The villain boss is my family

Chapter 590 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 590 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (3)

When Shi Jiu returned to the room, she felt a little helpless looking at the nondescript scene in front of her.

There are various models on the table that boys should like, but there are also various little dolls with pink bubbles that girls like.

She went into the bathroom and took off the dirty clothes on her body, looked at the girl in the mirror with a mushroom head, and looked at herself with injuries all over her body. She felt powerless in her heart, as if brought by the original owner. her.

She reached out and brushed the thick bangs on her forehead. When she caught a glimpse of a pair of scissors, she raised the corner of her mouth and picked up the scissors.

Now that she has taken over her life, let her change it.


After half an hour.

She looked at herself with satisfaction.

Finally, she took a shower and came out wrapped in a towel.

Go get the medicine box, sit on the bed and give yourself medicine.

After you're done.

She changed her pajamas and lay on the bed and asked suddenly: "Huo Qilin, your master is Qin Mo, right?"

"it's him."


She chuckled, just right.

Thinking of Mu Xie, a trace of tenderness appeared in her eyes.

She slept soundly tonight.


three days in a row.

Shijiu was recuperating at home, eating and drinking were served by servants.

On this day, Father Qiu happened to be at home.

He frowned, "I heard that brat was beaten again? Is the injury still serious?"

If he could be like his two brothers, he wouldn't have to worry about it.

Qiu's mother nodded, "I haven't come out of the room for the past few days."

Qiu's father sighed, "I won't say anything about him if he plays back with a manly appearance, but this..."

Qiu's mother's complexion is not very good.

Now she finally understood what Bessie meant that day.

She is a girl but she does what a boy should do.

Not fighting back is cowardly and incompetent.

Things that like girls are sissy.

Doing everything about going against the grain is definitely laughing at her.

But no one knew she was a daughter.

She lowered her eyes, looking a little regretful.

It's all her fault, she's the one who told such a lie, that Bessie has such a hard time.

Her original decision undoubtedly pushed Bessie into another abyss.

She looked at her husband, wanting to tell her the truth, "I have something I want to..."

At this time, Shi Jiu walked downstairs in simple clothes.

Father Qiu looked over.

I found that he changed his ugly mushroom head, his temperament improved a lot, and his whole person seemed to have changed a lot.

Is he stimulated?
He looked at Shi Jiu, "How is the injury?"

She looked at the other party and nodded, "It's much better."

She knew that the person in front of her was actually a knife-mouthed bean curd heart, and she just wanted to make her famous.

"Do it yourself!"

Father Qiu shook his head helplessly, feeling tired and finally went upstairs.

Qiu's mother at the side watched her change, "Bessie, this is..."

Such a daughter seemed different.

Shijiu looked over.

Qiu's mother pursed her lips, "Bessie, mom just..."

She wanted to explain something but found she didn't know where to start.

She paused, "It happens that your father is here, why don't we make it clear! So..."

Shijiu stopped her.

"Mom, don't say anything, this matter has exceeded expectations."

"Even if Dad and the others accept it, you forget that there is also the Qin family. We have lied to the Qin family. You must be clear about this."

Qiu Mu's face turned pale.


She lied to everyone!

"Bessie, are you blaming your mother?"

(End of this chapter)

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