The villain boss is my family

Chapter 589 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 589 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (2)

Qiu Beixi has two older brothers on top of her head, except for her, they are all excellent.

The eldest brother is Qiu Yiming. He enlisted in the army a year ago and is now the leader there.

The second brother is Qiu Huanze, he chose to enter the entertainment industry, and now he is famous and known as the actor.

The Qiu family has a great cause to inherit, but the two older brothers above her have no interest in it at all.

She could only bite the bullet and go on top.

Helpless, after all, the daughter has a young girl's heart, and the things she likes are becoming more and more feminine.

Regarding this, Qiu's father hated her so much that iron could not be made into steel, as if mud could not support the wall.

Facing two such outstanding elder brothers, she looked up at them like a grain of sand in the dust.

However, the relationship between her and her two brothers is also the same kind of inseparable look.

Once upon a time, she thought about having a showdown, but under her mother's persuasion and tears, she endured once.

Everything she said was for her own good, but she felt so exhausted from living.

The lie had been going on since the moment she was born, so much so that she had to weave an even bigger lie.

Everyone in the world knew that the young master of the Qiu family was a sissy, so they often laughed at her, and this became a joke in the upper class.

In a conflict, Qiu Beixi accidentally opened the head of Chen Jinwang, the son of the Chen Group. After all, it was Chen Jinwang who provoked the conflict, and the Qiu family just lost money.

However, Chen Jinwang has always been brooding over this matter, so he found a group of people to block Qiu Beixi's way home.

But it was a coincidence that the group of people Chen Jinwang recruited also knew Qiu Beixi, and it was common for them to beat Qiu Beixi.

Every time Qiu Beixi was bullied by them, she finally left with satisfaction.

This time she could no longer bear their fists and kicks, and she died fragrantly.

Shi Jiu stretched out his hand and touched the bruise on the corner of his mouth. He grinned in pain.

Taking a closer look, her face was covered with bruises from beatings, the nosebleed that flowed from her nose had dried up, her hair was messed up like a chicken coop, and her clothes and trousers were covered with large and small footprints.

After she exhaled a foul breath, she stood up with difficulty, and she finally disappeared under the night in a mess.


After Shi Jiu returned to Qiu's house, the maid was taken aback when she saw the injuries all over her body, "Oh my God! Young Master, what's wrong with you! Why are you injured so badly!"

"Bessie, why did you become like this!"

Qiu's mother came up and tried to support her, but her hand was opened severely.


Qiu's mother froze, she stood there at a loss.

She looked at the scars on her body, and every place hurt her eyes, "Bessie, what's wrong with you...tell mom, okay..."

Shi Jiu looked at her indifferently, if it wasn't for her lies, the original owner would not have lived under the lies, let alone be bullied like this.

The original owner knew that her intention was for her own good, but she still couldn't accept her actions like this.

For her mother, she is helpless and more painful living in lies.

"Thanks to you, I became like this."

After throwing down these words, Shi Jiu limped up the stairs, and finally disappeared in the corridor.

Qiu's mother stood there quietly as if absent-minded.

She had a sad look on her face.

Gently hold your hand.

Was Bessie hating her?

Is she blaming her for changing the trajectory of her life.

But she did it for her own good...

(End of this chapter)

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