lord flowed into the Three Thousand Worlds to save your soul."

After Shi Jiu was silent, he said, "Are you Huo Qilin?"

In my impression, it is a tall, mighty and mighty existence, how did it become like this now.


"How do you..."

"I accidentally found a world parallel to the universe. In order to transfer the soul of the demon king into this great world, my body finally died. When I first looked for you, I turned the world over and over again."

It sighed, "I didn't know that you were hiding in the land of chaos, and you also lost your memory."

"Why can you perceive his existence in the plane world?"

"Because it is a soul contract with the Demon Lord, as long as he still exists between heaven and earth, I can feel the breath of the Demon Lord, even though the breath is very weak."

"Why can you still predict things in that world?"


How to explain this?

It wouldn't say that those worlds were the stories it extracted from human books, and finally evolved into the story of the demon king and her.

"Then there should be fragments of Mu Xie's soul before, right?"

This has gone through several dimensions.


Then large and small fragments appeared in front of her eyes.

Shijiu: "..."

Sure enough, this guy was here to trick her!

"Hey, what, can the next world start?"


(End of this chapter)

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