The villain boss is my family

Chapter 588 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 588 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (1)

"Stinky boy, you go to hell—"

"Scum doesn't deserve to live in this world!"

A thin figure with his head in his arms was being kicked and beaten non-stop by some rascal-looking people, and the people lying on the ground seemed to have no movement of resistance.

The leader kicked him, "Hey, brat, don't play dead—"

"Boss, I don't know how many times he has used this trick, and we didn't scare him too much." A younger brother said.

"Hmph, that's what you said..." the leader picked up a wooden stick and beat down.

When Shi Jiu opened his eyes, he saw a wooden stick coming down, grabbed the stick and snatched it away.

She supported her body with a wooden stick and stood up slowly.

The leader who was stunned looked at the empty hands, and came back to his senses with a fierce look on his face, "Hey, you boy, you are so talented! How dare you resist! Brothers, beat him up!"

"Yes, boss!"

Shi Jiu looked down at the injuries all over his body, and looked over expressionlessly, "Get lost!"

A younger brother added fuel and jealousy without thinking too much about the matter: "Boss, look at him telling us to get out, who told us to get out, this brat shouldn't be dazed!"

"Give it to me, beat me to death!"


Shi Jiu grabbed the wooden stick in his hand and threw it over.


A figure squatted down and covered his face and howled.

Seeing this, the others rushed over.

Shi Jiu raised his head and sneered, and rushed over.

Not long after, the people all over the place kept wailing.

Panting, enduring the pain in her body, she looked at the two people standing in front of her with a gloomy face.

The little brother swallowed his saliva watching the scene, "Boss...boss, this kid has suddenly become so powerful, should...he is possessed by a ghost, right?"

Hearing what he said, the leading boss was taken aback,
He patted his little brother on the head, "You're the only one who is possessed by a ghost! Can you say something good in the middle of the night!"

You must know that he was most afraid of ghosts since he was a child.

What should be said and what should not be said, doesn't he know!
The younger brother covered his head in pain, "Boss, what shall we do now?"

"This kid is a bit evil, 36 tricks is the best plan!"

"Take care of him another day!"

The two glanced at Shi Jiu and quickly slipped away.

Seeing them leave, Shi Jiu heaved a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

She was almost killed!

Fortunately, she responded in time.

Otherwise, lying in the hospital with a concussion is not far from a vegetative state.

"Beautiful sister, is the memory transmitted now?"


After half an hour, Shi Jiu who was lying on the ground slowly sat up.

This body is a girl, but she lives as a man.

Her name is Qiu Beixi, a sissy in the eyes of everyone, a sissy.

She is the youngest young master of the Qiu family, cowardice, cowardice and incompetence are her labels.

He was raised as a boy since he was born, because the Qiu family and the Qin family had a marriage contract.

Speaking of the Qin family, the eldest son of the Qin family, Qin Mo, was weak and sick since he was a child, he could breathe twice when he took a step, and it was said that he would not live to be 30 years old.

Qiu's mother didn't want her precious daughter to be a widow after marriage, so after Qiu Beixi was born, she hid it from everyone and declared to the outside world that she was a young master.

In order to be more strict, Qiu's mother didn't tell her two sons.

When the two sons heard that they were younger brothers, they hated him even more, and so did the husband. Seeing their attitudes, she felt relieved

In this way, Qiu Beixi grew up hard under the lies of her mother.

Fortunately, no one has found out so far.

(End of this chapter)

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